Chapter 998 Water World 24

"God, can you help us destroy that device?" Qu Ruiqing asked, turning his head to look at Tianmiao sitting behind.

"Yes." Tianmiao nodded. "Have you thought about what you will face next? If your father knew you did it, what would you do?"

Qu Ruiqing fell silent.

The light on Bai Bao's head flickered: "Little girl, you have come to this point, don't hold back."

"Father, I should be disappointed, and I will hate me. I don't want my father to treat me like this. However, I saw the silent shouts and despair of the people in the swamp area, and I... I can't enjoy what I have now. Everything. Because everything about the imperial people is built on blood debts." Qu Ruiqing's expression was complicated, and his eyes were full of pain and entanglement.

Qu Liufeng was also silent now.

"But..." Qu Ruiqing said slowly, "This world is going to change, and some people have to stand up, and always need sacrifice and sacrifice. I remember clearly what the ancestors said, sometimes the times need a hero. That era, ancestors We have become heroes, I think, this era will be my turn." Qu Ruiqing's eyes became firm, his tone was heavy but persistent.

"You have to know that you, a hero, may end up miserably in the end. Your relatives will hate you, the people of the Empire will hate you, and the people will betray you. And the people of the swamp area will not necessarily appreciate you. Once you make such a decision, Your life will be a tragedy." Tianmiao's voice is very soft and slow, but every word is like a stone of a thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousands of stone, which hit Qu Ruiqing's heart heavily.

Qu Ruiqing bit her lip and frowned.

Qu Liufeng looked anxiously, shaking his round body madly, trying to say something. But suddenly at this moment I felt that no matter what I said, it seemed too cruel. Therefore, he was worried, but said nothing.

"Since I have decided, I will not change it." For a long time, Qu Ruiqing said clearly.

Qu Liufeng let out a long sigh in her heart. This little girl is still very determined. so far so good. It is not easy to think about it, this girl is not yet twenty years old. We have to face such a difficult choice. That sentence is correct, an era needs heroes. However, not all heroes are loved and respected. Some heroes, as God said, are tragic heroes. Will bear a lot, bear a lot. This kind of heroes, what will they get in the end?

Can't get anything. What is it for?

For the righteousness of the world? For justice to survive? Or is it because you have a clear conscience?

People are selfish, this sentence is correct.

However, if all people are selfish and greedy, then this world is indeed over.

Someone has to stand up. If you can't do it yourself, then you can at least silently support the people who stand up, or if you don't object, it is already the biggest support?

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, such people are really fools. My own good life However, we must launch a revolution to liberate some miserable people and then overthrow our own good life.

But in this world, some people are always needed to be stupid.

The development and promotion of the world will never be possible without a group of "fools."

They are impulsive, passionate, righteous, passionate...

The world will become better and more exciting because of these people.

(End of this chapter)

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