The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1061 Shocking the World (Thirty-six)

Eddie hesitated for a moment, as if he was thinking about how to express his views so as not to appear too extreme. This is also Eddie's occupational disease as a reporter, and Thor will not take these into consideration.

Thor directly hit the back of the chair next to him with a spatula, and shouted loudly: Schiller! You must be crazy! You won't tell me that you planned all of this?!

Before Schiller could admit it, Thor said again with a little anger: What do you think of us? It's not that we don't have long arms and legs, and it's not that we can't do anything. Why do you arrange everything? good?

Thor... Thor! Don't do this! Eddie dared to stop Thor's radical remarks, but Thor didn't accept this at all. He said very straightforwardly: You say superhero, oh, That means Tony, and probably me, have all kinds of troubles, but isn't that normal?

Thor showed a somewhat absurd expression, and said: Arguing between friends because of old enemies, quarreling with classmates, and deciding whether to have children between lovers, these trivial matters are worth your attention???

If you are too free, just run 20 laps around the Nine Kingdoms to ensure that all diseases will be eliminated! Thor put his hands on his hips, raised his eyebrows and lowered, and said, You humans always think that Asgard is too much. Careless... Well, I also admit that we are a military country after all, and sometimes we don't care about the affection of those children.

But, don't you humans think too much? Thor frowned, looking a little confused, he looked at Schiller and said, You even take care of such small things?? Why don't you just take care of their food and drink? Where's Lazar?!

If you quarrel, let them quarrel! If it's a big deal, you'll have a fight, and if you get awkward, you'll quarrel. They don't have long mouths, can't they explain themselves? Things between couples can only go with the flow. If you want a child, you naturally want it. What is there to manage?

And, I think the most outrageous thing is that you actually resurrected Tony's parents???

Of course, I'm not saying you shouldn't do this, but your reason for resurrecting old Stark is actually to give Tony a perfect ending?!

Schiller, how do you know that Tony wants to resurrect his parents? How do you know that his parents want to be resurrected? How do you know that his parents must be in his perfect ending?

As soon as Schiller was about to speak, Thor waved his hand and said, Don't tell me, you are a psychiatrist, you can see it, did Tony tell you clearly? I don't believe he would say that!

Could he cry and tell you, 'Please, please help me revive my parents, I miss them so much!' If he really did, I must go now Call him a jerk!

If he really wants to revive his parents, he can find a way by himself. Isn't his technical strength very powerful? Do more research, invent a time machine, or go outside the universe and find a world where his parents are still alive. Can't you see it?

And Peter Parker, are you serious about resurrecting his parents? I heard that kid say that his parents died too early, and he has no memory at all. Are you sure he really wants to see him? Biological parents?

Not to mention Stephen, you are too underestimating the Supreme Mage, if all the energy that Karma Taj currently possesses is poured into his body, it is not impossible for him to rise above the universe for a short time, If he really can't accept his father's death, then he will find a way by himself.

But what if the way they think brings danger? Schiller asked.

Then they will bear it themselves. Thor spread his hands and said, Otherwise? You don't even want to bear the danger for them, do you? You are not their father, and they are not babies anymore.

Schiller shook his head, as if he had nothing to say to Thor, and Thor shrugged and said, I know, it's because you want everything, that's why you do these things.

You want superheroes to have a stable mental state, and you want their abilities to grow, and you want the overall environment to be positive, and you want everyone to be happy, Schiller, don't you think you're too greedy?

Tor sighed, looked at Schiller and said: Of course, I know, you are very powerful, without you, human beings would not be able to get to where they are today, but you can't always live in the fantasy that you can handle everything perfectly, isn't that right? possible.

Thor supported the backs of the two chairs with both hands, and said: Loki often suffered from this disease before. When conducting tactical command on the battlefield, he wanted the enemy to lose a lot, and he wanted our side not to lose. , and at the same time equipped with shells and even wear and tear of weapons, they must be smaller than the opponent...

If you take all the good things in this world, then why would anyone else play? Even if there are one or two opponents that allow you to achieve such a victory, it is impossible for everyone to reveal such a big flaw.

Thor shook his head and said: I still stick to my point of view. Sometimes, Loki just thinks too much, and you are the same. This is a common problem of you scholars who come out of the ivory tower.

In theory, everything is feasible. Of course, I don't deny this. Ideally, it is like this. If you are capable enough, it is very possible to make things develop in this direction.

However. You don't have 'imperfect' expectations in your mind, and you don't allow any losses and sacrifices. Once something beyond your plan occurs, you have to formulate an extremely complicated plan to eliminate this sign.

A truly excellent strategist must accept sacrifice. Thor explained in a word: You may think that I am not the one who sacrificed, so I can say this, but in fact, I firmly believe that . On my way to achieve the result, I will not sacrifice less than him, and I will not have extra sympathy for him, because we just have a different division of labor.

You will be a great king. Schiller commented, but Thor shook his head and said, No, I want to be a good brother.

Whenever Rocky tells me that he has a better play, he has a better way, he can make fewer sacrifices, I always act impatient, like I don't want to listen at all. he said.

But it's actually protecting him. There must be bloodshed in war. He pays too much attention to this. He always wants to make up for it with plans and tactics. At the very beginning, it may be able to reduce losses.

But always think with this kind of thinking. In the end, the goal of tactics changes from winning to reducing losses. Does that mean that one day later, you will give up victory in order to reduce losses?

And if the victory is given up, isn't the sacrifice worthless?

Thor hit the back of the chair with a spatula again and said: Accepting loss. It is to achieve the best ending, not for a perfect ending. Not accepting loss, refusing loss is not the goal.

What's more... Thor shook his head slightly and said, Loki has offered to use himself as a bait several times for his perfect plan, but every time, I refused decisively, and he thought I was unreasonable. .”

But in fact, when he stood in front of everyone and explained his ideas, saying that the enemy would definitely lower their vigilance because of his weakness, what I felt was not appreciation, but only heartache.

Thor frowned, as if thinking of some bad memories, and said, I know, he has been feeling sad because of his weak constitution and his incompatibility with Asgardians.

What an arrogant person Loki is, for him to admit this directly in front of everyone, it's tantamount to stabbing himself in the heart with a knife.

Father of the gods, how much does he look down on my brother to feel that I need him to stab my wound in order to win?!

So, when I rejected him, the disdain and anger were not staged.

Don't ever think of me as someone who needs to sacrifice their loved ones to achieve their goals. I will never be such a coward!

Ahem... Eddie cleared his throat in embarrassment, and then said, Schiller, Thor's words are not rough...

Do you think superheroes would be really happy to find out that you hurt your own soul to resurrect their loved ones?

Eddie pursed his lips, raised his lips, and wrinkled his nose, showing a somewhat complicated expression, and said, With all due respect, in my opinion, this is a bit scary.

Of course, I know you are kind, but you made a choice for me that I could not have made.

Eddie spread his hands and analyzed to Schiller: Originally, it is an established fact that people cannot be resurrected after death, right?

Schiller nodded slowly, affirming his answer. After all, before he made a deal with death, this was indeed a fact, and it was a fact recognized by all human beings in the world.

Then, in the education I received in the past few decades, when a person dies, he is dead. Although I felt sad at the time and missed it later, I have actually accepted this fact.

Later, I met some friends who treated me very well, and we established a very deep relationship. At this time, one of my very good friends sacrificed himself to resurrect my relatives.

That's right, I miss my relatives very much, and I still do until now, but I also know that my friend will pay an unimaginably huge price for the resurrection of my relatives.

And when he really did this, I faced a choice, should I choose my relatives or my friends?

And I have actually accepted the fact that I have lost my loved ones. I could not have made this choice.

But I don't want him to choose friends... Schiller said again: Because this is my purpose...

But there are not only plans and purposes in this world. Eddie looked into Schiller's eyes and said, I know that sometimes, patients with autism spectrum have weak feelings about emotions, and their expressions of emotions are not perfect. .”

However, your wisdom should tell you that Tony Stark can't help but choose you. He is a superhero and a noble and good man.

Thor also chimed in and said, It is absolutely impossible for Tony to sacrifice his friends in order to resurrect his parents. If you let him do this, it is better to kill him.

Schiller pursed his lips and said stiffly, So, I shouldn't resurrect his parents?

The point is, you shouldn't sacrifice yourself, Eddie emphasized again.

But that's not a sacrifice. Schiller said again: I didn't die, and the price I paid can be recovered, everything can be recovered...

Eddie set his eyes on Schiller's neck and asked, ...Really? Is that too?

Schiller instinctively reached out, with trembling fingers. Rubbing on his collarbone, he was silent and did not answer, but Thor looked into his eyes and said:

If I had to single out one thing I least believe Loki said, it would have to be 'Trust me, I won't get hurt'.

In Thor's eyes, Schiller saw sobriety and sharpness that were completely different from his rough temperament. He heard Thor say:

Perhaps, Loki himself thought the same way. He thought he wouldn't get hurt, but the truth is, his wound has been torn open so many times that he can no longer feel the pain.

But it doesn't mean that, as his own brother, I can be as indifferent as other strangers, thinking that he stabbed another knife in his wound, which is his own fault, so he doesn't need to be rescued.

I guess it's the same for Tony, isn't it?

At this moment, Schiller saw the surging waves in Thor's eyes, and in the mist that rose above the Nordic ice sheet, there were also many fresh vitality like dense pine branches.

The room still echoed with Christmas carols coming from the window, and in his still somewhat dazed and confused thinking, when Schiller thought of his friends again, the plans and arrangements that often appeared suddenly disappeared.

And what appeared in his heart was something strange to him, urgent and sour, appearing inexplicably and then disappearing inexplicably.

When Schiller's eyes appeared on the screen, Steve, standing in front of the screen, slowly closed his eyes and said:

Perhaps, he is... missing us.

New Year's Eve should be updated normally

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