The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1033 Shocking the World (8)

When Schiller walked into the room, the whole room was quiet as if no one was there. Even the breathing was suppressed. Steve was sitting on the booth sofa next to the bar. There were two unopened cans of beer on the table. .

When Schiller sat across from him, he touched the surfaces of two bottles of beer and found that one was at room temperature and the other was ice cold.

There was also a bottle of alcoholic liquor placed under the table, which looked like a base liquor for making cocktails. However, because he was too close to Steve, Schiller did not reach out. He could only judge from the appearance of the bottle that it was a bottle of strong liquor. liquor.

This room is actually the entertainment room of the Avengers base. When there are no missions, the members of the base will stay here, chatting and drinking, playing billiards, and table football for a while.

This place also adheres to the usual decoration style of the Avengers base. The walls are made of smooth metal plates, the floor is darker in color, and there are rivets on the four sides. Industrial-style chandeliers and decorative pipes cover the walls. There are two bars under the bar. A bright light strip is the only light source in the room at this time.

Steve sat on the couch with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.

Hearing a hiss sound of deflation, Steve moved his hand slightly, but still didn't raise his head until Schiller put another open can of beer in front of him.

Steve whimpered, shook his head, and then covered his eyes with his hands, like a drunk who was drunk until he became unconscious.

Steve, stop pretending. I know you're not drinking. Schiller took another sip of room-temperature beer. When the beer was not ice cold enough, it had an astringent bitter taste. He couldn't get used to it, so he drank it. Put the beer can down.

Judging from the situation near the table, your course of action just now should be like this. You felt a little uncomfortable and had signs of illness, so you wanted to use alcohol to numb yourself.

You walked to the bar and instinctively went to get a can of cold beer. But after you returned to your seat, you remembered that you had just finished exercising and the sweat was still there, so you couldn't drink cold beer, so you walked over to get it again. A can of room temperature beer.”

You were just about to open the room temperature beer, but you seemed to have thought of the unpleasant bitter taste of the room temperature beer. Perhaps you also felt that beer could not extinguish your sadness, so you returned to the bar and took a bottle of spirits.

But at this moment, Peter came over. You think about it, Peter is young. Even if he is an adult, he can drink, but drinking strong alcohol until he is unconscious is not good. You can't do it to young people. Bad example.”

So, you instinctively took the liquor under the table and put it next to your legs, trying to hide it.

You didn't want to call me originally, but after Peter's repeated requests, you had to do it because you didn't want to appear like an old man who hides his illness and avoids treatment.

Stop talking. Steve said aloud, but Schiller then said quickly: You care about this matter very much. You really don't want others to know that the spiritual leader of the United States in the last century was... In this era, it is completely outdated.”

You have learned to use smartphones and adapted to modern life, but in the blink of an eye, Stark Group has come up with a lot of gadgets that modern people can't understand. For example, if you want to take a shuttle, you have to go through the process Transportation card, but the transportation card processing is a fully intelligent process...

“It’s not like in the last century when you went to a bank to handle business and there would be members who would serve you kindly. If you want to apply for a transportation card for Shuttle and SkyTrain, you only need to go to the smart service hall next to the transportation bureau, and even the machine No operation is required, just tell the smart butler what you want to do...

This is a very, very simple process. It's so simple that even a child of a few years old can definitely do it as long as he can find a place. But you just don't want to do it because, in your process for this simple matter, you may not be able to do it. There are too many undue worries about accidents that occur.”

In other words, what bothers you the most is that now is the peak period for applying for transportation cards. The smart service hall must be crowded with people. You don't know how to communicate with artificial intelligence. You are afraid that you will ask some stupid questions, and you are even more afraid of your own... Stupid question, being heard by others...

Stop talking, Schiller, please. Steve's voice kept trembling, and he said: I'm not worried about these at all. I can learn all of these. I am Captain America, and my learning ability is also limited. Enhanced...

Who told you? Schiller asked.

Steve was a little overwhelmed by Schiller's question, so he took his hand away. The hair on his forehead was very messy, covering his clear eyes, making him look a little tired.

I guess maybe the group of people who reformed you told you, right? Schiller took another sip of the room-temperature beer that was difficult to swallow. He really couldn't stand it anymore, so he still put the can of cold beer in front of Steve. He took it over, opened the can, took a few gulps, sighed and said:

After your transformation is completed, scientists tell you that you have been transformed into the most perfect person in this era, with an extremely strong body, a smart brain, a strong learning ability, and an unparalleled kind heart...

That's what everyone says, right? They say that Captain America is the flag of this era and a truly perfect man, so you believe it. Schiller narrowed his eyes and looked at Steve Husband said.

However, there are no perfect people in this world. Moreover, even if you were a perfect person in the last era, you are no longer a perfect person in this era. Your era has passed.

“In the last era, Americans who experienced the Great Depression and Roosevelt’s New Deal were so energetic, brave, hard-working, and smart. That was when this beacon was the brightest, and you are the brightest bulb on the beacon.

You have to be the first person in America's golden age and be synonymous with the American spirit. Schiller looked into Steve's eyes and said, That's what everyone told you, and you did.

Their demands on you are not too much, because at that time, this place was still a beacon to the world. People from other countries could deny anything, but they had to admit that the United States really had its most prosperous and glorious period. .

At that time, the people around you were good enough, strict military officers, scientists full of genius, and hard-working staff. In this atmosphere, people called you their role model, so you naturally had to do something To the best.”

As Schiller spoke in a calm tone, Steve seemed to have really seen such scenes, or in other words, these scenes had always existed in his memory and had never dissipated.

That was the real golden age.

But the next second, Schiller's words were like a heavy punch, shattering his illusions. Schiller's voice sounded in his ears again:

But when you wake up, you find that the world has changed.

That vibrant country has begun to become a little chaotic. Various doctrines and groups have taken to the streets, entangled in issues you have never heard of, making a big fuss, and leaving a mess behind. So, you don't I love the streets so much.”

What you like to see most in newspapers has changed from technological development and human progress to you scolding me and I scolding you. I don't know what I'm scolding. One moment it's political party criticism, the other It will be business competition, so you don’t like reading newspapers very much.”

“You learned how to use a smartphone, so you started surfing the Internet, and then you discovered that the Internet seemed to be full of extreme lunatics, and no one could think rationally or discuss rationally, so you didn’t like using your smartphone much anymore. .”

Schiller sighed and pointed out Steve's problem directly: A giant who grew up in the golden age is unwilling to bend the knee for this decadent and chaotic era.

You don't want to be the Captain America of this era, but you feel guilty for the resistance in your heart because of the patriotic education you have received.

You know in your heart that the previous generation's routine no longer works, but you don't know how to be a perfect person in this era. Do you want to join in with them? Do you want to give up your own persistence? You have to cater to the public and entertain. Die?

There is a conflict between your personality and your mission. You feel sad about this, but no one tells you because those who gave you this mission have long since died.

It's not so much that Captain America is the flag of the United States. It's better to say that you are just the wake of the golden age, the last orphan of the American spirit.

With a bang, the sound of the wine cork being pulled out was as loud as an earthquake in the silent room. Steve's arms were shaking as he picked up the strong drink and poured it into his mouth.

You're right, you're right... Steve said vaguely: I'm just an old antique. I don't want to apply for a transportation card. I think walking is good and can keep fit. You can see the scenery on the street...

But Captain America can't be an old antique. I can't rush into some service hall without knowing anything, be left speechless by a group of robots, be photographed by people, upload it to their forum, and then... My stupidity and pedantry came to slander their fathers...

Obviously, their father and grandfather did much better than them! Steve put the wine bottle on the table fiercely, and said in such an extreme tone for the first time: Those people I know , will not advocate nihility and death, will not slander others at will based on a photo, will not advocate any decadent spirit, and take irresponsibility so naturally...

It's obviously the hard work of that generation that brought us today's results. I can't let them laugh at us! Steve raised his voice and said, This is not fair at all to those who died!

They died, so no one can know their contribution. No one can know. They could have spent their time on entertainment, but they chose to work hard and created such a great country.

If the role model of that generation, that is, me, also behaves very stupidly and old-fashioned, that era and everyone there will be laughed at... Steve covered his eyes in pain.

Remember when we first met? Schiller took a sip of cold beer. He didn't let the gray mist control his body. As a doctor, he couldn't drink often, so his drinking capacity was not very good. Now he felt slightly dizzy.

At that time, we talked about this topic... Schiller paused, and then said: I have said long ago that it's not that you can't learn smartphones, you just don't want to learn them, because you think that in the previous era The way of life was by no means inferior to that of today, and the people at that time were full of energy and vitality.”

That's how it is. Steve wiped his mouth with his palm, and then said: Miss Carter wanted to go on a date with me. We made a reservation at a restaurant in Brooklyn. After we made the reservation, she asked me how I wanted to get there. , I said I could walk there, and she acted surprised.

I know that in this era, few people can walk five or ten kilometers in one breath. But the feeling of exercise is really great. While walking, I can also see the changes in the shop signs and in the windows. Have you replaced the product with a new one...

I don't like shuttles and skytrains. When they drive, they vibrate so regularly that it makes me feel like my muscles are about to be dissolved.

But I can't speak freely about this part of the topic! Steve frowned, lowered his head, and said with some pain: I have to say that I like it, I have to say that I understand everything...

Of course Captain America has to like these new things, and of course he has to understand them, but Carter's question came too suddenly, and I let it slip. But I couldn't take it back, and I didn't know how to deal with it, so I had no choice but to refuse. She, after the date was set, ran away like a coward.

Don't...don't be worried... Schiller took two more sips of wine, and his speech became a little unclear, but he still tried hard to say:

I'm a... I'm a professional psychiatrist... I can analyze it for you from the beginning... Steve, Steve... listen...

Wait a minute, you can't just drink beer! Steve, who drank half a bottle of spirits in a short period of time, was also a little drunk. He walked to the bar, brought a few more bottles of wine, handed them to Schiller and said:

You remind me of the time when I was drinking and chatting with my comrades... Come! Open it! Ah, no, no, no, I will open it for you, you... you drink this bottle, this bottle belongs to me...

Schiller took a sip of strong wine and choked until he coughed. But when the hot wine entered his chest, he felt a cluster of flames being ignited, and his brain became clearer.

Drink...drink! Schiller said with some slurred speech: If you can't drink me, I will tell Tony all about your embarrassment...

Hiccup! Don't be stupid...his father can't even drink from me!

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