The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1533: People Who Chase the Sun (1)

Although it was late autumn, the sun on the west coast was still fierce. Stark lay on the bench on the beach and took a sip of the juice in his hand.

Pepper sat on the recliner next to him and applied sunscreen, looking at the laid-back Stark and asked: You just throw your laboratory to yourself in another universe? Are you sure he can handle it? The work of the universe?

I didn't want him to handle the work for me. Stark spread his hands and said, I asked his Peter from the universe to bring him here simply because there was a big trouble coming to me, and it wasn't a , If I don’t run away sooner, I will definitely be in bad luck.”

Pepper poked his head forward, and asked curiously: What kind of trouble can make the dignified Stark not even want his own experimental project, and come to the West Coast overnight to accompany me?

Stark took another sip of the juice, sighed deeply, and thought for a long time before uttering a sentence: It's too complicated to explain.

And in the Stark Tower laboratory in New York, Stark, the unlucky guy who was tricked into taking the blame, is now thinking about a philosophical question - do the parents of parallel universes count as their own parents?

Theoretically speaking, it should not be counted. If every Stark in the parallel universe has a pair of parents, then everyone must be their own parents, and they cannot be mixed.

But the problem is that most Starks in the universe have no parents, and I don’t know why the Stark in this central universe has both parents, so from an emotional point of view, it is really difficult for Stark to say You have no parents? Not my mother in response to Maria's persecution.

Moreover, Stark knew that even if he said he came from a parallel universe, Maria would definitely ask him who he married in the end, whether he had children, etc., but Stark couldn't answer these questions either, because they The earth in that universe is now waiting to be rebuilt, and things like the love of children can only be discussed later.

So, he could only shrug his shoulders pretending to be indifferent, turned his head and said, This question is very complicated, you have to give me some time, I have to think it through before I can explain it to you.

Stark intends to confuse this matter. Anyway, he will leave here in a few days. At that time, Stark in this universe will not have a headache?

Thinking of this, he took a few steps back, winked at Peter and said, I left something at home, I'll go back and get it first, and we'll talk later.

After he finished speaking, he showed a smirk that wasn't even a smile, and slipped away quickly with oil on his feet, and rushed all the way to the elevator door, only then did he hear Maria's roar coming from the room.

Howard! It's all the bad things you did when you were young, so you didn't set a good example for our son!

Stark, who was standing at the door of the elevator, showed a gloating smile, and Peter, who had just caught up with him, asked, Mr. Stark, where are we going now?

Of course it is to find Stark of this universe. He is not in the laboratory, so he must be at home. Let's go, let's find him, and then ask him where he hid Schiller.

In most cases, Stark lives in the Stark Group's building, often working in the laboratory all night, returning to the lounge to sleep for a while in the morning, and then going on to deal with chores.

Occasionally, I go to the Avengers base, where I also spend the night adjusting the equipment, handling various logistics, and then taking a nap in the mech.

But in addition to the old house of the Stark family, Stark also has his own penthouse in Manhattan, where he occasionally returns to live for a few nights, usually to hold parties or date his girlfriend.

Stark knew himself well enough that if he wasn't in the lab in the evening, he'd be in the bed of some cover model, so go find another version of himself in the apartment now, and maybe enjoy his embarrassed expression.

Thinking of this, Stark quickly rushed to the door of his apartment in Manhattan. In order to prevent Peter from seeing some unsuitable scenes for children, Stark let him stay in the restaurant downstairs and went to the elevator alone.

The elevator of the mansion on the top floor is independent entry, so when the elevator door opened, Stark directly entered the familiar porch and entered the wide hall. Before Stark could turn around and walk to the bedroom, he heard a crisp female voice Coming from the direction of the bathroom.

Stark raised his eyebrows, but before he could feel proud of his accurate prediction, he saw a slim figure with black hair coming out of the bathroom—it was Luo Ji.

Stark was stunned for a moment. Luo Ji in front of him was wearing a white silk nightgown, her long black hair was blown to half dry, and some hair with moisture was sticking to her cheeks. Stained with drops of water, it looks like it should have just taken a shower.

Seeing Stark appearing in front of the door, Luo Ji raised her eyes and looked him up and down. While wiping her hair with a towel, she said, Why are you coming back now? I've been waiting for you for a long time.

While Stark was in a daze, the elevator door suddenly opened again, Peter and Howard walked out from the door, Howard said while walking: Tony, we really need to talk, you have to find a way to get rid of this lie , otherwise your mother will talk about the two of us every day...

Howard, who had just walked out, saw Luo Ji, who was wearing a nightgown and had wet hair, and Stark who was standing beside him.

He stared at Stark with wide eyes and said, Tony, didn't you say that you and Rocky have nothing to do? So you two are really... Helen is really... humans and Asgardians can... ah? ??

Howard pressed his hands to his forehead, puzzled, but when he saw Luo Ji put down the bath towel and put his hands in the pockets of his nightgown, he immediately covered his eyes with his hands in embarrassment, and pulled Peter out quickly. As he walked, he said, Today is up to you, but tomorrow you must give me an explanation!

After speaking, he left in a hurry with Peter who unlocked the elevator authority for him, Stark stared at Rocky and said: So Tony Stark of this universe is really with are you two... ...won't Thor...

After Stark lowered his head and thought calmly, he raised his head again and looked at Luo Ji from head to toe, Luo Ji blinked.

I mean... Stark crossed his arms, stomped one foot lightly and said, every universe's Loki is... eh?

The moment Stark glanced over Luo Ji's face, his eyes stayed fixed on those green eyes, ignoring the awkward feeling brought by the slightly familiar face and temperament, Stark had to admit Rocky was really beautiful, and full of a strange charm.

He involuntarily took two steps forward, slightly lowered his head to look at Luo Ji in front of him and said: If Luo Ji in every universe is as beautiful as you, the Avengers will definitely welcome Thor more.

Luo Ji pursed her lips and smiled. When she raised her eyes, the water droplets on her eyelashes slid from the end to the root and flowed into her eyes, making the emerald eyes even more sparkling.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light above the pupils, Luo Ji frowned, stared at Stark's face and said, You are really not the Tony Stark of this universe, where did he go?

I'm here to look for him too. Stark spread his hands and said, I thought I'd see a certain cover model here, but I didn't expect it to be you.

Luo Ji put away her slightly pitiful expression, and the coldness that belonged to the god of deceit climbed up her face again. She snorted coldly and said, Of course it's me. I know his parents can't find it in the laboratory. He'll be here looking for him, and if you don't come, they'll probably see me in Tony's bed.

Annoyed, Luo Ji grabbed the bath towel from her hair and threw it on the sofa next to her. After sitting down, she raised her legs, folded her arms and gritted her teeth, saying, Damn it! He actually ran away early?! Which link came out? Is there a problem? Could it be that someone leaked the news in advance?

No way, Luo Ji. Stark walked across from Luo Ji, looked at her and said, The way you deal with Stark in this universe is to run to his bed and slander his reputation, you are too Is it despicable?

Rocky rolled her eyes and said, Do you want to hear what you're talking about? Tony Stark still has a reputation to slander me in this regard? Or did he bring those cover models here to spend the night with them? Discuss the issue of reputation?

Stark was choked, he smacked his lips, and muttered weakly: That's my personal problem, even so you can't...

Who told him to hit me with his stupid mecha several times and call me 'a weak god'? Luo Ji said angrily, crossing her arms.


Stark couldn't help laughing, and immediately caught Luo Ji's eye knife. He quickly tightened his expression, made a serious and deep look, and said: Then he is really shameless. How could you do such a disrespectful thing to a beautiful young lady?

Stark leaned forward, with his forearms on his knees, and Luo Ji leaned against the back of the sofa chair in a relaxed posture, with his arms on the armrests, and leaned to one side, seeing Stark's interested expression, She raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: I guess, after we met last time, you must have glanced at Luo Ji of your universe several times after you returned to your universe, right?

Seriously, you are much more likable than her. Stark made a funny expression and said, She has caused a lot of trouble in our universe, even if she is as beautiful as you, she cannot be forgiven kind of.

Luo Ji snorted softly, raised the other leg that was on one leg, stroked the long hair next to her ear with her hand, and said: For the sake of your knowledge, the question about you , my answer is, yes, Luo Ji has no gender, whether it is male or female depends on my mood.

Could it be that you are for the Stark of this world...

Don't use this to flatter yourself. Luo Ji pinched a strand of hair with her hands, turned her head and said, You should know that Natasha doesn't think well of you.

That's because she is a black widow, and no one should blame a man for not being able to deal with a black widow. Stark said sullenly.

Then, he raised his eyelids again, and skillfully took out two wine glasses from under the coffee table, but he didn't put them in front of Luo Ji immediately, but used the tip of his index finger to gently grope for the mouth of one of the wine glasses, and Say, I guess you don't have anyone else waiting tonight?

Do you want to say you do the same?

Yes, we are equally unlucky, but equally lucky.

Luo Ji laughed brightly, and Stark seemed to have received tacit approval. When he lowered his eyes, the smile in his brown eyes rolled out through his thick eyelashes, and he put the wine glass in front of Luo Ji.

But at this moment, Luo Ji let out another low laugh. She looked up at the watch next to her and said, Look at the time, Thor should be off work soon.

Are you telling me to hurry up? Stark looked up at her.

Rocky took hold of the stem of the wine glass that Stark handed her, but neither the hand nor the glass left the table, and Stark stretched out his hand, just as his fingertips were about to touch Rocky's white With the back of his hand, a deep laugh came from above.

I'm really lucky, because if Stark from my universe came today, he wouldn't be so easily fooled.

The moment Stark's fingertips touched the back of Luo Ji's hand, a strong wind blew up on the ground, there was loud thunder outside the window, and a roar sounded from high above the sky.

Tony Stark!!! I knew you had no good intentions!!!!

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