The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1491 C Twilight Event (4)

The atmosphere in the Forgotten Bar was very gloomy, and the few remaining people sat around the bar. Night Master Jim wiped the Nightblade in his hand, sighed and said, The situation is very bad. I just hit a dozen archmages. Phone calls, not many get through, I hope they're just hiding.

They should have thought that demons are unreliable! Boston, the dead man, lowered his eyes and said, No one can accuse them of making a deal to gain power, but this is what happens if they rely too much on this power.

I don't know if the demon's sudden withdrawal of power has something to do with the vampire's actions. If so, we will be in big trouble. Holding the wine glass, Bennett looked very frustrated. Obviously he still felt that he had caused Constantine.

Mary, that crazy woman, she must have dedicated Constantine to Cain. Cain will suck his blood. No vampire can resist the temptation of pure blood.

We have to go to Plymouth. Red Robin, who was sitting farthest away, said silently, They have a base there. We need to find out what the Scarlet Queen Mary and the blood ancestor Cain want to do.

I'm sorry, child, but I can't leave London right now. Jim frowned and said, I have to go to the residence of the wizarding family first, and then go to the mage towers of the few great mages I am familiar with. We can't Let the demons break the contract, we must unite and negotiate with them.

In addition, Zatana's mental state is not good. My apprentice Andrea gave her some concentration potions, but she still needs someone to take care of and protect her. We can't lose another friend.

Red Robin didn't say anything, he just nodded and stood up, and said: I'm going back to the Forgotten Bookstore first, to find my friend for help, and see if I can find something useful left by John .”

Jim reached out and patted him on the shoulder, then opened a portal for him, and before Red Robin walked in, Jim looked at him and said, You're a pretty capable kid, and I know I can't stop you from doing it. What is it, but I hope you remember that you must, must, must use Lilith's power with caution.

I will, I have seen the consequences of the abuse of power.

After finishing speaking, Red Robin stepped into the portal. The next second after the transmission was completed, an extremely strong smell of blood entered Red Robin's nose.

He subconsciously covered his nose with his hands, and then felt his feet step on some kind of mucus.

Red Robin looked up and saw a horrific corpse hanging on the wall next to the stairs of the Forgotten Bar.

It was a young male with pale skin and lifeless. He was impaled and nailed to the wall by a Roman-style spear that had originally hung on the wall beside the door of the bookstore as a decoration.

All the skin on the lower abdomen and waist of the male body was gone, but the exposed musculature was too clean, without any blood or residual fat. It gave the impression that it was not skinned, but a delicate operation.

Red Robin didn't feel scared at all, he stared at the corpse and walked slowly forward, stepping on the blood on the floor one after another.

Lilith said in his mind: How cruel, human beings...

Shut up.

A trace of anger appeared in Red Robin's mind, but it was not his own, but from Lilith.

Before Lilith could get angry, she saw through Red Robin's eyes that all the blood on the ground rose up and fell back into the sky like raindrops gathered in puddles.

All the information and clues in the space converged into one glowing thread after another, wrapped around Red Robin's body, and he welcomed all of this with open arms, which was more pious than Lilith.

He became a cocoon wrapped in information, and the powerful silk was hooked to the beams, leading him to the mid-air of the room. When he looked down, he could see through the gaps in the fine silk threads. Suddenly, a spotless leather shoe stepped on the same clean and tidy floor.

Schiller walked in first, then Jason the Red Hood.

Red Robin was not surprised by this. Schiller was teaching Jason when he was called away by Constantine, but what were they doing away?

Schiller, carrying a suitcase and placing it on the table, lit a match, the light of which echoed the bloody twilight of the London streets.

Schiller burned the shopping receipt and threw the ashes into the trash can. Just as he was about to pick up the suitcase again, a black shadow suddenly flashed outside the window.

Red Robin's fingers tightened for a moment. He should have thought about it. Scarlet Queen Mary probably made double preparations. In addition to personally leading people to the Oblivion Bar, she also sent people to the bookstore where Constantine was. Prevent Constantine from escaping back here with the teleportation array.

A vampire rushed into the bookstore. He spread his bat wings and stretched out his sharp claws, but what awaited him was not the usual scream, but a red hood immediately pulled off the wall spear.

The spear pierced the vampire's chest, and the blood splashed on the window glass on one side. Red Hood took another step forward and hit the back wall with the vampire's body with the spear.

Then, his movements stopped, and when this piece of information passed through Red Robin's mind, he felt a little doubt, Jason is a person who doesn't hold back human criminals, how could he be willing to let one go? Evil vampire?

Someone stopped him, as evidenced by the footprints on the ground.

Schiller stepped forward, stretched out his arms to block the Red Hood's continued attack, and shook his head.

Schiller let the Red Hood back away. He walked past the Red Hood and picked up the suitcase on the table. After the box was opened, it contained a set of precision surgical tools.

Go and help me get that book over there. Schiller raised his chin lightly, and the red hood's footsteps paused, but he followed his instructions to the bookshelf and took the book Schiller asked for. come over.

Schiller had Red Hood turn a page, and in dizzying fashion the scalpel carved an intricate pattern into the back of the downed and pinned vampire's hand.

Schiller asked the red hood to hold the staff with still energy that Constantine and Bruce used in the magic circle experiment before, and tapped it on the back of the vampire's hand. The magic circle emitted a dirty red light, and the vampire emitted There was a terrible scream.

He instinctively wanted to turn into a bat and escape, but the restrictive magic circle invalidated his ability to transform, and the spear pierced through his chest by the red hood made him lie on the ground.

He can't run, go and pull out the weapon. Schiller cleaned the scalpel and said to the red hood.

The Red Hood always hated being ordered by others, not even Batman, but now he was moving so fast that afterimages were left, because the Schiller he was facing now gave him the feeling that he was actually the same as the unlucky one lying on the ground. Eggs are no different - Schiller doesn't see them at all.

Red Hood pulled out the spear, and the vampire struggled to get up. Schiller raised his head again and said, Go and grab him and keep him still.

The Red Hood stepped in front of the vampire's head, stretched out his hand and pulled his upper body off the ground, put his hands through his armpit and locked him, Schiller nodded and said, Very well, keep this position still, If you don't want to see it, just close your eyes.

How are you going to destroy him? Let him bask in the sun?

I didn't intend to destroy him. Vampires have a strong self-healing ability. I just took something from his body. He won't die.

Schiller took off the vampire's shirt while talking, and then used a scalpel to draw a thin line from the center of the collarbone to the navel that oozes blood. The vampire didn't know what he was going to do, but kept cursing.

In the next second, the scalpel cut through the skin. The wound was not deep and the pain was not severe, but Schiller put his fingers in, used both hands to push away the skin near the wound, and then stroked down until he reached the soft lower abdomen.

The vampire's body has no temperature, and Schiller seemed to be dissatisfied with this. He sped up the movement of his hands, and said to the red hood while peeling off the skin of the vampire's abdomen.

Have you ever read the Bible?

I guess so.

Abel was a shepherd, Cain was a farmer, and Abel raised his animals in service to God, and God was pleased with his piety, and therefore accepted him, so that all may know that God Livestock are killed and sacrificed for joy.

“God likes Abel’s sacrifice, one of the reasons is that God likes sacrifice, and the sacrifice offered is to bear the sins of the sacrificer. It sheds the blood of the guilty person, so that God understands the meaning of the sacrificer’s repentance.”

The second is because the sacrifices offered are the best. The firstborn sheep in the flock are the strongest, and the fat in the belly of the sheep is the fattest part of the sheep. Only the best sacrifices can be made to God. joy.

The vampire kept trembling and screaming, more and more blood flowed out of his body, and his uncontrollable legs wiped the blood on the floor in arc-shaped traces.

Your hand is loose. Schiller reminded with his head down.

The red hood showed a slightly tangled expression, and he said, Don't do that, you can kill him, I can't...I can't...

Let go, you will be the next one lying here.

Immediately, the vampire had no more room to struggle. Schiller cut off all the epidermis of the vampire's abdomen and waist, cut off the nerves, removed the blood vessels, and then scraped off his clean subcutaneous fat bit by bit with a scalpel, and put it in in a glass jar.

Red Hood used all his strength to pinch the struggling vampire, while closing his eyes and constantly hypnotizing himself in his mind.

Until Schiller stood up, put away the surgical tools and bottles, and said to Red Hood: Take that spear and nail him to the wall, and someone will read it.

The Red Hood did it almost instinctively, but after seeing the vampire struggling and screaming while clutching the spear on his chest, he still couldn't hold back, called Schiller who was about to leave, and said : There is some mercury in the basement, I'll fetch it and feed it to him, wait for me.

After finishing speaking, the red hood walked towards the basement without looking back, and soon, he brought a small bottle of mercury, forcibly opened the vampire's mouth and let him swallow it.

The vampire showed no symptoms of mercury poisoning, but his ability to heal gradually faded, followed by his vitality.

The red hood walked past Schiller with his head down, came to the door and said in a low voice, I didn't expect it to be really useful as mentioned in the folk tales.

You'll be a good student with pride.

Schiller lowered his head, packed the surgical equipment meticulously, picked up the bottle containing belly fat, and left the Forgotten Bookstore together with the red hood.

Lilith, who had watched the scene reappeared in Red Robin's mind, was speechless, but Red Robin raised his head, stared intently at the corpse on the wall and said, How cruel, human...

After a while, Red Robin walked out of the Forgotten Bookstore quickly, and Lilith asked in his mind: Where are you going? Do you need me to open the portal for you?

No need.

Red Robin went outside, a taxi came up the street, got into the back seat and said to the driver, Go to Westminster Abbey.

Before Lilith could ask, Red Robin said, He left the corpse because he knew someone could understand...that person was me, and this is a letter he left for me.

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