The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1510 C Twilight Event (23)

...That's the way it is. This time we have to join forces to make up for our previous losses. I don't think the thieves in Gotham have ever had such a large-scale collaborative activity. It should be quite interesting, isn't it? ?”

In front of the bar counter of Jinbei Bar, Catwoman holding a whip was walking slowly. At this time, the bar was full of people, but the gangster thugs who were usually vicious and guarded against thieves sneaking in were standing outside the door, and they were not afraid of anyone who came here. Customers say it's closed early.

It was all because of Cobbot, who was sitting behind the bar, and the two gangsters he had brought with him, who belonged to the Falcone family.

After Catwoman finished speaking, Cobbot stood up, walked to the bar, leaned on the cabinet of the bar, and said: I know, many of you are very dissatisfied with Gotham's massive construction and renovation everywhere. Engineering is annoying, and those security robots aren't just affecting you, they're affecting people from all walks of life in Gotham.

But you also know that we can't just look at the benefits of the moment. I believe that many of you have already lived in the houses of the Wayne Group, or your children have already started to go to school in the nursery in the building.

Coppert glanced around, and several people nodded lightly. Most of the thieves who came here wore masks and were unwilling to show their true faces. This was actually their way of protecting themselves.

In Gotham's criminal industry chain, stealing is undoubtedly the bottom. Even Catwoman, the thief, is most famous not for her stealing skills, but for her beautiful appearance. No one in this city thinks highly of a thief.

Most Gotham thieves are not willing to be thieves, they also have a heart to work hard and strive for the top in the criminal industry, but then again, who will be a thief if they can occupy a place in the gang?

Although there are also people like Catwoman who specialize in being thieves because they like certain types of things, but stealing requires agility and speed, and they must also strengthen training in this area, which leads to their defense and attack power. There are a lot of people who are worse than the gangsters. Most of the time, they can only swallow their anger when they are bullied. Unfortunately, if they are caught, they can only die.

It can be said that the thieves in Gotham are a class between gangsters and ordinary people at the bottom, and they are half a level higher than doormen, car washers, and small vendors who provide services to gangs. Work for yourself, don't need to look at people's faces.

But it’s not easy to be a thief in Gotham. There are too many people who are not willing to be a lower-level role in the gangsters, but have no ability to climb up. Everyone thinks it’s easier to steal things. As a result, this industry is even worse than gangsters. Competition is still fierce.

Gotham is a big city with a population of tens of millions. The law and order situation is very bad, and the police station does not have so many police forces, so it can barely support these astonishing numbers of thieves. Intensified.

Now all the thieves summoned to the Jinbei Bar are the top figures in each region, and it can be said that they are the kings of kings who came out of the tragic fight in the thief industry. It's really not necessarily possible to gather people together like this. This group of people has nothing else, and their running skills are top-notch.

Among them are thefts with amazing intelligence but distorted thinking, the thief with first-class physical condition and natural hands, and the collectors who are so knowledgeable that they can go directly to the auction house to appraise various cultural relics and jewelry, but the biggest difference between these people and the gangsters The reason is that they live among civilians.

Without the intricate network of gangsters, it is naturally impossible for them to live in the North District. They have no proper jobs, cannot explain the source of the money and frequently sell stolen goods, and it is not easy to live in the South and West Districts, so most of them live in the East District.

They are also beneficiaries of the Eastern District's renovation plan. Even if their income is not as good as before, they can't say anything.

Before Cobblepot called them here, they mostly cut the river to save money, but many of them are no longer the same as before.

Once you move to a new home, the human courtship instinct will play a role. If you find a partner and get married, you will have children. Once the child is born, your expenses will increase sharply and your income will drop.

So before Cobbot could say anything, someone asked, I heard that there are magicians and vampires coming? Well, I really don't care what they are, I just want to ask, what I stole Can I take something away?

Of course, but only if you obey the arrangement.

The blond man who spoke sighed deeply and said, I've been a thief for almost twenty years, and I've never heard of a thief obeying arrangements.

Of course you can do it yourself, but do you think you can beat so many people here?

Coppert's words made many experts present hesitate a bit. It is inevitable that top figures in an industry will meet each other. Everyone knows each other's skills. Seize the opportunity to steal the most in the first time.

Besides, what if someone stumbles in order to snatch the prey? Magicians and vampires are difficult to deal with when they hear it, and one mistake may kill them. As long as everyone here has a little morality, it is not impossible to have no morality at all. If the time comes to become more ruthless than anyone else, then what are they doing? Why don't you go hand in hand with gangsters?

A thin woman in the front row sighed and said, It's also because the market is not good. If everyone can eat enough, they won't stare at this little meat.

You should also be able to imagine that the market will only get worse and worse in the future. Catwoman leaned against the bar and sighed, The mayor will vigorously develop the tourism industry, and the phenomenon of theft will definitely be suppressed. The gangsters want to clean up their crimes. Going ashore will not have anything to do with us.

Everyone who can walk is gone. The blond man said again: Several of our old guys have already changed careers to set up barbecue stalls.

Who wants to be a thief if you can do business? Isn't there no money?! Another voice complained: If I can do a big ticket to get some start-up funds, I will go to the entrance of the fourth phase of the project to set up a stall to sell snacks. My neighbor It’s the one who sold this to make a fortune.”

I don't want to do it anymore. I'm old and I'm exhausted. One day I won't be able to run away. The thin woman sighed and said, But my sister is very competitive. She's going to go to another city to study in college. I still have to run away. Pay her tuition.

Hearing all the moans and complaints, Coppert clapped his hands and said, I know everyone is in trouble, so I called you over. This time, it's a batch of fat sheep. Everyone, work hard and earn a fortune. Isn’t it good to wash the big money and go ashore?”

Hearing what Cobbot said, the voice below became louder, and the blond man raised his hand and asked first: Can you really make a lot of money? Are those magicians and vampires so rich? Do they bring money here?

Old K, you are such an idiot, who goes out without money?

You are all wrong, what they have is definitely not money. A gentleman-looking man wearing black-framed glasses pushed his glasses and said, Vampires can live for a long time. Picking up something and putting it in the present is an antique, so what is the value of an antique?

With a wow, the discussion below became heated, and this time Catwoman clapped her hands and said.

Now you know why I gathered you together? Some of you are quick-handed, but you don't know what is valuable on them. Some of you know about antiques, but you are not good at stealing things from people.

For example, although I know gemstones very well, I can tell the quality of gemstones inlaid on their clothes from a distance, but I often haunt museums and villas of the rich, and I am good at sneaking into buildings and picking locks.

Going to the street to touch other people's pockets is something that happened when I first debuted. At that time, I was a little girl, and I had forgotten all my skills. I can't just hang a hook on top of his head, right?

The people below all laughed, obviously remembering the most famous beholder's eye gem theft.

It was Catwoman's famous battle. A top gem collector from the metropolis wanted to let his collection cruise around the east coast. Everyone advised him not to come to Gotham, but he insisted on coming, and he specially invited More than two hundred security guards surrounded the museum.

As a result, the catwoman, the snitch, directly hung a hook rope and stole the most famous gem, the beholder's eye, and the gem collector was furious.

Unexpectedly, when these exhibits left Gotham, the beholder's eye came back again, and a note written by Catwoman was also attached-Your taste is really bad, the gem is too ugly, so I returned it to you .”

Since then, there is basically no such thing as a collector in the gem collection world. What is the value of a tour exhibition for gems that are not even stolen by thieves?

After successfully enlivening the atmosphere of the scene, Catwoman crossed her arms and adjusted the mask on the side of her head with her hands. In fact, she was pressing the earphones in her ears. She did what Bruce told her.

So, this time we have to divide the labor and cooperate, and we must use the different positions of different types of work to fully squeeze the value of this group of people, and then use their wealth to feed every class of Gotham's thief industry.

Now that you have a shelter, a whole family, a child to look forward to, and a lot of money, you can go to a safer job instead of living in a world where the future is getting more and more bleak. The theft industry, and Gotham's tourism industry torture each other.

I have another piece of inside information to tell you. Cobbot looked around and said with a smile.

Gotham is about to hold a grand music festival. The rappers who have been popular on the east coast recently will come. The tickets posted on the website will be sold out in an instant. The scene will be very hot then.

Gotham has no experience in hosting such a large-scale event. Organized commercial activities cannot meet the needs of a large number of tourists, and the remaining part will naturally need to be filled by self-employed individuals.

The processing factories under Wayne Group and Falcone have already produced a batch of peripheral products for the most popular album 'King of Gotham'. If you have money, you can come to us to get the goods.

At that time, you will be stuck at the entrance of the venue or outside the Golden Beach Plaza to sell merchandise, and you will be robbed crazy if you buy a piece of paper for three cents and sell it for five dollars. Isn't this more profitable than you taking the risk of stealing money from gangsters?

The atmosphere in the field became more and more heated, and this group of top thieves in the industry began to whisper to each other, thinking about how to use this opportunity to make a fortune.

For a long time before, the thieves were in a state of despair. They knew that this was not going to work, but they didn't know how to solve it. Obviously, the Gotham police and the government couldn't catch all the thieves. Die, that's not realistic.

But now they saw another possibility, and in this possibility they saw something extremely precious-hope.

Just like the cosmopolitans who are used to being comfortable will pursue excitement, Gotham people who have been licking blood all the year round sometimes dream of a peaceful and happy life.

By the time Catwoman walked out of the Gold Cup Bar, it was already dawn. She stood at the door and stretched her waist, sighed comfortably, and then said to Bruce on the other end of the earphone.

For so many years, I have always fallen asleep under the shining light of all kinds of precious gemstones. I think I am much happier than most Gotham people. At least I have a little room to live in a rotten city. Most people are not so lucky to pursue what they love in a shitty job.

I have always said before that I don't understand what you are doing. You will go to the slums to starve for a while, build buildings for a while, and call thieves to steal things for a while.

But now, I understand a little bit. Catwoman looked up at the glimmer of light that occasionally came out of the still gloomy clouds, and continued, Although I didn't sleep all night, I had a good dream.

I dreamed that the gangsters in this city stopped fighting and killing, and gave up ruling the city through violence and terror. I also dreamed that many people gave up being thieves and chose to make money in a way that did not hurt others. live a peaceful life.”

I dreamed that my mother liked me, not the cat. I dreamed that the woman who taught me how to steal said she liked me, not what I stole. I dreamed that everyone firmly chose me.

I also dreamed that one day those dark pasts finally went away, Gotham really cleared up, and you stood at the door of my house and asked me if I wanted to marry you.

Then will you agree? Bruce's voice came from the earphones with electricity.

Will Gotham really clear up?

Yes, someday.

Then maybe... I will too.

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