The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1498 C Twilight Event (11)

Midnight, you must help us this time. Jim put his hands on the counter table, stared into the eyes of the black man and said, You know how urgent the situation is now! The blood race has a big plan this time, and Scarlet Queen Mary and her The descendants of you are raging in London, if the magic world was not on the verge of collapse, I would not have found you.

Come on, I'm not interested in getting involved in those things. Midnight shrugged and said: Anyway, my power is still there, and if they dare to come, they will only have a dead end. As for the magic world, it can only be said to be self-inflicted. Why should I save them?

But ordinary people in London...

The blood race is not stupid. Midnight put the wiped cup back on the cup holder, and said, They can't fight you and ordinary people at the same time, but they will definitely clean up the mages when the magic world is on the verge of collapse. , until then, ordinary people are safe.

Just as Dead Boston was about to speak, Midnight interrupted him and said, Don't say anything that will harm ordinary people in London sooner or later. I am a black man who lived during the slave trade period, and the East India Company is the property of the British royal family. It's time for these slave masters to pay for what they did.

Several people were silent. They knew that Midnight was a white racial hateist, and he was indeed a real victim of the black slave trade, because he was born in the Caribbean in the eighteenth century, and his ancestors were trafficked here by the Spanish. slaves.

Jim had heard about Midnight's life experience from Constantine before. At that time, there was no need to talk about the living environment of black people. The two siblings had been trembling all the time, just trying to survive. Fortunately, Midnight had mastered a lot of voodoo techniques from his hometown, and he had a clever personality. He is very good at handling things, and he can be regarded as living a good life among the local blacks.

But one day, a black man found Midnight and mysteriously asked him to prepare a non-toxic powder. Midnight asked him what he was going to do. He said that he wanted to poison the white slave owners and resist the constant abuse of them. city ​​ruler.

At that time, Midnight had no hope for this kind of action at all, and he also considered that he and his sister might be retaliated against, and didn't want to lose the quiet life that he was barely able to live on now, so he randomly got some useless materials and configured them. Some powder was given to the black man.

Sure enough, the action went wrong, and all the blacks who resisted died tragically, but the black man who asked Midnight for help survived, and he led his black companions to Midnight's home, forcing him to cut off his sister's head , and told him that as long as the white rulers still exist on this land, all stable lives are just illusions, and only personal pain can make oppressed people understand what the meaning of resistance is.

After that, Midnight became a little crazy, and kept chanting some mysterious spells on his sister's skull, and everyone around him thought he had gone crazy because of the stimulation.

Later, he became more and more extreme, using the power of the evil gods in the Caribbean region to make more black people rise up to resist, constantly creating riots, and constantly letting his own people die under the guns of suppressing the riots. Nu finally realized the so-called personal pain.

Later, the Civil War broke out, and Midnight, who gained longevity through the power of the contract, did not emerge in this war. In the 1980s, he settled down in the metropolis and opened a bar there, that is, The family they're in now is Papa Midnight.

Papa Midnight is the name of the bar, but not Midnight, just because this bar later became an important place for communication in the American magic circle, and Midnight will make anyone who dares not abide by the rules here pay the price, so people will Started to call him Father Midnight, or Godfather Midnight.

No one knows where Papa Midnight's mysterious and powerful voodoo power comes from, but several turbulences in the American magical world have not affected the slightest bit here, so when Jim wanted to seek allies, he first I thought of midnight.

Jim put his hands on the table, leaned forward and looked into Midnight's eyes and said, You know you can't escape forever, London falls, then Britain and Europe, and eventually the war will spread to America.

Are you threatening me? Midnight narrowed his eyes and said.

Dead Boston hurriedly grabbed Jim, he took a deep breath, looked at Midnight and said very calmly: You should understand that human beings are enslaved and oppressed by vampires, and you and your compatriots are bullied by white slave owners. Yes, do you wish your countrymen to return to that dark life again?

Midnight's fist was clenched for a moment, but he relaxed quickly. He looked at the dead man and said, You're a smart man, but I can't help you.

After finishing speaking, he walked to the back door behind the counter, glanced left and right, and then opened the back door to several people. In an instant, a thick bloody smell wafted over.

This is my former bartender Jide. He was killed when I went to pick up things on the second floor. Although I didn't see the murderer, judging from the wound on his chest, it should be the group of flying mice .”

It's impossible for me to leave here and follow you to London, because once I leave, Papa Midnight's bar will fall, and the wizarding world in the United States will also suffer.

Bennett stepped down from the chair by the bar. He looked towards Midnight and said, Can I see the body?

Midnight stepped aside, and Bennett walked over, inspected the wound on the chest of the corpse, and said, It was indeed done by a vampire, this is the trace left by the blood magic claws, the person who did it may be the Scarlet Queen The descendants of Mary... have they come to the metropolis?

But... Midnight, who was standing by the door with arms folded, changed the subject and said, As the owner of the bar, I'm pretty well informed. Do you know that Bruce Wayne held a variety show to find black diamonds?

Boston and Jim looked at each other and nodded, walked back to sit behind the counter at midnight, and said: That rich man is not for some love, some of my guests have been in contact with that kind of black diamond, which contains extremely A tremendous strength.

Some people say that black diamonds are fragments. As long as you can collect all the fragments and restore the original gemstones, you will be able to master the powerful power to destroy the world. Many unlucky people in the American magic world who have lost the devil's contract want to regain power. He has been involved in the search for black diamonds.

You want us to go find the Black Diamond? Jim asked, frowning.

Of course not, you can't run around like headless chickens, otherwise London will be even more hopeless. Putting his hands on the counter, Midnight looked into Jim's eyes and said, The blood race doesn't want to mess with ordinary humans now, because they are afraid of modern weapons. cause mass destruction to them.

Then you have to do the opposite, pull ordinary people into the field, and let the water mix as much as possible. Think about it, in the chaotic situation, how could those bloodthirsty monsters resist biting the blood? The necks of ordinary people who appeared in front of him?

you mean……

Forge a batch of black diamonds, find a few people you trust to hold them, and then send a message from the oblivion bar, saying that these people have found their target, and put those hapless magicians who are hungry for power and ordinary people who want to get rich And the media who are chasing after them are all cheated.

Ordinary people don't know the danger here. They just want to get more black diamonds, so that they can go to Wayne to exchange money. You just need to let the bait lure them around and walk around every dark corner of London.

Vampires who want to act in this situation will inevitably be caught by ordinary people's cameras. Once panic is caused, the British government will definitely come forward. If vampires do not want to face the mage's stubborn resistance and ordinary people's artillery fire at the same time, they must sit down. Come down and talk.

Jim's face became serious, and Midnight said as if he guessed what he was thinking: Yes, ordinary people will definitely be injured, and this is also the purpose of my advice to you, as I said, slave owners Future generations must shed blood.

After a few people left the Midnight Papa bar, Jim sighed and said: Midnight is indeed powerful, but he is also a racial hater. His methods may be effective, but we can't completely stand on his point of view. We have to Save ordinary people as much as possible.”

The top priority now is to find more allies. With more people, maybe the implementation of this plan will not be so dangerous. Let's go to Maya.

After a few people left, Midnight sat in front of the bar for a while, then pushed open the back door and dragged the body of the bartender Jide under the tree in the backyard, looking up towards the second floor.

He stood there quietly for a while, and then slowly walked up the stairs. The door of the guest room on the second floor had been pushed open, and there was a strong smell of blood. A figure leaned against the bed, covering his hands abdomen.

It was Constantine looking haggard.

It fell on your hands again, old man, ahem. Constantine showed a weak wry smile.

Midnight went to the bedside and opened the medical box he just brought, began to bandage Constantine, and said: Your pursuers killed my apprentice, and you owe me one more time.

What happened to that damn mouse?

I burned it to ashes.

The skill remains the same as before.

Midnight bandaged the wound on Constantine's waist and said, I really hate working with you as a second-rate mage, but I'm afraid we have to join forces this time. Those damn rats have invaded my territory and killed me. People who have killed me are still yelling at me, and I will make them die if they want to live.

That will have to wait until I heal my wounds first. Don't use your damn voodoo powder on me. It smells too bad. Give me a cigarette. It's my best analgesic.

Midnight didn't say anything, but stood up, and before walking out the door, he said, Stay here honestly, I'll be back soon.

Constantine watched the back of the person who opened the door in the middle of the night, and slowly narrowed his eyes, an imperceptible light flashed in his eyes.

After leaving the room, Midnight came to the basement of Midnight Papa's bar. It was arranged as a mysterious sacrificial place, with all kinds of sacrificial items in the surrounding cabinets, and a huge magic circle at the foot.

In the center of the room stood a tall gray-white statue of a god, wearing a burly armor and having a pair of huge wings. At midnight, he walked under the statue and knelt down, chanting a mantra with his palms folded.

Great Lord, have you just summoned me?

And the voice of Azazel came from the statue.

Your Majesty Satan has an order to find the angel Gabriel immediately. If you have any clues, tell me through prayer!

As you wish, master, I will leave immediately.

Very good... By the way, your sister's birthday is a few days later. I don't have time to celebrate with her now, but I can't let her stay alone in the empty room. Then you come over to appease her.

Thank you for your kindness, forever great master, your loyal followers will offer you everything you want, hell will live forever, and the glory of Azazel will live forever.

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