The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1064 Shocking the World (Thirty-nine)

Steve and Bucky have already rushed in, and it is estimated that they will arrive here in 40 minutes at most. Stark calculated.

Stark lay on the experimental table, took a deep breath and said, Get the life support device ready, activate the dedicated power supply, and ensure a successful first attempt!

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes, remained silent and stopped talking. At this point, both Loki and Strange knew that Stark had made up his mind, and it was useless to persuade him. It would be better to cooperate as much as possible. He, don't make any surprises.

First of all, Stark is wearing a mecha from his lower body to his waist, and the mecha is fixed on the experimental table to ensure that he will not fall due to short-term convulsions, and can also avoid incontinence caused by electric shocks.

At the same time, his arms were fixed on the laboratory table, but because he didn't like the feeling of being short of breath, the part above the chest was not fixed.

At this time, Jarvis brought a piece of clothing and covered Stark's body.

Stark was lying on the experimental table, staring at the ceiling, and said, Jarvis, do you remember the few questions he asked you when you first met Schiller?

While adjusting the device on his arm, Jarvis said: Remember, sir, if one day you are about to die, but ask me not to save you, if I really do what you say, then after you die , will I feel regret?

Jarvis's eyes hidden under the mechanical bones flickered. It didn't seem to be just the mechanical and cold process of electrifying the circuit, lighting the bulb, and flickering according to the frequency. It was like the light shining in the eyes of humans. express his thoughts and emotions.

Artificial intelligence will not feel regret. Jarvis replied with the same mechanical voice as before: For the same question, if the logic of the calculation does not change, I will only get the same answer.

There will be no change in the answer before and after the outcome, so we know the answer before it happens and we don't regret it.

And if any unexpected situation happens, we will refine the calculation system to ensure a more accurate answer next time.

Any causal relationship in this world is just data to us. We faithfully accept user data, check and calculate according to the logic written by the creator for us, obtain results, feedback results, and accept the results. Not responsible for anything other than that.

Stark looked into Jarvis's eyes, as if he was looking at a machine, or he looked at any machine as if he was looking at another self.

Before that, I had no extra judgment on any data, orders were just orders, and data were just data.

But when you told me that you want to develop an electric shock device and hope that it can kill you successfully, this command was not written into my mission library successfully at the first time.

In the next three hours, I tried many times, but without success.

I thought something was wrong with some of my programs, so I ran a full self-test and found nothing wrong.

Jarvis' eyes flickered twice again, and then he said, I don't think there is any electronic life in this world that can invade my program and silently block the writing of a command with the highest authority.

I was puzzled by this, and then, I performed a full calculation, and finally, combined with the knowledge of human behavior, psychology, sociology, etc., I came to a conclusion...

This is a virus, the most terrifying virus for artificial intelligence life. Humans call it-emotion.

Stark suddenly showed a helpless smile, as if he saw his child give an unconstrained answer to the simplest question. He felt absurd and had to marvel at his creativity.

Until now, I still can't write this command into my task library. I'm debugging the device, but I replaced this command with a phased command to execute your will in another way.

I disassembled this order into several parts, including inviting Mr. Stephen and Mr. Rocky to come here to help you, including sending a large number of security robots to block Mr. Steve's arrival.

It also includes the manufacture of electric shock equipment parts that meet your requirements, as well as simple life support devices and monitoring equipment.

Jarvis's tone has always been calm, without any fluctuations.

You're doing well, Jarvis, Stark said, his voice low and hoarse.

Then, he set his sights on the machine in Jarvis' hands, and he stretched out his hand to Jarvis and said, Give me the electrodes.

Jarvis stretched out his arm, lower than the electrode pad, and when the cold patch touched Stark's chest, he couldn't hide his fear. He began to breathe heavily, then looked at Jarvis, and said: ...give me the switch.

Jarvis stood on the opposite side of the laboratory table, holding the switch in his hand. When the cold light strip in the laboratory shone on him, his metal body was colder than the ice and snow outside the window.

Under Stark's shocked gaze, Jarvis slowly shook his head and said, ...No.

...what did you say? Stark asked.

I said, no. Jarvis' tone remained unchanged.

Stark looked at him in disbelief, and shouted: Give me the switch quickly! Steve and the others are coming up, once that idiot knows my plan, he will definitely stop me!

I don't know, do you still remember that when you were studying psychology, you installed the human behavior logic judgment module for me, and at the same time, you asked me to collect the behavior logic of everyone I came into contact with? Jarvis held Switch said, his tone was still very calm, regardless of the anxiety in Stark's eyes.

When you issued this order, you did not exclude yourself, and the human being I have been in contact with for the longest time is Tony Stark.

I collected a very large number of logical samples of your behavior, and built a database based on this to judge whether your behavior is normal.

According to the sample information provided by Tony Stark's database, judged by the human logic module, the root cause of your desire to commit suicide by electric shock is not to go to the goddess of death to complete the plan. Jarvis's voice always So rational.

You just want to make your own body feel pain. To make up for your guilt that your friend was hurt. Your behavior is just self-harm.

Also, you don't have enough grasp of the deal with the Goddess of Death, and you even hold an extremely negative attitude. You want to sink into the kingdom of death and never return.

Stark raised his neck and glared at Jarvis, as if he had a premonition of Jarvis's next move. Stark suddenly changed his tone, from an order to a plea: Jarvis, give the switch to I……

Turn the switch...uh!!!!!!!!!

In an instant, an intense electric current pierced Stark's heart, but it failed to stop it immediately.

Like a dying fish, Stark bounced off the experimental table, and then fell heavily on the experimental table, sweat and tears sprinkled on the smooth surface.

Jarvis stood opposite Stark, looking at his father and creator. He was well-dressed, with a calm face, more like a human being than Stark, who had only one breath left on the experimental table.

Stark was speechless. He stared blankly at the halo above the ceiling, staring, drooling, and twitching constantly.

Soon, the same severe electric shock and pain acted on his heart again.

And the last scene he saw was Jarvis on the opposite side, a smiling face made of symbols appeared on the screen above his head.

In the second before losing consciousness, anger and deep worry replaced the decadence brought about by self-destructive tendencies, and in an instant, Stark only regretted it.

Strange stared at Jarvis. Unbelievably said: You, how can you kill Tony Stark?!! He is your creator!!! You don't have... don't you have any robot laws?!!

But at this time, the light on the robot controlled by Jarvis has gone out, and immediately after that, the light in the laboratory has also gone out.

The always bright windows of Stark Tower went dark one after another, and in an instant, all the robots stopped moving.

Steve, who had just rushed in, hadn't figured out what was going on, but Loki, who had watched all this from the sidelines, was already lost in thought, as if he had already noticed Jarvis' purpose.

As Strange said, Jarvis was Stark's creation. Before that, Jarvis completely obeyed Stark's orders and would never disobey his master.

If Stark wants to hurt Jarvis, he can directly give him a self-destruct command, and Jarvis will not resist, but conversely, if Stark does not give Jarvis a self-destruct command, then he will not May injure yourself.

However, when Schiller and Stark first met, the two of them discussed the issue of artificial intelligence life having emotions. Under Schiller's persuasion, Stark also became interested in the emotional module of artificial intelligence, and I also hope that my smart housekeeper can have feelings.

Therefore, for several years, Stark has been constantly improving Jarvis' emotional module, but this has also left a gap in his absolute control over Jarvis.

The human behavior logic module installed by Stark on Jarvis led Jarvis to a very pessimistic conclusion about Stark's behavior this time.

If it was before, Jarvis couldn't take any action, but when he had feelings, he knew that he had to stop Stark.

However, as Stark's smart butler, Jarvis cannot directly refuse Stark's orders, but this intelligent life that often deals with Schiller not only inherits Stark's wisdom, but also inherits Schiller's wisdom. Blocked behavior style.

On the surface, he completed all Stark's tasks, preparing him with electric shock equipment, life-support facilities, inviting Rocky and Strange, and stopping Steve. All these tasks, he completed perfectly.

Until the end, he disobeyed Stark's order by using the emotional virus generated in his body, and made an extremely important decision, that is, he would kill his creator, father and master - Tony Stark. Tucker.

Jarvis knew that his creator, Stark, also knew him very well, so he showed a pleading expression at the end.

Stark knows it all too well. It is set in the underlying agreement of Jarvis that the meaning of its existence is to serve Tony Stark.

And if Jarvis killed Tony Stark with his own hands, it meant that he killed the meaning of his own existence, which also meant that there was a paradox error in his logic program, which might completely collapse.

Humans have souls, and may go to heaven or hell after death, but intelligent life does not. Once the program crashes and is completely damaged, it will completely disappear from this world.

And if Stark doesn't want Jarvis to disappear, he has to come back as soon as possible.

Jarvis took himself as a hostage and threatened his master Stark. It is best not to stay in the kingdom of death for too long, let alone never go back, otherwise, there is still room for recovery of Schiller's injuries, and Jarvis did not.

Feeling the special power fluctuations that suddenly came from the air, Loki couldn't help sighing in a low voice: Schiller asked a good question back then, and Jarvis is really a good student... Guilt, it's a good thing. knife.

A storm of special power swept across New York, Strange stretched out his arms to resist, then, he narrowed his eyes, looked out the window and said, Iron Demon God...

The two walked quickly to the window, and the sky in New York was still so calm, but that was only because ordinary people could not witness higher-dimensional power fluctuations.

In the eyes of Loki and Strange, at this moment in the universe, thousands of stars are shining together, thousands of machines are roaring, and an endless army of steel is descending again.

And in the eternally desolate and lonely kingdom of death, Death, who was resting on the rocking chair, was almost shaken off the chair.

Before she opened her eyes, she heard the emotionless mechanical sound of the Iron Demon God, echoing in the kingdom of death.

Death, I'm not here to negotiate terms.

Happy New Year everyone! ! ! ! ! ! !

Happy New Year! Happy New Years Eve! ! !

Love you guys! ! ! ! ! !

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