The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1489 C Twilight Event (2)

The pale-faced Zatanna was pinned to the ground, and Mary walked up to her, and made a gash on her face with her sharp nails, then put her fingertips in her mouth, tasting the taste of blood.

This stupid girl fell into our trap, believed her uncle's lies, sent her directly to the family residence, and fell into our trap.

Constantine's eyes fell on the inner side of Zatanna's right arm, where there was a blood-red rune, which is a control magic commonly used by blood races, and the anger in his heart was burning.

He knew that Zatanna's weak relatives must have betrayed her, and they must have confessed Zatanna's weakness to the blood-irony magic requires language and gestures, once she can't sing aloud, there is no resistance force.

The vampires sealed her voice with runes, so they could catch her. Constantine took a deep breath, looked at Mary and said, What are you trying to do?

Mr. Constantine, I've heard you famous for a long time. Mary took another step forward, but Bennett stood up and shouted sharply: Mary, let that little girl go, the grievances between us should not implicate innocent people!

Mary let out a sneer, glanced at Bennett with her blood-red eyes and stopped looking at him, but stared at Constantine and said, I did go to find my stupid husband before, but I did He's looking for you, and he knows where you are, John Constantine.

This is really strange. Constantine looked at her coldly, took out a cigarette from his arms, put it in his mouth and lit it, exhaled a puff of smoke and said: Others are afraid to avoid me, but you want to take the initiative to find her. Me, now that you have found me, tell me, what are you going to do?

This little girl is very important to you, so let's make an exchange, use you for her.

Night Master Jim's eyes widened. He lowered his voice and said to Bennett next to him, Is there something wrong with this woman's brain? What does she want Constantine for?

Mary has gone crazy a long time ago. Bennett also replied in a low voice.

Mary took another two steps forward, she had almost reached in front of Constantine, she stretched out her bloody nails and gently lifted Constantine's chin, and said: Souls full of sins have long been saved, now Young, vigorous, and full of vitality, you are the sacrifice that the ancestor wanted, Constantine, and you should be proud of it.

Let her go. Constantine glanced at Zatana, and said in a low tone: No matter what you want to do, I will go with you and let Zatana go.

Zatana's eyes were wide open, but she couldn't speak at all. The Master of the Night looked at Constantine and said, Don't listen to her nonsense!

What did Mary want to say, Constantine said categorically: Let your subordinates release Miss Zatanna, I will only go with you when I see her safe, otherwise, you have to talk to the night master at the Forgotten Bar, Even the whole of Maya is fighting.

Seeing his resolute expression, Mary showed a thoughtful expression. She seemed to be weighing the pros and cons, but after a while, she still put one hand on Constantine's body, then turned her head and said to her subordinates: Let her go.

The two strong vampires let go, and Bennett turned into a bat and pulled Zatana over. The Night Master firmly protected her behind him, and raised his nightblade to attack Mary.

But in the next second, the dense blood mist dissipated, and Mary and the vampires in the bar disappeared in an instant. Bennett used his own power to disperse the rune on Zatanna's arm, and Zatanna immediately cried stand up.

He's right... I'm going to kill everyone... all... my friends, my family, and that's the price I have to pay!

Zatana, Zatanna, wake up! Night Master Jim stepped forward and shook Zatanna and said, Your magic talent is not limited by demons, you have to cheer up, and we can save the entire wizarding world. !

Zatanna shook her head palely, closed her eyes in pain and said, We were all wrong. The blind arrogance of the magic world will eventually lead to destruction, just like me.

Xiao Zha, what's wrong with you? Jim knelt down halfway, looked straight into Zatana's eyes and said, You're not like this usually, John was taken away, you have to find a way to save him!

Zatana's hand on the ground slowly clenched into a fist, and she recalled the scene in her mind when she was walking in Gotham's rainy night before teleporting back to London.

The box of her cello did not contain the usual magic props, but stacks of research materials, or the chemical data of a certain toxin formula.

That's what Zatanna found in Jonathan Klein's laboratory at the Arkham Insane Hospital, two days before she'd wounded him with her ironic magic and almost killed him.

In the process of dealing with Klein, Zatana gradually realized that he was wrong. She found that this knowledgeable professor of chemistry and psychology was not as gentle as he appeared.

Curiosity is the best teacher. Zatanna learned the skills of detectives without a teacher, or her too convenient irony magic provided her with a lot of help, and she found out without much effort. The reason why Jonathan Klein was hospitalized in the first place.

He single-handedly concocted the missing persons case in Mawson Street, killing more than 40 innocent people.

An angry Zatanna rushed into Jonathan's office at the Arkham Psychiatric Hospital and injured him, but Jonathan smiled and said to her: This is the price to pay for saving Gotham.

Mrs. Miller rushed in and took Jonathan away. Feeling betrayed, Zatana stayed up all night, thinking about what Jonathan had said to her.

Eventually, driven by emotion, she returned to Jonathan's lab two days later, trying to figure out what the price was.

She found countless data related to human experiments in Jonathan's laboratory. Jonathan tested his chemical formula on living people, and finally formulated a toxin that could be added to Gotham's rainwater to drive people crazy.

But that is not the poison, but the antidote.

In Jonathan's manuscript, Zatanna learned that there is a toxin in Gotham's rainwater, which will slowly corrode the human body, not just the human body, but also animals and plants, and drive them crazy.

The antidote prepared by Jonathan, after being added to Gotham's water cycle, will make all people and animals affected by the toxin go crazy immediately, but it can force out the rain toxin in their bodies, and even produce antibodies, no longer plagued by this toxin.

That's right, this is exactly the trap that Jonathan made for Batman. He wanted Batman to mistake him for poisoning, and then found out that he was actually saving Gotham. Unfortunately, at that time, Batman had just come from Back from hell, said thank you to him.

The Gotham villain who couldn't keep up with the version finally found another hero who couldn't keep up with the version. The trap that Jonathan set up failed to trap Batman, but Zatanna suffered a great blow.

Zatanna didn't think that Jonathan was completely innocent, nor did she think that the people of Gotham deserved to be experimental products, but what Jonathan did made her start to think about which is more important, the process or the result.

Is it wrong for Jonathan to use mean means to achieve great ends? Is it right for me to recklessly shoot and hurt others for the sake of justice?

The same problems that once plagued Batman also began to plague Zatanna, but the difference is that Zatanna's luck was even worse. The family resident, using her relatives to lure her back and capture her.

Zatana was already stimulated and betrayed by her relatives, and then Constantine was taken away because of herself. Back then, Schiller would give Batman a few days to think for himself. After receiving such a powerful combination of punches in a short period of time, he is now on the verge of collapse.

While Jim and others were busy comforting Zatana, Red Robin walked behind the counter alone, and then took out a small display screen from the inside pocket of his coat.

The pattern on the screen shook for a while, and then a dim room appeared, and Lilith asked in Red Robin's mind, What are you doing?

Times have changed. Red Robin shook the display screen in his hand and said, I guess that female vampire from the sixteenth century and the older ancestors of vampires probably don't even know what a tracking device is.

You put a monitor on your teacher? Lilith's tone of voice always hinted at a smile.

More than that, each of them has more than one set of monitoring equipment on their bodies, which are hidden in three levels. Even if they are stripped naked, they still have nano-level monitors and positioning devices hidden in their hair.

As he said that, Red Robin, who was originally squatting, sat on the ground with his back leaning against the wall of the bar and began to operate the display screen in his hand, whispering to himself: Let me seems that their base camp Right in Plymouth, they're back there again, oh, is this Cain?

Red Robin's eyes focused on the screen of the monitor, and from the perspective of the surveillance equipment hidden on Constantine, a man in a formal dress with blood mist all over his body slowly floated down in the center of the room.

A head of long black hair floated behind his head, his blood-colored eyes were full of coldness and cruelty, and his gestures carried an elegant demeanor of an aristocrat, while the blood clan of the demon king prostrated at his feet shouted his name—Ancestor Cain!

What's going on? Shouldn't you be the ancestor of vampires? Red Robin asked Lilith in his heart.

It's a long story. Lilith sighed and said, He has the same blood as mine. When he descended to the middle of the Red Sea, I gave him my blood and the way to control it. His descendants will inherit the blood. With their blood and magic, they became the blood clan of today.

In other words, he stole your ancestor's position?

Your way of sowing dissension is too low, boy, and it's not a nice title. He can take it if he likes it.

Red Robin fell silent, he continued to stare at the screen of the monitor, and at this time Constantine had been thrown in front of Cain.

Constantine struggled to get up from the ground, but instead of standing up, he sat down on the spot, tremblingly took out a cigarette from his arms, took a puff and exhaled a smoke ring.

He didn't even look at Cain, he smoked a cigarette and said in a hoarse voice.

I knew you would settle accounts with me, come on, Cain, suck my blood dry, and avenge me for digging your grave more than a hundred times a year to collect spell-casting materials.

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