The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1078: Father and Son (5)

Schiller, who was standing in front of the window, closed the curtains, and a hoarse voice came from behind him: Doctor, what's wrong?

It's nothing, it seems that a meteor flew past just now. Schiller shook his head, turned back, and said to Robert lying on the bed: Since the appearance of Iron Man, there have been more and more meteors over New York. Lovers never know that the shooting star they dreamed of might just be a failed plane crash.

Robert on the bed seemed to be in a much better state of mind, and even smiled once because of this joke. Although his expression was still a little stiff, it was because he had taken sedative drugs.

I'm sorry, Robert, because of your powerful ability, you must be accompanied by sedatives during the medication, otherwise, once you go crazy, everything here may be destroyed. Schiller sat back on the hospital bed with the notebook in his hand beside.

Of course, doctor. Robert lowered his head, looked at his hands and said, Since I have this ability, I've always been wreaking havoc, and sometimes, I can't tell whether I did it on purpose. Yes, it's just that the ability is out of control...

Actually, when I don't have this ability, I always get into trouble. Robert looked a little sleepy, but he seemed to have something to say, he said: It's almost Christmas, right? I remember, I left home The Christmas before, the atmosphere in the room wasn't even as good as in the ward.

What happened? Schiller asked.

I don't remember anymore. Robert shook his head and said, But it's a small matter anyway, maybe I didn't fly to the nearest airport for him to pick me up, or maybe I brought a girlfriend back that he didn't like ...

who is he?

My dad, said Robert, twisting the sheets with his hands. Schiller looked him in the eyes and said, You never mentioned your family to me. What kind of person is your dad?

Just like the father of the whole world. Robert gave a general answer, but then he added: I hope I can do everything according to his wishes and live the success he thinks It doesn't matter whether I want to live such a life or not.

From your attitude, you should be unwilling? Schiller poured Robert a glass of water, but Robert shook his head slightly and said, He is a successful person recognized by society, and there is nothing wrong with such a life. of.

The only bad thing is that since I was three years old, he hoped that I could live like him. Every word, deed, and every action must conform to the childhood behavior of a successful prosecutor.

It seems that he put a lot of pressure on you.

Actually, I never knew what he wanted me to do. Under the effect of the sedative, Robert's thoughts were in a trance, but this made him say what was in his heart: Maybe, he doesn't even know, he wants What do you want me to do...

He was successful, so he felt that as long as I followed the path he arranged, I would also be successful. However, the path he took was not arranged for him by others, and there were no rules in it.

So, sometimes, he asks me to do this, and after a while, he asks me to do that again. The tone of the command is exactly the same as the serious attitude, but what he wants me to do is completely different, or even the opposite.

He said that I shouldn't have a playful smile, but should be serious and serious, but he also said that I shouldn't be cold-hearted to my classmates and teachers, and I should express myself lively.

He said that I should have a sense of responsibility and a sense of justice, but he also said that I should be flexible and have both ways.

If I can't do it, he will say, that's what he did in the first place, and he achieved success by relying on this ability. If I really learn his behavior seriously, I won't look so stupid...

Robert closed his eyes, and said in a dry voice: He would often get angry for no reason, asking me if I thought he was not worthy of being my father, and asking if I liked my mother more because my grandfather was richer, Ask me if I look down on him...

After Robert fell silent, Schiller sighed deeply. If he had to judge, Robert's father's personality was so typical that it could appear in textbooks, and the same was true of his failure in education.

First thing, it's not your fault. Schiller looked at Robert, first set the tone of the matter, and then said: Your father is not educating a child, but educating the failed self.

Just as Robert was about to open his mouth, Schiller nodded and said, Indeed, in terms of social class, he has achieved a relatively high status, but that doesn't mean he isn't a failure.

Your father is acting very proud of what he has achieved, and emphasizing his success when he talks about it to anyone, but what he doesn't say is that he still has a lot of unsatisfied things. desire.

These desires may be too great to be satisfied, or they may destroy his perfect image if they are spoken out, or they may be morally ashamed to speak up, but in fact, he is not as satisfied with the status quo as he has shown.

But he can use another form to express his desire, which is to 'educate' you.

In you, build the self-esteem that he failed to build, and beautify your unspeakable greed into expectations for you.

Robert turned to look at Schiller, and Schiller crossed the fingers of his hands together, put them in front of him, and said: And he doesn't do this to others, he only does this to you, and it's not because he loves you at all, just because , you're a child, you can't resist, you can't even tell.

He uses the perfect life he thinks he should have in his mind, and the abilities he thinks he needs to achieve this perfect life, to guide you now, which is neither correct nor selfish.

Going deeper, he thinks that he has not been able to get a perfect life because of bad luck. He feels that if he starts all over again, he will definitely be able to make up for his regrets and be more successful.

He thinks that you are his chance to start all over again. He firmly believes that he has already got the answer to the exam paper of life, and he must fill it in according to his answer. If you don't do this, he thinks you don't know Anyway.

But in reality, if he really had the ability to answer every question right, he would have lived the life he wanted.

The answers he gave were actually made up of his mediocre life. These experiences are not the correct answers. If you answer all the correct answers step by step, you will not get a high score in the exam.

But he won't believe all of this. Schiller shook his head and said, He will only become more and more dissatisfied with you, thinking that you are useless, that's why he got the correct answer and failed to answer the question.

Even if you're a completely emotionless robot, copying every step he says, and in the end, when you still don't have the success he's hoping for, he'll just say, 'Why didn't you have your own mind? '.

He holds a 60-point test paper, not only requires you to answer 60 points, and the points are correct, but it is best to help him correct it to 90 points under the background of 60-point education. , if you can't do it, he will only think you are useless.

Robert stared blankly at Schiller, then wiped his lips in embarrassment, lowered his head and tightened his grip on the quilt and said, This is simply magic...

After finishing speaking, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Schiller with wide eyes and said, Doctor, about my father, there are often fragments circling in my mind, and I can't integrate them at all...

But what you said just now seems to be perfect. Kneading these pieces together, and even expressing them more refined and accurate, is this your superpower?

It's just psychology. Schiller looked down at the notebook in his hand and said, And the second thing I want to tell you is that your family education is not a special case, it is even typical enough to be considered In the cases written in textbooks, there are too many people who are in the same situation as you.”

Robert opened his mouth wide, and after a while he said slowly, Isn't it really that I'm unlucky?

Your luck is indeed not very good. Schiller pushed his glasses, looked at him and said, Your father's behavior is more extreme, but many parents have such symptoms, but it's not as good as your father's. It's that obvious.

...symptoms? Robert repeated the word.

That's right, this is actually a typical psychological problem. It can't be understood simply by saying 'hope your child will become a dragon' or 'hope your child will avoid detours'. It needs to be solved and treated.

But now, I am the one lying in the hospital...

It's not that there are enough untreated patients that there's no need for treatment. Shaking his head, Schiller said, And the reason it's not taken seriously is because the victims are children, and they hardly have a voice. ability.

When your father is moody and pouring out his controlling desire on you, can you go to the hospital and say to the psychiatrist, 'My father may be sick, please treat him'?

Even if the doctor believes it, everyone around him won't believe it, because he is an adult and you are a child.

To put it simply, education has a threshold. It requires patience, perseverance, pedagogical knowledge, and a certain understanding of child psychology. It also requires a firm view, consistency, and unity of knowledge and action. But there is no need to bully the small. Quality is enough.”

Robert clenched his fists and said excitedly, That's exactly what I want to say!

When I was young, whenever I didn't do what my father said and was scolded by him, I didn't even have a place to explain that what he asked me to do was impossible, or that he I didn't even explain this clearly, and no one would listen to my explanation...

Over time, I felt that it was really my fault. I thought, anyway, I can't be as successful as him, so I'll just be a rotten person, the kind of rotten person, and see him angry and angry. If he looks disappointed, I will feel happy instead, because I succeeded in revenge against him.

But the people around me turned around and blamed me, saying that I have such a successful father, but I am so uneducated, that I don't know how to cherish, and how many people don't have a decent background...

Okay, don't get excited, Robert. Schiller began to comfort Robert, who was speaking faster and faster. He said, Remember the two points I told you? First, it's not your fault. Second, You're not the only victim, either.

Hearing Schiller's last words, Robert gradually calmed down. After a while, he said slowly, What about the others?

Schiller looked at him quietly, waiting for him to clarify the direction of the question, but to Schiller's surprise, Robert asked: Have you said these words to other people? They know this Is it two o'clock?

Unfortunately, not. Schiller shook his head and said: So far, I have only encountered your case, but the tragedy of family education abounds.

Then why don't you let more people know? Robert asked.

I just analyzed the cause of your problem, and an excellent psychiatrist should give you a solution. Schiller said as he stood up, walked to his desk, opened the drawer, and took out the a book, handed it to Robert, and said:

This is a book I once wrote. The content of the book is not important, but the title of the book is important.

Following his words, Robert looked at the cover of the book. The design of the cover is very concise, even a bit too concise, because there are only a few words written on the beige cover.

Robert read those few words aloud:

'Learn to speak well'?

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