The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1036 Shocking the World (11)

Stark took a deep breath, then looked at Bucky and asked, You said that in the wreckage of the car, there is a safe box for confidential documents. What's in it?

Bucky shook his head and said, I don't know, when I saw that box, it was charred pieces.

But Stark was keenly aware of the problem. He said: The safety box built by Stark Industries will be burnt to pieces by car explosions and flames? Even in 1991, it is absolutely impossible...

Bucky recalled it carefully, and he said, No, that doesn't look like a Stark Industries creation, or even American style?

Stark froze for a moment, and spit out a word: ...Soviet Union?

After leaving from Bucky, Stark has no time to think about any philosophical issues. Now, what is before him is a more realistic issue, that is, there may be other secrets behind Howard's death.

Back at the Stark Tower, Stark began to search for the past records, but the production records about that period were not detailed, and there was no record of any safety boxes. Stark had no choice but to go to Auba Daya, after all, Obadiah is the old friend who accompanied Howard all the way.

Obadiah has been dealing with Stark Group's business issues, and he was not surprised that Stark came back to him, but Obadiah did not give a clear answer to Stark's question. He just said:

Tony, at that time, you had not officially inherited the group, so you may not have known that around 1990, the Stark group encountered the largest sanctions in history.

Before, I heard that the military wanted to force you to hand over your technology, but have you ever thought that your father might have experienced the same thing?

Obadiah tapped on the table lightly, with some sighs in his tone, he said: At that time, the world situation was a foregone conclusion, and the behemoth on the other side of the ocean was bound to die. It was a carnival.

But some people are not satisfied with just dividing up the corpses. Without enemies, there is no sense of urgency. They want more, including Stark Industries.

At that time, the Stark Group hadn't developed the scale it is now. It was mainly engaged in the arms business. Since the Cold War could no longer turn into a hot war, some people felt that it was time for the Stark Group to do something for the country. Contributed more.

So, a run and sanctions began. At that time, the news media and public opinion were all criticizing Howard, saying that he was a cold and cruel executioner who bought and sold arms and created wars.

Indeed, they are right, but even if we are hunting dogs, the dog owner should not pretend that he has not enjoyed the prey.

Those idiots, after learning that without the threat of the Soviet Union, they can finally provoke wars at will and sell arms, they are no longer satisfied with the previous sharing and profit, they want to control everything.

At that time, many extremists believed that the opportunity to unify the world had come. They needed power, technology, and a powerful enough killing machine more urgently.

Obadiah sighed, stood up from the table, looked out the window and said: I know, you have been resenting your father. In the last days of his life, he was not sober much and always drunk. Yes, but you have to know that at that time, he was under more pressure than you.

He is a shrewd businessman who has been chasing fame and fortune all his life, but in the last period of his life, the reason why he suffered so much is because he still feels that he is a human being and needs to be human.

I'm sorry, Tony. No one has told you for so many years. At that time, we all had a hunch. Obadiah took a deep breath, touched his white hair on the sideburns, and said: Perhaps, you know that the technology of the first-generation Ark reactor was jointly researched by your father and a Soviet.

On the eve of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Vanke committed suicide. At that time, he abandoned a peaceful and comfortable environment and resolutely returned to his motherland, but he failed to change anything.

And before he died, he gave your father, Howard Stark, the results of his efforts to improve the Ark reactor over the years.

Stark's eyes widened. This was incredible to him, because in his impression, the Soviet Union and the United States should be enemies. How could a Soviet person hand over technology to the Americans?

I know, you want to ask, why doesn't he give this technology to his compatriots? Tony, if he really believes in his compatriots, if he really has someone he can rely on, he won't despair committed suicide.

Even, in his last letter, he hated his so-called countrymen more than the Americans.

Stark had some hunch in his heart, so he asked: So, that technology...

Unfortunately, at the beginning, when there was turmoil in their country, Vanke thought he was keeping a good secret, but in fact, he had been targeted a long time ago. As soon as Howard got this technology, the CIA approached him. The military I also got the news.

Obadia turned back, came to Stark, and said to him: You and your father are too similar. If it were you, what would you do when faced with such a situation?

Stark thought for a moment, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and then he said: It's better to be a piece of jade than a tile, if they want to force me to hand over this technology, and I can't resist, then no one can get it .”

That's what your father chose.

Stark was stunned, and then as if thinking of something, he took a few steps back in a daze, and heard Obadiah say:

Howard retreated again and again, giving up many technologies, including some achievements in the mechanization of human body transformation.

But the CIA and the military will not let it go. Howard has repeatedly tolerated concessions and compromised. The reality continues to destroy his pride, so that he can only rely on alcohol to numb his pain.

For the sake of his family, he thought he could endure it until one day, he found out that they had their minds on you. It's not surprising that you are Howard's only weakness.

Howard understands that they won't give up because of his concession. Those damn hyenas will only bite off every piece of his flesh, so he doesn't plan to bear it anymore.

However, Howard's talent is limited by the times and the development of basic science. He doesn't have a steel suit, he is just an ordinary person, and he has almost no strong means to deal with seasoned agents.

At that time, social pressure had pushed him and the Stark Group to a corner where there was nowhere to retreat.

But he didn't intend to give up. Howard knew that the CIA could get detailed information on his whereabouts, so he deliberately carried that information with him. At the same time, he also brought a self-destruct device installed on the car engine.

Howard is already the last person with this technology. He is dead, and no one can get the technology of the Ark reactor.

Stark's eye sockets became red, as if he had seen Howard's hands holding the steering wheel firmly, his eyes revealing madness, that is a man who has been cornered, a father who cannot retreat.

Obadiah stepped forward, patted Tony on the shoulder, and said, Don't blame him for abandoning you. At that time, he had no other way to go.

Even if he handed over that part of the information, the military will still miss his genius brain, hoping that Howard can produce an inhumane killing machine for them...

Although your father is a businessman who started his business by selling arms and has no noble morals, he at least wants to give you a broader future instead of repeating his mistakes and atone for the sins of birth all his life.

Stark closed his eyes in pain, and Obadiah also showed a wry smile, he said: Your father installed a black box in that car, and the pictures before his death have been sent back. In fact, I have I knew who did it, but I didn't tell you, do you know why?

Stark looked at him with tears in his eyes, and Obadiah also looked into his eyes, and said in a low tone: Guess, the mechanical arm used on Sergeant Bucky Barnes Technology, from whom?

Stark closed his eyes in despair and pain. He now understands what Bucky said about Howard's astonishment before he died.

Perhaps, Howard was indeed surprised by the identity of the person who killed him. After all, Bucky was a soldier who fought for his country before, but now he is the killer of Hydra.

But what surprised him even more was that Bucky's robotic arm probably used some technology from Stark Industries.

But this is also very normal. At that time, Stark Industries represented the pinnacle of mechanical engineering technology. Howard was the founder of modern mechanical engineering. , who else could it have come from?

Stark thought, maybe it was because Howard recognized the technology on that arm, and also discovered the abnormal mental state of Sergeant Barnes, and thought of the reason why he would become a killer, so he resolutely pressed the button. Pushing the button, wanting to end this never-ending series of tragedies.

Stark was almost unsteady on his feet. He supported the table with one hand and knelt down on the side of the table. Obadiah stood opposite him and said, Your father is just a businessman, not a great man. But he's still your father.

He may not be a good man, nor is he a good father, but at the very least, at the last moment of his life, he made a stupid decision that violated the greedy nature of a businessman, and retained a trace of noble kindness, which makes you miss those good times When you are in trouble, you don’t have to hide and feel guilty, and you can rely on something.”

After being silent for a while, Stark stood up suddenly, controlled the steel suit, rushed out of the glass curtain wall of the building, and came to the sky of New York.

A silent roar burst out from his chest, and the citizens of New York only saw a shining shooting star gliding across the skyline, and when he stopped, Spider-Man swung to the roof of the building.

Spider-Man rarely greeted in that brisk tone, but said rather seriously: Mr. Stark, there is something I want to talk to you about...

Stark stood silently on the edge of the building. Spider-Man sensed that something was wrong with him, but when the words came to his lips, he had to speak. He could only bite the bullet and say: I just came back from the hospital, Gwen's father , that is, Sheriff George of the New York Police Department, was injured and hospitalized.

Spiderman stepped forward and stood side by side with Iron Man, looking at the sunset on the distant skyline, he sighed and said: But he was not injured by criminals, but by the shuttle's defense system ...

Spider-Man lowered his head and said: Yesterday, that is, the day I said that my spider silk launcher was stuck by the security system of the new suit, the case that I missed was handled by Sergeant George. of.

A bus driver who was about to be laid off rushed onto the shuttle with explosives in his arms. I couldn't stop him immediately because of a problem with my suit and the spider silk couldn't shoot out. So, Sergeant George alone One rushed into the shuttle, trying to subdue him.

However, Sergeant George was too busy with work. When changing his uniform, he forgot the shuttle's traffic card in his last clothes. He didn't have a traffic card with him, but the gangster did.

I know that the security system of the shuttle is very complete. If someone does not swipe the card, he will give three warnings. After the three warnings, he will not directly attack. As long as the person who did not swipe the card stands still, or proceeds slowly The defense system will not activate, but will remind you repeatedly.

And only those who do not swipe their cards, move at high speed, carry dangerous items on their bodies, and make aggressive actions may trigger the defense system. This is indeed reasonable, because this is to prevent those who want to punch the card. madman.

However, Sheriff George was eager to arrest the prisoner, so he rushed in. As a result, although the prisoner was knocked down by the defense system, Sheriff George was also hit.

Although the bullets used by the defense system on the shuttle are all electric shock bullets, which can only stun people and not bleed, but Sergeant George was injured before and has some heart problems. The electric shock stimulated his heart. , causing him to be hospitalized now.”

Spider-Man said in a low tone: Although Sheriff George's life is not in danger, Gwen is still very worried and cried very hard.

Iron Man turned to look at him and said, What do you want to say? You think this is my problem, right? So, you would rather wear the old suit than the new one?

No, Mr. Stark, my new suit has been sent for overhaul...

Then why don't you let me make you another one?

I...Mr. Stark, calm down...

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