The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1055 Shocking the World (Thirty)

Thor seemed a little surprised to see Schiller there. Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and suppressed what he wanted to say. He glanced at Eddie's face and knew what was going on.

After all, before he came, he also received a warning from Loki, to the effect that he should not go to Schiller even if the sky fell.

However, it was not something he took the initiative to find, it was just a chance encounter. Thor thought that since Eddie was still there, nothing big would happen.

Thor walked to the dining table, pulled out a chair and sat down. Before Eddie could ask, he complained: I have to come to Earth to hide from the limelight. Frigga is driving me crazy. She only asks questions every day. Two things for me, when will I get married? When will I have children?

Eddie smiled and said: I didn't expect that the mighty God King of Asgard would be forced to marry...

Thor shook his head and said: Actually, it's my fault. Normally, when the king of gods is crowned, there should be a queen. But at that time, the relationship between Sif and I was a bit tense, and Loki was still causing trouble. The Father and the Queen also had differences over the selection of candidates.”

Eddie's eyes widened, he looked him up and down and said, You don't really want to marry your own sister, do you? And he used to be your biological brother!

Thor waved his hand and said: Asgard is different from you humans. We don't have any taboos about incest marriage. The gods will not have any sequelae due to incest marriage. My father and my mother are also related.

However, I really don't have any feelings for Loki other than brotherhood, but you also know that royal marriages are often not decided by ourselves. Thor sighed, and Eddie sat down on the chair opposite him. Unexpectedly, Schiller also came over and sat next to him.

Eddie took the kettle on the table, poured a glass of water for Thor, and then said: You have really matured a lot. If we had just met, you would have shouted loudly that love should be free...

Of course love should be free, but I still have responsibilities. Thor took a sip of water and said: Every member of the royal family is like this. We enjoy the supply and worship of the people of Asgard, so naturally we have to shoulder more responsibilities than Their greater responsibilities also require sacrifices, and marriage includes that.”

However, even though I think so, I will not force others to think so. Therefore, when Loki did not express his position clearly, I just assumed that he disagreed. Later, the Father of the Gods ignored us.

Thor put one hand on the table. The burly Nordic man could drink water with the aura of wine. He wiped his mouth and said: The relationship between Sif and I is a bit strange...

When I just returned to Asgard, because I killed a lot of Zealots with ulterior motives, Sif and I had a quarrel. She went out to practice alone, and we were separated for a while.

There were some memories in Thor's eyes. He said: We have never been apart for such a long time since we met when we were young. When she came back, we both noticed some differences...

In addition, Frigga worked hard to bring us together, and things fell into place. However, I ascended the throne first and the wedding was not held at the same time. Now, I can't find a suitable opportunity to hold it.

Now that it's been decided, why are you afraid of urging the marriage? Eddie asked curiously: It's just a matter of whether to hold a banquet or not. Your mother shouldn't be that anxious, right?

But I really can't stand her talking about it every day! Thor helplessly covered his forehead and said with a frown: In and out of words, he compares me with Loki, saying that he is more sensible than me since he was a child, and with the goddess We have a good relationship, and he said that I should learn from him, be more considerate, and not get into trouble with Sif. The coronation ceremony and wedding will be held together, so there won’t be so many things.

She said that this is unfair to Sif. The Queen of Gods should have been crowned as a wife with her husband in the most glorious and grand ceremony, but Sif will never have this opportunity again...

Thor sighed and said, What Frigga said makes sense. I couldn't refute it, but I couldn't stand her talking about it, so I had to run out and hide for a while.

Thor tapped his fingers on the table and said:

Another reason is that Loki is the god of deceit. He has caused a lot of trouble recently. Many calls from the interstellar empire have called me. I am too lazy to scold them one by one, so I simply say that I am not here. If they have the ability, just Come to Asgard to arrest people, I hope they will come!

Thor showed a murderous expression. Apparently, the words used to describe Loki on the phone made him unhappy.

Eddie burst into laughter and said: You and your son are simply a fraud gang. The son is responsible for going fishing, while I wait at home and hack them to death, killing, eating and burying them all...

Unexpectedly, as soon as Eddie finished speaking, Thor looked at him in surprise and said: You have changed a lot. In the past, you always spoke in a formal manner, and I couldn't understand some words. But now you are much better... …”

Eddie was stunned for a moment, then gave a wry smile and said, In life here, you can only talk like this. If you still talk to your colleagues in the newspaper office, you will get beaten.

The two chatted for a while, and Schiller, who was sitting next to him, took out a candy wrapper and started playing with it. Thor didn't understand what he was doing, so he stepped forward and watched him play with the origami toys, and said with great interest :

The goddess of Asgard loves origami butterflies the most. After folding them, she gives them the magic of flight and lets the butterflies fly around the fountain. Whoever's butterfly can fly around the fountain without getting wet will be the best. awesome……

Ever since Loki became a goddess, this award has never gone to anyone else. Her magic is indeed powerful, but I think she probably used illusions to fool others. He has been like this since he was a child.

The more Thor talked, the more interested he became, so he looked at Schiller and said, Can you teach me how to fold it? I will go back and teach Sif so that she can show her face at the goddess's party.

Sif is taking the path of a Valkyrie, and she doesn't get along with the traditional goddesses of Asgard. But in the future, when she becomes the Queen of Gods, she will inevitably have to deal with goddesses. If I can help her in this regard, it will be considered compensation. My mistake of delaying the wedding...

After saying that, he came to Schiller's side and stared at Schiller's stereotyped movements. He did not feel bored, but said:

It's really interesting. When these two sides of the cross are closed, the other two sides will separate. If this side separates, the other side will close again... Come on, come on, teach me how to fold it! Eddie! Eddie! Help us get it Here’s some paper!”

Eddie was about to say that Schiller was not in a good state of mind right now, but he found that Schiller was also looking up at him. He shook his head helplessly, walked into the room, found two pieces of white paper, and cut it into squares. , hand it to them.

Schiller did not speak, but folded it again with his crisp movements.

Thor, who is two meters tall and has a back wider than the door panel, pinches the thin white paper with fingers thicker than a carrot, just like pinching the sensitive heart beneath his rough appearance.

Schiller used quick movements to fold up the paper, unfold it, and then fold it up again. Thor tried a little awkwardly, but because he had never done this work before, he looked a little awkward. Not smart.

Eddie put his arms on the back of the chair, watching the two of them playing, and said in his heart: ...You just wanted to participate, right?

I'm not, I'm not that naive! Venom immediately denied, but then he snorted and said, If I really wanted to participate, I would definitely be pissed off by this big guy's stupidity!

You're no better than him. Eddie snorted disdainfully and said, Every time you eat chocolate balls, you swallow the packaging together. Don't think I don't know. You just can't peel off the candy wrapper...

Shut up! You damn coward! Apologize! Apologize quickly!

Finally, Eddie also sat opposite Thor. The two practiced face to face with a white paper, while Schiller sat directly in front. It seemed like he was demonstrating, but he also seemed to be repeating meaningless stereotypes. action?

The folding method of east, west, north and south is not complicated, but if it is your first time, you still need to practice it several times, otherwise, the folded things will not be flexible enough and will get stuck when opening and closing.

Eddie lost two minutes, 1 minute and 40 seconds of which was spent arguing with Venom and fighting for control of his body.

In the end, Venom gained the upper hand, and the huge black monster appeared on the opposite side of the table, its huge black claws holding the small white paper, as if holding his young and innocent heart.

The three of them played with paper for dozens of minutes, until the night was already deep. Under the light of the light, Eddie turned to look at Schiller's expression. He found that there was no anxiety or irritability in it, only focus and seriousness.

In fact, the most fun origami toy in the world is no longer interesting to play with for several hours at a time.

The fun of origami lies in the folding process, and folded toys that can only be easily opened and closed are not even as fun as cutting the screen on a mobile phone in such a smart era.

However, constantly opening and closing his fingers to see how the papers in the four directions were put together in different patterns made Eddie feel a sense of calm. He said to Venom in his heart: Remember what we came here for? ?

You said you wanted to find a new news topic. Venom snorted, and the emotional side of his heart surged up again, and he said:

But news is like this toy. When two hot features are combined, it becomes a new piece of news. When combined with other features, it becomes another piece of news... Is this news?

Sitting on a chair in the restaurant, Eddie heard his inner monologue: ...No, of course this is not news. This is not what news should pursue. It is neither new nor true.

What kind of truth do you want to pursue? Venom's somewhat vague voice sounded: The truth of the matter? The root of the case?

No... Eddie heard his heart replying again: There are too many outstanding journalists who have taken this path, and I want to take a different path from them...

Along with the dialogue in his heart, it was late at night, the night was low, and the moonlight was shining everywhere.

The man with long blond hair felt sleepy due to exhaustion after experiencing a cross-world journey, and fell asleep leaning on the chair.

The thin black-haired doctor also slowly lay down on the table and fell into sleep.

An origami toy made from golden-red candy paper was left in the center of the table.

At this time, the last shuttle just passed by the window. The cold light from the lamp strip shone through the window. When it shined on the candy paper, it was like a thin and sticky rain curtain, wrapping a shaky umbrella.

A boring toy born in the old era collided with the most functional transportation facility in the new era, and an astonishing spark of inspiration collided in front of Eddie.

So, he spoke, and his deep voice echoed in the room.

“Times and technology have changed, but people have not.”

In this amazing era of technology and exploration, people who are at a loss want to know where the road ahead leads. This is true for ordinary people, good doctors, and great kings.

As for me, a media person who has been fortunate enough to experience an era of change, the reality I want to record is not what the end of the road is, but the true joy, pain, and curiosity that people have experienced in the process of exploring this issue. Thirst, asking for but not getting...

Eddie unfolded the creased white paper in his hand, dipped his fingertips in the water in the cup, and wrote a few words on the paper:

What I want to record, the latest and most authentic news, is all the... shocking people I have encountered.

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