The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 998 Battle for the High Tower (Thirty)

Batman remembered his initial question, is he sick?

Batman jolted out of that thinking trance, looked at Schiller and asked, ... am I sick?

Schiller, who was eating, was stunned. He slowly turned his head to look at Batman. The fork was hanging in the air, neither lifted up nor lowered, and just froze there.

Schiller couldn’t fix Batman’s problem. So, like a parent whose child was bullied by his classmates and was not confident at school, he continued to eat unintentionally, and then asked, “Who is with you?” Did you say anything?

Schiller's reaction made Batman squint his eyes. While repeatedly cutting the meat on the plate, Schiller gave a universal answer: You are fine, we are very similar.

It seems that I am indeed sick. Batman said very simply, and the movement of Schiller's hands paused again, and said: If it is another student, I will let him describe the symptoms, but if it is you, I will Don't count on it.

After finishing speaking, he put down the tableware in his hand, wiped his mouth with a napkin, looked at Batman and said, Although I have a psychiatrist's license, I really haven't made a formal diagnosis for you, because I'm really worried , after I give you the medical certificate, you will ask me the meaning of the root.

Of course, Batman heard the sarcasm in Schiller's tone. He just wanted to speak, but Schiller interrupted him with a hand. Doctor, I have to be patient with patients...

Well, I am a licensed psychiatrist, you can trust my professional level, if you are free now, you can listen to my advice...

What Schiller didn't expect was that Batman really straightened his back, leaned on the back of the chair, and seemed to be listening, Schiller shook his head and said, You have to relax a bit, just right, the new barbecue Come, we can chat while eating...

After finishing speaking, he directed the devil to put some barbecue on Batman's plate. Batman picked up the cutlery, but he didn't intend to eat at all. He kept looking into Schiller's eyes, as if he was nervously waiting for the roll in the classroom s student.

Don't be nervous. I'm a psychiatrist. I won't give you a critical illness notice. In fact, I'm glad I'm diagnosing you now. Four years ago, the pathological analysis alone would have written about my wrist cramps.

Schiller's tone was much more relaxed than usual, showing a kind of indifference and leisure from the inside out, and he said: If you didn't show any abnormalities when you were young, and you haven't been diagnosed, then you may not be a spectrum patient. , which means that you are different from me, you do not suffer from autism.

Congenital health, acquired trauma, and traumatic stress disorder are inescapable topics. Your performance is already obvious, especially when you re-experience symptoms. For so many years, you have not been able to escape the shadow of the scene in the alley .”

The second is delusional disorder. I think you should have learned the definitions related to it, but this is actually inseparable from the mental stimulation you received at the beginning and the subsequent symptoms.

Schiller tapped the plate with his fork and said: After you have been mentally stimulated, for a long time, you are in a state of isolation, in this state, you have too many pressing things to solve. That is your revenge plan.

But at that time, because you were too young, there were not many actions you could put into practice, and there were too few people to communicate with. Indulging in virtual fantasies for a long time will lead to a certain inertia of thinking, which will lead to subsequent delusions sexual disorder.

In delusional disorder, I think you're somewhere in between persecutory delusional disorder and grandiose delusional disorder.

First, you overestimate the maliciousness of other people, and you are full of inexplicable worries about extremely vicious events that happen unconditionally in reality.

Second, you overestimate your own abilities, thinking that you are energetic, sharp-minded, and omnipotent.

Of course, to a certain extent, your worry and your self-confidence are justified, but if you exceed a certain limit and continue to develop, it may lead to brain and nerve lesions. This should be something you don't want. have witnessed.

Of course, I also have the same generalized anxiety disorder as me. When Schiller said this, Batman raised his eyebrows, and Schiller spoke in advance as if he knew what he was going to say:

You think that anxiety disorders are tachycardia, nervousness, and cold sweats, but in fact, the most obvious symptoms you show are increased alertness, which is manifested as sensitivity to external stimuli and prone to startle reactions.

Of course, because you are born with a relatively high IQ, the module of logical thinking oppresses emotions, resulting in unclear expressions of emotions, so there are not enough externalized expressions, but there are still.

This part of the performance may also be caused by depersonalization-reality disorder, that is, symptoms of paying too much attention to the surrounding environment.

To put it simply, because of delusional disorder, you often feel that some adverse events that occur under insufficient conditions may happen at any time, which will trigger your anxiety disorder and increase your alertness. At the same time, personality-reality disintegration The symptoms of excessive attention to the surrounding environment caused by the disorder will make you aware of every trouble around you, and question the authenticity of the environment, and then have delusions of persecution, forming a cycle...

At the same time, the symptoms of delusional grandeur make you feel that you are capable enough to cope with the extremely vicious events in your fantasy, so you will think deeply about the way to solve similar events.

Long-term lingering in these thoughts will lead to thinking inertia, brain shift, and make symptoms worse.

After Batman listened, he was silent for a while, and then said: My willpower has been tested by the green light ring. Of course, I don't mean that it is the only benchmark, but I think my willpower should be beyond ordinary people. of……

This goes back to the cognitive theory you are most interested in. Schiller answered very patiently: If your cognition is always wrong, then the stronger the willpower, the faster the symptoms will worsen.

I feel, I can't feel some emotions. Batman described his symptoms as accurately as possible: My mind is telling me that I should be happy or sad, but I don't feel like it. It's like The car has no engine...

Schiller paused, as if thinking, and said: Then I withdraw my previous conclusion, you may indeed have some pedigree traits, but perhaps it is because of your super high IQ, which makes up for the impact of similar symptoms. , so it was not discovered in time.

To put it simply, your reason can use theoretical analysis to figure out what emotion the other party should be in, and what emotion you should be in, so you can express this emotion through acting, right?

Batman recalled, and then said: When I was young, my parents asked me to play with other children. I thought I should be their leader. So I was very excited in the chase, and I was very happy after the victory, but Actually, I don't feel anything.

It seems that it is true. Schiller nodded and said: I am the same, but the difference is that my own emotions are weak, but I can be very sensitive to the emotions of others, which is why I can be a A psychiatrist.

Actually, if you have been able to act proficiently, there is no need to treat autism, because the process of autism treatment is to teach you how to act as a normal person. You have been able to do this, and you have done it well. That’s not an urgent problem to solve.”

I suggest that you first solve the delusional disorder that makes you hyperactive and behave abnormally for a long time, otherwise, this may also interfere with your expression of emotion. Schiller looked at Batman and said, Focus on illusion and less on reality. It’s okay to worry about anything, but do you really have nothing to worry about?”

Leaving aside the various practical problems that must be faced to save Gotham, Aisha and Dick's education is a difficulty that cannot be overcome.

You can't always think that someone will harm them one day in the future, or that they will encounter some serious trouble in the future, and then deduce from the results of your delusions what you want to teach them.

True education should focus on the present moment. What do they need? What are they expressing? What kind of emotions are they conveying? Then give feedback to these emotions and behaviors, which can help them build a stable personality.

If you only look at their future and don't give them any feedback on the emotion they are giving, it will easily lead to personality defects. Then no matter how many dangerous moves and skills you teach them to deal with, it will only be destroyed by personality defects in the end. An irrational decision.

After hearing these words, Batman was silent for a long time, he thought of his parents, especially his mother.

Thomas would occasionally talk to him about the future, encouraging him to study hard, master various survival skills, and be an excellent person. However, Martha almost never talked about these things with him, and only responded to his every tiny thought. action.

Batman didn't know whether what he missed was these two people, or the response and understanding he could get from every look, expression, and movement before the two gunshots.

After that, never again.

To some extent, Batman is incomprehensible, but this does not mean that his self-willed choices are actually those choices that cannot be understood by ordinary people, but are understood by his friends.

Gordon understands his justice, Harvey understands his philosophy, and Alfred understands his hatred. However, the understanding that human beings need is not only in these grand aspects, but those subtle emotional feedbacks are the most secure. important source.

Batman did not respond to these diagnoses, as if he had acquiesced, but Schiller felt that this was a good start, because the biggest manifestation of delusional disorder is not knowing it. If he did not refute it, then It just means that he is beginning to heal.

But at this time, Schiller said: Batman, you know what? You make me very unhappy.

Batman looked at Schiller, wondering why he said this, and Schiller put down the tableware, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said, I invited you to dinner, but you didn't eat anything, don't you think, this is very Is it impolite?

Batman subconsciously looked at the food on his plate, then glanced at the Corrupted General hanging on the hook, and told him rationally that it was a demon, no different from the cattle and sheep he usually ate.

However, General Rotting Heart is a very typical humanoid demon, so Batman feels a physical disgust at the very obvious joint structure in the plate.

Seeing Schiller's threatening eyes, Batman was unmoved in the slightest. Tolerating Schiller's actions was already his bottom line.

In the next second, Batman was strangled by the neck, and the strange demon tightly strangled Batman's neck with his elbow. Batman struggled hard, and then he was thrown to the ground next to him by the man and the chair.

With a bang, Batman felt a heavy blow to his head, and before his vision gradually darkened, he saw the reflection of the leather shoes under the suit pants.

The last thing that appeared in his field of vision was the squatting Schiller, the approaching fork, and the meat that was sent into his mouth.

And the last thing he heard was Schiller's voice with a smile:

Workers' meat, you have eaten enough, now, come and taste the same bourgeois taste as you.

The way you write without an outline is really chic

But you are really embarrassing looking like you are in a hurry

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