The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1043 Shocking the World (18)

When Schiller came to Stark's laboratory, there was nothing left, only ruins. Looking at the scene like a doomsday jungle, Schiller was completely stunned there.

He stood at the door for a full thirty seconds and didn't figure out what exactly happened. Which villain can directly break into the most important laboratory of Stark Tower now? ? ?

This is not just a laboratory. Now, the most cutting-edge scientific research results of human civilization are preserved in Stark's database, and all forces are trying their best to protect this place. The defense level here is worse than that of the eternal temple. A hundred green lights were given to headquarters.

Schiller shook his head vigorously, and then said to Jarvis, Jarvis, can you do an alcohol level test? It's the kind of drunk driving test...

Sir, according to my judgment, the level of alcohol in your body is not enough to make you hallucinate, and the broken laboratory you saw is not hallucination, which is why I called you here now.

Schiller frowned, walked into the laboratory, and said in a daze, What's the matter? Didn't you be fine yesterday? Let's start from the beginning...

Much to Schiller's astonishment, he heard Jarvis sigh deeply, and then say in an extremely complicated tone that should never have appeared in the mouth of a robot:

It all started when Mr. Strange suddenly rushed into the laboratory of Stark Tower last night.

Dr. Connors is doing an experiment, Mr. Strange rushed into his laboratory, Dr. Connors...

As soon as Jarvis said this, Schiller shouted: Stop! You only need to describe the incident, and you don't need so many honorifics.

Jarvis let out two beeps to indicate that he knew, so he said, Strange rushed into the laboratory where Connors was, and hoped that Connors could give him a lizard serum Healing Potion.

From the conversation between the two, it can be learned that just last night, Mr. Strange's father's condition suddenly deteriorated, and even the expensive artificial lung machine failed to work, which broke Strange's gradual progress. He had to come to Conners, hoping that the cure would work.

However, Connors is a very rigorous scientist. He told Strange that the lizard serum healing potion is not a panacea. From the perspective of the efficacy of the medicine, it is only effective for trauma and regeneration of severed limbs. In terms of organ failure and recovery of cardiopulmonary function, there is no special effect.

Connors emphasized that pharmacy is a very rigorous discipline. Without experimentation, he must not use an inappropriate experimental drug on a seriously ill patient, because it is very likely that it will not If it has the effect of treatment, it may even kill the patient, as a doctor, he must not do this.

However, Strange is on the verge of collapse. He even kept begging Connors, hoping to get this potion. He said that he has the time gem, and if it doesn't work, he can reset the time...

Schiller frowned and asked, Then why didn't he just reset the time back to when his father was fine?

Strange has already tried. Jarvis replied, But his father's condition is bound to worsen. The damage to lung function has been accumulated over the years. He has no way to reset his father back to normal. When you are young, and if it only resets for a period of time, and then deteriorates, you can only count on the healing potion.

Schiller nodded, indicating that he understood, so Jarvis continued: Connors was a little soft-hearted, but he told Strange that the finished medicines that can be used are all stored in Stark Tower. In the library, there must be Mr. Stark's personal authorization before the potion can be taken out.

Since the lizard serum healing potion proved to be extremely effective, the entire project team has expanded a lot of manpower, and because the lizard gene is dangerous, Connors is worried that someone will repeat his mistakes, so control potions and potions It is very necessary to strictly import and export raw materials.

Then, wouldn't it be enough for Connors to call Tony? Or submit an application through you. Although Tony and Stephen often dislike each other, he shouldn't be stingy in this matter, right?

Jarvis sighed helplessly again, and continued, This is about to tell another story...

Before Strange came to Stark Tower, Mr. Stark was going to give Peter a new battle suit, but he witnessed the scene of Peter fighting the criminal in green clothes.

Because he didn't want to disturb Peter, Mr. Stark kept a certain distance from him, but in the end, he heard that the Osborn Group actually wanted to attack Spider-Man to obtain his spider genes.

Mr. Stark said that he had seen this scene in the endless timeline of the universe, but he was still very angry, so that night, he led a batch of newly produced mecha troops into the Osborne Building, the site where Osborne negotiated with Obadiah...

Osborn thought Mr. Stark was acting recklessly and wanted to use the mech troops to threaten him to back down, so he was very angry and left the field angrily, while Obadiah, who had already gained the advantage and was preparing to finalize the contract, also I was so angry that I passed out on the way back.

After the hospital examination, Obadiah's nervous system has problems. The reason is that when he was experimenting with biological mechas when he was young, he used himself as an experimental product to allow imperfect biological mechas to connect to his nervous system. , At that time, his nervous system had already been damaged, and he did not receive timely treatment, resulting in sequelae.

Obadia's situation is not optimistic. The hospital told Mr. Stark that in addition to conservative treatment, surgery is also possible, but because the operation is difficult, a highly skilled and experienced surgeon is needed...

Mr. Stark wanted to go to Strange, but because Mr. Stark was too worried about Obadiah's situation at the time, he missed many calls and application reports from Connors, and the second report expired About thirty seconds later Strange received word that his father had died.

Mr. Stark returned to the Stark Tower, only to see a crazy Strange, and at the same time, the supreme mage who has gone mad.

Strange, who was too angry, felt that it was Mr. Stark who didn't want to take the risk, but deliberately refused to give him the medicine, which indirectly caused his father to lose a chance to be rescued.

And when Mr. Stark said that he hoped that Strange could operate on his uncle, Strange rejected him angrily, saying that this was his retribution, and Mr. Stark also felt very angry .”

So, the two fought and beat the laboratory like this.

After hearing the whole story, Schiller froze in place. He still hasn't realized how things developed to this point at such a lightning speed.

But Jarvis's story wasn't finished yet, he went on to say: Old Osborn immediately put on the most advanced armor and bomb weapons after returning to the group, and wanted to come to the Stark group to find a place.

But little Osborn thought that his father was fully armed to deal with Spider-Man, so he chose to stop his father.

Old Osborn was very angry that his son dared to disobey him. The father and son also fought. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Spider-Man came forward to persuade the fight, but it didn't work.

On the other side, Mr. Stark and Strange were not content with fighting in the laboratory. The two of them rushed to Earth's low-earth orbit, where they entered a new round of fighting.

However, they acted too quickly and too hastily, and they didn't notice Miss Lorna who formed a magnetic field to comb the traffic. Strange used a magic that was not recorded in my database, which was a bit like a gravitational trap, causing Lorna to The magnetic field controlled by Ms. Na was out of order and was sent flying, breaking two ribs.

Some time ago, Magneto, the leader of the Mutant Brotherhood, returned to Earth to pick up new interns to go to the Andromeda galaxy. He learned that his daughter was injured for no reason, and he landed directly on Earth's low-Earth orbit. , disturbed many satellites, and caused local disturbances on the surface.

Congress is very dissatisfied, and the governments of other countries also complain, thinking that this is the result of mutants acting recklessly again. People in many countries request the government to tighten policies against mutants again...

Schiller was already feeling dizzy, and Jarvis stopped talking at the right time, wanting to slow Schiller off, but Schiller waved his hand and said, If there is any bad news, tell me together...

Because the laboratory was destroyed and the transportation line of the sky train was also destroyed, the construction work of each station may be postponed... Dr. Schiller! Dr. Schiller! Are you okay???

Schiller leaned against the wall, covered his forehead and said, I'm fine, I'm fine, I just need to calm down...

After speaking, he moved a stool that was still in good condition, and sat down next to the experimental platform by the wall that had not yet collapsed. He was silent for a while, and then asked, ...Jarvis, do you have cold beer?

Sir, I think that your current state...

I know you don't have any snacks here, so give me some cold beer. Schiller's hands began to tremble a little, and he tremblingly took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket.

Unscrewed the bottle cap with some difficulty, shook his hand, and poured out a dozen pills with a crash. Schiller threw them into his mouth together without looking at them. Jarvis, who was controlling the robot, stopped the movement slowly. After taking a step, he could only stand there silently.

Schiller stood up, as if he wanted to leave the place, but soon, Jarvis brought a few buckets of cold beer, and Schiller sat down again.

Sir, it's not your fault at all, it's just an accident. Jarvis thought for a while and said, although his personality module is not perfect yet, he already knows how to comfort others.

Schiller finished a can of cold beer in two gulps, took a sip, put the can heavily on the table, and said, No, of course this has something to do with me, you know? I'm a gambler...

I'm used to exchanging nothing for something, making a big fortune with a small one. I like to invest a penny and get a ten thousand return. I am so greedy and reckless...

Schiller's hand exerted a little force, and his white knuckles began to turn blue, and the can was gradually crushed by him, and his slow movements carried tremendous force.

Jarvis had never heard such a low tone from him, like a gambler who had fallen into madness.

Not only do I want to win, but I also want to take all.

Schiller drank the last sip of beer, threw the beer can back, wiped his mouth, and said to Jarvis as if he had decided something, Find a car and take me back.

Sir, I think you still...

Schiller looked at Jarvis silently, and Jarvis could only say: Okay, I will contact Ultron to pick you up...

Two hours after Schiller left, Stark came back cursing, muttering in his mouth: If it weren't for Magneto, I would definitely make Stephen look good... By the way, Jarvis, how is Uncle Obadiah?

Mr. Obadiah's condition is stable, but I feel that Dr. Schiller's condition is not very good, or very bad.

Hearing Jarvis' solemn tone, Stark was stunned for a moment, he looked at the many empty beer cans beside the laboratory table, and said, Don't tell me, this is what Schiller drank, doesn't he not drink? !

Stark also realized the seriousness of the problem, so he immediately drove the steel suit to the nursing home where Schiller was, but he heard that he had moved back to the clinic.

On the way to the clinic, Stark ran into Strange again. He knew that Strange probably wanted to come to Schiller and let him revive his father.

Stark snorted coldly and didn't say anything. Strange, who had calmed down a little at this moment, also realized that it wasn't actually Stark's fault.

The two walked separately, and met Steve who wanted to find Schiller to get medicine, Peter who was worried that the previous battle of the Green Goblins would affect the clinic, and Matt who wanted to tell Schiller the good news.

Several people gathered at the entrance of the clinic. Just as they were about to pull the shutter door, Matt shouted, No! It smells of blood inside!

In an instant, several people took a defensive posture. Steve, who was holding a shield, approached the rolling door first. When the door opened, everyone was stunned by the scene inside.

Schiller was reclining on the sofa in the middle of the living room. The empty wine bottles at his feet were almost piled up like a mountain. On the sofa, there were all empty medicine bottles and countless scattered white pills.

On the right side of Schiller's lower jaw, there is an extremely long wound to the left side of the clavicle, and blood is gushing out at this time, and he himself is squinting, his eyesight is lax.

But what shocked everyone the most was that Schiller's other hand reached into the wound on the side of his neck, and kept opening the wound, allowing the blood to spread along his chest, dyeing the white coat Dazzling bright red.

started again

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