The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1486 Birds and Return (38)

Uh, I may have made a wrong call. Red Robin said with some embarrassment: I modified the summoning circle a little bit, and changed those useless redundant runes into enhanced ones, so... no Sorry to bother you, I'll hang up first.

Wait. There was a hint of interest in the tone of the female voice.

This is the first time a human has been able to contact me and let me see the patterns you drew... Interesting.

The smile in Lilith's tone made Red Robin feel uncomfortable in his ears. He scratched his ears vigorously and said, Can you stop blowing in my ears? I'm a little itchy.

It's not your ears that itch, but your heart.

Suddenly, a dark wind blew from the top of Red Robin's head, and the other side of the room was pitch black, as if he was in a dark forest, with a huge pine tree in front of him.

Red Robin looked up instinctively, and he saw an extremely thick black snake tail, and when he looked up again, a beautiful woman with red hair and green eyes was staring at him between the pine branches.

She is as pure as a girl, but her eyes and voice are irresistible temptation, the black snake tail moved, and in a flash, a demon with a snake tail appeared in front of Red Robin.

A delicious little lamb. Lilith laughed in a low voice. She flicked the tip of her tail on purpose, bent down, and her red hair fell on Red Robin's shoulder.

Red Robin stared at her intoxicatedly for a while, but soon, some kind of thought made him break away from this temptation, and he even stared at Lilith's intoxicating eyes of temptation like wine without fear, and asked.

Why did the magic circle I modified contact you?

Perhaps fate made us...

Is it the thirteen strengthening runes I added? Or is there something wrong with the limited range of the runes of the mother of so-and-so? Or should the affix of tatu not be deleted?

Lilith straightened up again, she smiled softly, and then said: You are really interesting, little lamb, do you know who I am?

You said your name was Lilith.

True, but they usually call me Mother of Storms and Scourges, Mistress of Darkness, Ancestor of Nightmare and Death—Lilitu.

When Lilith said her real name, Red Robin seemed to think of something. He opened his eyes wide and said, Are you that Lilith? Adam's first wife in the Garden of Eden, the ancestor of vampires?

Yes, I am Lilith.

I really summoned something amazing. Red Robin sighed, but he didn't have any fear, then he looked into Lilith's eyes, spread his hands and said, Come need a A Pope?

Compared to this... Lilith swung her snake tail and walked behind Red Robin, put her head next to his ear and said, Do you know what else I do?


Desire. Lilith chuckled lightly. She blew into Red Robin's ear and said, How do you feel now?

I'm a bit cold.

Isn't it hot?

Of course not, your snake tail is terribly cold. Red Robin turned his head and saw that Lilith's snake tail had wrapped around his calf.

He sighed, then said, Can we get down to business?

With a flick of the snake's tail, Lilith returned to her original position with a swish, and her tail slapped the ground lightly. She frowned and looked at Red Robin, looked him up and down again, and said, Strange... What are you going to talk to me about?

Do you need a Pope?

Lilith was silent for a while. She looked at Red Robin's face and said, I never deal with humans, because they are dirty and fragile. Those human males who dream of me will tremble and be drowned by their desires.

Lilith used some complicated ancient grammar, but Red Robin could still hear what she was implying, and he remembered the European folklore in which Lilith and her daughter sneaked into the dreams of men and made them wet dream.

But you are a little different from them. Lilith swung her tail and looked around Red Robin again, and said, An interesting human boy, do you need my strength?

I need your knowledge more.

What do you want to know?

About vampires. Red Robin thought about their pursuit of Katz, so he asked: A human archmage was taken away by vampires, which may cause a war between the magic world and blood clans. We think Know his whereabouts, can you help me?

Lilith stroked the back of her hand with her fingertips, shrugged her nose lightly and said, I smell... it's my nephew who did a good job. They're underground at the wharf house in the southern harbor of Plymouth. I'm afraid you have to go there quickly. , the smell of blood has gradually dissipated.

Lilith seemed to want to say something, but Red Robin immediately turned to a completely rational way of thinking, and the illusion disappeared in an instant. He stepped out of the magic circle and said to Constantine and Boston who were still waiting.

Underground at the wharf house on the south harbor of Plymouth, Kaz may be dying, we need to hurry!

Gotham, in the lobby of the Wayne Hotel, Diana waved to Ye Yi and said, Here! I'm here! Are you here to help Bruce get something?

Yes, Wonder Woman... I mean, Ms. Diana. Ye Yi took back the title he had pronounced halfway. He was still a little uncomfortable with the image of Diana not wearing a uniform, so he didn't immediately spot her in the crowd.

Just call me Diana. Are you Bruce's friend? Diana looked him up and down, and said, You look a bit like him, I mean in terms of uniform quality.

Nightwing scratched his head, he looked left and right, decided to take off the mask, and said, Bruce may not have explained it to you, but I am Dick Grayson, a member of the Bat Family from another universe, hello.

Diana's eyes widened in surprise, she reached out her hand to shake Ye Yi's hand, and then joked: I didn't expect you to be handsome when you grow up, Dick.

Ye Yi turned his head away in embarrassment, and Diana patted him on the shoulder and said, Come with me, let's find a place where no one is around and open the portal. My brother still has what Bruce asked for.

Ye Yi didn't say anything, just nodded and followed Diana. They came to the underground parking lot of the hotel. Diana's hands lit up for a while, and when the light covered their bodies, Whoa! In a flash, the two disappeared.

After the white light in front of him disappeared, Ye Yi found himself in a lush forest. Diana brushed her hair and said, I can't take you directly to Olympus, so let's go to the Amazon first, and then let He Hermes came to fetch us.

Ye Yi looked around curiously, Diana looked at his expression, smiled and said, What's the matter, I'm curious?

It's a little bit. Amazon prohibits men from entering. I only saw the scenery here in travel advertisements.

Usually yes, but not so absolutely. Diana led Nightwing through the jungle, and Nightwing saw a richly decorated cave appear in front of him. After entering, it was built into a cave. The hut, Diana explained to him: This is my secret base. If I want to bring my male friends over, I will let them stay here. As long as they don't appear in front of other people, it's fine.

Suddenly, a slightly energetic male voice echoed in the cave: Diana, are you planning to go directly to Mount Etna to meet your brother?

Yes, thanks, Hermes.

Another beam of light fell from top to bottom. After a burst of dazzling light, Ye Yi's first feeling was heat.

Diana walked two steps forward along the volcanic rock, and seeing the sweat on Nightwing's forehead, she frowned and said, Doesn't the uniform that Bruce from your universe prepared for you have a temperature-regulating function?

I'm not that delicate. Ye Yi frowned and said.

It seems that you don't deal with the Protoss very much. Diana shook her head and waved her hand, a gust of breeze surrounded Ye Yi. Then she said: It's not a question of whether you can bear it. The temperature in the crater is thousands of degrees, but it doesn't matter, it's fine.

Thank you Your Highness.

It's okay, tell me about the Bruce of your universe.

Diana led Ye Yi all the way up. Ye Yi frowned when she heard Diana calling Batman, and then said, You have to call him Batman, or he will get angry.

Anyway, it's a universe away, and he can't hear it... Well, Batman, tell me about the Batman in your universe, is he okay? not bad. Ye Yi frowned again and said: But it may not be good recently. He encountered some troubles and had to send us to this universe for refuge.

Diana's face also became serious, she turned her head and asked, What trouble did he encounter? Could it be with his professor...

I heard that it seems to be Darkseid, but I don't know much about it. It's about the Justice League. Batman won't let us get involved.

Diana breathed a sigh of relief, she muttered in a low voice: I hope this is not some new title of that professor...

Soon, she seemed to remember something, re-pronounced the name Ye Yi said, and then said in a slightly hasty tone: He and the new god? Can he beat it?

Ye Yi glanced at Diana in surprise, and said, Of course, he's Batman.

So what about Batman, you don't know...

Diana quickened her pace, turned her head and waved to Ye Yi, saying, Hurry up, maybe we can persuade Hephaestus to open the warehouse and get you something useful!

Nightwing was very puzzled by her attitude, but Diana didn't explain much, but it wasn't that she was pretending to be mysterious, but that her understanding of Batman was completely different from Nightwing's.

Diana first met Bruce on the Kent farm in Kansas. At that time, Bruce was injured and looked very weak. Clark said he had mental problems, and it was very likely that he was an unclassified autistic patient. Diana It is inevitable to look at him with a little pitiful psychology.

Later, she saw the power of Bruce and Schiller to torture each other, and she even believed that he was not normal.

To put it simply, Diana believes that Bruce has no normal behavioral capacity at all and needs someone to take care of and help, but at the same time she also admits that Bruce's brain is a treasure of the entire earth, and believes that his wisdom is a rare wealth.

At this time, Ye Yi said that the Batman in their universe was going to face a strong enemy, and Diana naturally felt that this was a mental patient trying to overcome his symptoms and use his wisdom to contribute to the safety of the earth.

Although this is true to a certain extent, when the Justice League of that universe met Batman, he appeared in an extremely powerful and exhaustive image, and he also behaved like this afterwards. Over time, Most people regard him as a god, including Diana and Superman of that universe.

But when Diana met Bruce in this universe, he was a wounded person, and he was still a mental patient. She didn't think that Bruce himself could deal with such a strong enemy. Even if he participated in it, there would be great risks. .

Thinking of Bruce from another universe willing to take such a big risk for the safety of the earth, the righteous Wonder Woman of course wants to help.

So, the female Amazon warrior threw off Yeyi, rushed to the door of the temple, kicked the door open, and roared into it.

Hephaestus, give me the key to the warehouse, I want to get something! Quick!!!

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