The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1494 C Twilight Event (7)

Now is a good time for the blood race to occupy the world. The great ancestor Cain easily killed the old priest of the cathedral. We took down Westminster Abbey, the largest church in London, without any effort. This heralds the revival of the blood race!

Scarlet Queen Mary spoke loudly to her descendants sitting below on the pulpit in the east transept of Westminster Abbey: If you failed to contribute to your own race in the first blood war, then Now, here's the opportunity.

Mary exhaled lightly, began to pace on the pulpit, and said: The great ancestor Cain strategized and made a deal with the devil in advance, allowing them to take back the power lent to those weak humans. During the war, the archmages who threatened us the most are now a group of powerless wretches.

The warriors of the thirteen clans are cleaning up the residences of the archmage and the magic family one by one. Katz, Lancelot, and Kurban, these damned sinners with blood on their hands, all paid for their crimes. paid the price.

And you... Mary raised her head, looked down at the young vampires below, and said, You want to win a place in this war, go! Kill more humans! Transform more monsters, From London to the whole of the UK, to Europe and the world!

This time, no one can stop it—twilight returns!

I'm afraid no one can stop the twilight from coming back. Archmage Andrew sat in front of the window of a super-large townhouse in the Mayfair neighborhood of Westminster, frowning, and said with a soft sigh.

Bruce, you haven't been in the magic world for a long time, so you may not be very clear about the situation here. We are responsible for the blow to the magic world, but it is also the group of devils who have planned for a long time.

More than three hundred years ago, the power system in the magic world was still full of flowers. It can be roughly divided into blood wizards, mages, alchemists, blessed and cursed, and psychics between mages and ordinary people.

The source of power is not all hell. Many blood mages are descendants of magical creatures in the magical world, such as Merlin, who is half human and half demon, and Constantine also has Merlin's blood.

Mages borrow from a variety of objects. In addition to demons, there are also goblins, magic dwarves, spiritual creatures, and even the turbulent flow of power in some strange space gaps.

Alchemists seldom borrow energy. They have more in-depth research on materials, and they can use all kinds of weird alchemy props to defeat opponents without even casting spells.

As for the blessed and the cursed, it is the focus of the struggle between heaven and hell. All the priests in the church and some believers with special talents are called the blessed, and they are bewitched by the devil or other evil creatures and obtained Those who have power are called the cursed.

But it is the never-ending struggle between heaven and hell that has changed the situation of the magic world in just two or three hundred years.

You also know that the church is the orthodox force in the human world, while the devil is everyone shouting and beating. Therefore, in order to expand its power in the human world and fight against angels, the devil changed its strategy of lending power.

They continue to refine the violent power they have, so that the power can be very smoothly adapted to the needs of human beings, and at the same time they lend a lot of power, but only charge a small price. During that time, the church's fallen people emerged in endlessly, because The power of demons is so easy to use.

The ascetic monks in the church may not have as much power as teenage children who have signed a contract with the devil, but the church can't completely prevent the devil from selling power at a low price. After all, there are degenerate factors in human beings. We are not completely pure.

In other words, human greed can overcome all distinctions between good and evil, but it is difficult for anyone to stabilize their mentality when they have been crushed by an inexperienced child after years of penance.

They used the contract to cover the exchange of power with a layer of fairness. They domesticated humans with their loyalty and restraint for a while, making humans feel that the contract can really restrict them. After hundreds of years, magicians Believe it.

As a result, the magic world became what it is today. The mages who signed contracts with the devil survived because they were strong enough, and those who borrowed power from other existences were either driven by the devil to kill them all, or they were gradually marginalized because they were too weak.

Gradually, a trend of comparison has formed in the magic world. Whoever has signed more contracts with demons, and whoever contracts with demons is stronger, will be highly respected.

Master Andrew closed his eyes in pain, shook his head and said, ...all are paralyzed, how can we believe that with such a huge gap in strength, just a paper contract will be useful?

Bruce, who was sitting across from him, also sighed, and he comforted: Master, don't be too sad, at least there are smart people like you in the magic world, you and your apprentices can stay here with peace of mind, they If they dare to attack Mayfair, Britain and all of Europe will declare war on them.

Master Andrew looked up at Bruce. Bruce had a calm expression without showing any emotion. Master Andrew pursed his lips for a while, as if he found it difficult to speak, but he continued after a while.

I don't think we should give up on the magic world. The order of the dark side of the world needs someone to maintain it.

Bruce showed no sign of being persuaded, he just looked at Master Andrew with a faint expression and said: The League of Archmages has decided to compromise with the devil. If you escape here, it proves that you are a minority. The magic world is their magic. What happens in the future has nothing to do with us.”

But, but... Master Andrew became a little anxious, but he couldn't tell Bruce directly that he hoped to restore his honorary status in the magic world, instead of hiding here like a lost dog.

Although Andrew told Night Master Jim that he was willing to be an apprentice again, he also knew that the magic world had collapsed and he could not quench his thirst.

Perhaps, for a long time in the future, he really needs to master the method of saving magic through learning, but right now, he urgently needs someone to keep the magic world and his position in the magic world.

But he also knew that there was no need for Bruce to help him. Neither his teacher nor he needed the magic world. The two of them had a high status in the society of ordinary people.

Schiller is a world-renowned master of psychology. He has recently published many articles and re-exhibited his strengths in various academic conferences.

Not to mention Bruce Wayne, he is the richest man in the world, magic may just be a small hobby of his, without magic, maybe he will live better.

Andrew looked at the decoration in this villa. He knew how high the land price in the Mayfair area of ​​London was. No matter whether he became a magician or not, he would never be able to buy a brick here even if he worked hard for ten lifetimes. Bruce Wayne En has a set of villas with more than thirty rooms and a huge swimming pool here.

Master Andrew began to think quickly. He had to find some bargaining chips that could impress Bruce Wayne. Only when Wayne was willing to use his powerful resources and genius mind to save the magic world could he return to the past. in life.

But at this moment, a young apprentice with red hair and freckles approached him. Just as Andrew was about to scold him, Bruce looked at him and asked, What's wrong? What's the matter?

Well, it's nothing. My name is Byron. I just want to ask, is what you said on the Millionaire variety show true? The person who finds the most black diamonds will get a million dollars?

The apprentice named Byron stared at Bruce with bright eyes, Bruce nodded and said, Do you think the richest man in the world won't even be able to give out a million dollars?

What are you looking for? Master Andrew asked curiously.

Some black diamonds. Bruce shrugged and said, My girlfriend is a jewelry lover. When she celebrated her birthday a few years ago, I cracked a very precious black gemstone and let them turn into black diamonds. all around the world.

And this year marks the fifth anniversary of our relationship. I sponsored a variety show and asked the challengers in it to collect a thousand black diamonds from all over the world for me. When the gems are complete, I will propose to her.

Whoa, that's so romantic! exclaims the young apprentice Byron, but then he asks, Is it only normal people?

Of course not, do you want to participate too?

Uh, yes. Originally, I was about to contract a demon, but suddenly this incident happened. It seems that I can't become a magician. Originally, I only learned magic to make money, so I might as well go to a variety show.

Bruce looked him up and down, then took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to him, saying, You can take this card to sign up for the BBC, good luck.

Thank you, thank you so much, Mr. Wayne, I'll go right away!

At this time, Bruce stood up and said to Master Andrew: Master, I appreciate your integrity. All the books and research manuscripts that my teacher and I refer to are in the upstairs study room. You and your apprentices can do as much as you want. Read it, but forgive me for being busy with business.

Wait! Master Andrew stopped him, and said: Mr. Wayne, you said that anyone can participate in the activity of finding black diamonds, so if my apprentices and I find the most diamonds, are you willing to help me? Do you have a favor?

As if he had guessed what he wanted to say, Bruce stood still and sighed, looked into Master Andrew's eyes and said, Then you have to bring me the black diamond first, because you are Professor Schiller's friend , maybe I am willing to do my part to revive the magic world.

Although the answer given by Bruce was not exact, Andrew knew that he could not get a better result, so he stood up, saluted with his hand on his shoulder, and said: If the magic world can successfully get through In this catastrophe, we will never forget Wayne's kindness.

You're welcome, Master.

I'm afraid he has no chance to help you revive the magic world.

A voice sounded in the center of the hall, and in an instant, the bright lights in the villa were extinguished, and a pair of blood-red eyes lit up in the darkness.

Andrew, you are so smart that you even thought of asking Bruce Wayne for help.

Another female voice sounded from behind Master Andrew, he suddenly turned his head, gritted his teeth and called out the name: Scarlet Queen Mary!

Mary showed a mocking smile, and said: I've been following you since you were kicked out of the Association of Archmages. I thought Mrs. Shangdu would help you contact Mai Ya's old friend, but you actually They want to use the power of ordinary people's society to put pressure on us.

Mary took two steps forward, staring into Andrew's eyes and said fiercely: The War of the Bloodborn is a war of bloodborn revenge against the magic world, but you want to use Wayne's power to get the army of ordinary people involved, you think Will I give you this chance?


Master Andrew was whipped to the opposite wall by a bloody whip formed in Mary's hand, let out a scream, and slowly slid to the ground, clutching his bloody wound, gasping for breath.

Bruce took two steps back, stared at Mary with a frown and said, Who are you? Get the hell out of my house!

Don't be impatient, Mr. Wayne, letting this idiot Andrew in is your first mistake today, and the way to make up for it is to listen to the teachings of my great master.

Bruce moved his gaze to the first pair of blood-red eyes, and the pale and handsome Cain spread out his huge bat wings with a swish, and suddenly, boundless shadows enveloped the entire room.

Hello, Bruce Wayne, I smell a powerful breath in your blood. Cain stared at Bruce and said.

I originally planned to turn you into a blood puppet to add power to my revenge plan, but the sweet smell of your blood made me change my mind.

Cain licked his lips lightly, his Adam's apple moved up and down and said: The abundant energy in it can even rival a demon king. I have never felt such a powerful force in any human blood.

Fortunately, humble human... Cain slowly spread his huge bat wings, approaching Bruce step by step, and Bruce backed away.

Until Bruce was forced to retreat, Cain stretched out his hand and grabbed Bruce's neck, staring at Bruce's face with eyes full of desire to eat and said.

You will receive an honor unimaginable to ordinary people - I will enjoy you well, and then embrace you for the first time in person.

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