The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1523 Gotham Academy of Magic (Part 2)

Alfred was standing by the wall wiping the phone. When he saw Bruce coming back, he came over to greet him with a smile. Bruce asked, Where are they?

Alfred froze for a moment, and then said: Professor Schiller brought Mr. Barry here just now. Professor Schiller said that the children have stayed in this universe for too long, and their parents in another universe should miss them, so Let Mr. Barry take them back to their hometown.

What about Dick and them?

Alfred sighed softly and said: Master, you also know that children of this age are unwilling to part with their friends who are playing just right, they said they want to go and play for a few days, and Mr. Barry said that they will keep them safe , and they left together.”

Bruce strode over to the phone, picked up the receiver, and dialed Schiller and asked him what was going on, and Schiller's answer was very curt—

Arrogance wants more universes to know how useful the paper shredder you sent him is. He thinks the Robins are good sounding boards, so he asks Barry to send them back.

Bruce slapped his forehead.

Schiller put down the phone, turned to Constantine and Night Master Jim behind him and said, It's nothing, Bruce called me to ask me about his family affairs, then let's get started.

Constantine pulled Jim who was still in a trance with his hand, and Jim responded quickly, but he covered his throat with his hand in the next second, trying to retch.

Just a few minutes ago, he ate a whole builder goblin's arm while Schiller watched.

The body of this kind of energy creature has abundant energy, and eating them can well repair the injuries suffered by Night Master Jim in the previous battle. The only problem is that the goblins in Maya look exactly like humans.

Of course, after that, the negotiations with the builder goblins, a group of weird and stubborn creatures, went much smoother, and they got what they wanted, and the banquet was a joy for both guests and hosts.

Afterwards, the process of opening space cracks and creating a mirror world went smoothly. These cunning goblins who always like to be lazy, always looking for opportunities to blackmail the archmage, turned into hardworking models overnight.

The construction process is also a visual feast, with all kinds of magical brilliance flying together with sufficient energy. It would be even better if there is no pot next to Schiller.

The matter of creating a mirror city is not a big deal. After all, the actual area of ​​the magical world of Maya is much larger than that of the earth. The territories of various magical creatures are larger than human cities. Opening up a city that can accommodate a city Space is a bit difficult for a single builder goblin, but it is relatively easy for an entire race of magical creatures.

After that, things were perfectly resolved, because after Bruce took out the magic circle that copied the real world buildings, the builder goblins were very coveted about it. They really wanted to get the blueprints of real world buildings for their own underground world construction, so the two Fang made a deal, Bruce provided the mirror image blueprint, and the builder goblin provided the follow-up maintenance services of the space.

Afterwards, the process of rubbing buildings was relatively long, but relatively important buildings were moved in first. In addition to Gotham University, which will be used as a school of magic in the other world, there are Gotham Police Department, Wayne Hospital, and Wayne Corporation. Mansion, Wayne Manor, Rodriguez Manor, and Villain's Island where the new Arkham Asylum is located.

Using them as anchors, Gotham in the other world is constantly enriched, and one building after another rises from the ground in the foggy space, and Bruce can modify their appearance and structure by modifying the magic circle to achieve the experiment. The purpose of the transformation project effect.

Bruce and Zatana began to experiment with the method of entering the inner world. According to the previous idea, Zatanna enchanted the water of the Gotham River, and then added different raw materials to make it a more convenient key.

After the school's hardware facilities are basically in place, the problem to be solved is the teacher and the students. The students are easy to handle. There are many children who are talented in magic and interested in it. For the children in Gotham, it is a deal with the devil. It's not an unacceptable thing, anyway, there is not much room for decline in their lives.

But the teacher has become a big problem. Jim, Constantine, and Zatana can't find a brave person who dares to come to Gotham to die, especially when the Grand Master League is wiped out here. Afterwards, Gotham's reputation can stop children from crying at night. After all, there are only a few people in this world who can't think about it.

This forced Schiller to change his thinking, and he suddenly thought that there was a magician by his side, that is Brand, another attending doctor of Arkham Psychiatric Hospital, his old friend and classmate.

Brand felt a little surprised when he heard Schiller's intention, but what he was surprised was not Schiller's purpose.

I thought you really had a gender transition. In the office of Arkham Mental Hospital, Brand said while writing the information: When I heard that you were in Gotham, I thought you were trying to borrow the special status here. The environment is doing magic research, but I didn’t expect that there has been no movement for several years.”

After he finished speaking, he put down his pen, looked up at Schiller and said, Ever since I was expelled and hunted down here by the Grand Master League, I have been worried every day, lest you make something big and blow up Gotham, I didn't expect you It has been prepared for so long to revolutionize the magic world.

Brand sighed lightly, stood up and said: I'm sorry about Xiao Zha's father, but after all, I can't protect myself, but since the Archmage League has completely disappeared, there may be many people in the same trouble as me. Everyone can return to normal life.”

Schiller frowned slightly, and Brand suddenly realized when he saw his expression: Oh, I forgot, you don't have much dealings with the traditional magic world, so you don't know Gotham's status in the magic world.

Let's put it this way, when the Archmage League is in full swing, the wanted person will be hunted down by almost the entire demons of hell. No matter the time, no matter the place, no matter what defensive means you have, they will not be able to resist those idiots who keep fighting Send benefits to the demons, driving them to kill you in various cruel ways.

The only way to escape this pursuit is to go to a place where even the devil dare not show his face. Gotham is our only choice.

You mean, there are many magicians like you who came to take refuge in Gotham?

Much more than you can imagine, and in addition to taking refuge, there are many lunatics who are really obsessed with research and need to use the dark energy and rich research materials here to complete their crazy ideas.

There is no city in this world that has the power of death as strong as Gotham, which means that this will become a paradise for black mages and necromancers, and you know, who can survive in this city? How powerful.

Schiller looked up at him and didn't speak, but Brand understood what he meant. He walked to the next bookshelf, took out a book from it, and said, Even if I have already seen that the members of the League of Mages are doomed to die by them stupid and inappropriate ambitions, but for the past few years I have been trying to accumulate the power to avenge them, and the method is to unite other mages who are also hunted by them.

Brand walked up to Schiller, handed the book in his hand to Schiller, and said: Here is the information you want, you should be able to understand it, if you use the contact information here Go get in touch with them and they'll be happy to do you a favor.

Schiller raised his eyebrows slightly, and Brand added with a smile: It's like those serial murderers who came after your reputation are willing to give me some face.

After leaving from Brand, Schiller solved the puzzles in the book, and found that the number of members in this group was beyond his imagination, and most of them were senior black magicians and necromancers.

At this time, Jim came to him to inquire about the situation of the teacher's employment, and when he learned that it was basically done, he said happily: It seems that the magic world is about to be revived in your hands. This is an unprecedented innovation. The future is close at hand.

Schiller looked down at the list in the book again, sighed in his heart, and then thought, I'm afraid it won't be the bright future you thought. Who made Gotham so suitable for studying black magic?

I'm afraid that by then, every student who graduates here will be a master of black magic, and they will be able to teach young demons a lesson when they go out.

Therefore, after determining the candidates for the teachers and students, Schiller did not have much choice in the structure of the school. There is no room for the academy system here, because everyone is a black magician. If you follow the standards of the wizarding world Come to judge. It can be said that Azkaban was sad when he saw it, and Nurmengard shed tears when he heard it.

But Schiller resolutely decided to open a light magic defense class, and asked Zatanna to put a curse on the professor who taught this subject, so that he would go to heaven after death.

After finishing his work at the Gotham Academy of Magic, Schiller was finally free, and at this time he discovered that there was a letter in his room that he hadn't read yet, from Batman in the main universe.

Doctor, hello, I haven't replied for a long time, Gotham's spring has arrived.

On the eve of the last letter, I made a rather important decision, but I am glad that this is one of the few correct decisions I made for the Robins. The clown has already made the bait and wants to let the bat Members of the family take the bait.

He has laid traps for the weaknesses of each member. I think that once deep inside, these fragile birds will be unable to escape, but fortunately, when the clown puts his dark and crazy malice into practice, Luo The guests are basking in the sun in a safe place.

The farce about that equation ended in a funny ending that I couldn't imagine.

I don't know what made him expect so much of my wisdom, and he dared to use the experimental version of the equation directly, which destroyed a city on his planet, but he stubbornly believed that I was playing tricks he.

The good news is that I have tested the power of the equation through his hands, and I have more experimental data. The bad news is that even half the equation contains more power than I imagined. People who want to get it will appear in front of me in an endless stream.

The ice floes on the gotham river have melted and the kids missed the best time to skate, but I'm glad the birds of your universe are here, they always remind me of the kids when they were kids, but cheerful Lively.

Thank you for your trust in me. I have heard that another universe, Bruce, has graduated with honors and sent you a very good thank you gift. I will also take care of his children like you and Bruce take care of the Robins.

It’s just that the evil in Gotham never ends. The gangster forces that haven’t appeared in Gotham for many years have shown signs of making a comeback. I don’t know if this is related to the festival killer. I’m investigating this matter.

I think, doctor, the age of your universe should be in the heyday of gangsters, maybe you can give me some clues, if you have, please attach it to your reply.

Thank you for your generosity, Batman, for staying one spring.

And when Schiller recounted the contents of the letter to Bruce, before he could ask, Bruce said firmly.

It seems that Alberto the Festival Killer must have done a good job! Maybe he has never forgotten the honor of the Falcone family, and wants to bring Gotham back to the era of the Twelve Families.

Schiller looked at him suspiciously, Bruce nodded vigorously and said, It must be like this, absolutely.

After Schiller attached what Bruce said to the reply letter, he soon received another letter from Batman. The other pleasantries were not important, he just wrote it at the end of the letter.

Thank you for your help, doctor, I have already learned the clues, and the next step is to investigate, no one can bring Gotham back to the shadow of the gang.

I know you've got a lot going on in child psychology, so there's one more thing I need your help with.

Recently, the Robins have been behaving strangely, erratically, and somewhat deliberately alienating me.

This makes me feel a bit confused, do you have any idea about this?

Heck, some people say that there is a little water recently

Then let's turn to Marvel in the next chapter

The fun of the big bat will see you next time

(hey hey hey)

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