The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 909: The rivers and lakes are called the black lotus 11

Chapter 909 Jianghu is called Black Lotus 11

"Dongxiao, Dongxiao, your martial arts is much higher than Xu Lang and Shen Hanshu, right?" The little prince sat watching Dongxiao chopping wood, but this time the wood chopping seemed a little different from usual, with bigger roots.

Dongxiao chopped firewood and didn't answer.

"Dong Xiao, what do you do with these firewood? It seems different from usual." Little Prince asked again.

"The boss used to cook whole lamb." Dong Xiao replied in a deep voice.

"Hey, Dongxiao, how much does the boss pay you for a year? I pay you ten times, how about you follow me back to the palace?" Little Wangye whispered, "I'm very sincere, and I live well. A lot of things will be sent to you at the end of the year."

Dong Xiao hadn't answered yet, the passing Huanghou sneered, and left a sentence: "Wash and sleep." After speaking, Huanghou left.

The little prince was confused. He blinked and looked at Huanghou's leaving back, then turned his head to look at Dongxiao, and asked in confusion, "What does Huanghou mean?"

"Meaning, you should think about it in your dreams." Dong Xiao explained expressionlessly.

The corner of the little prince's mouth twitched. Although he knew that digging the foot of the wall was not that easy, these words were too hurtful.

"Are you all the servants of Boss Tian? That's why you are so determined, or are your lives saved by her, so that's why?" Little Wangye couldn't help asking again.

Dong Xiao looked up at the little prince, fell silent, and replied: "Little prince."

"Huh?" The little prince opened his eyes and waited for Dong Xiao's answer.

"You better wash and sleep." Dongxiao put down the axe in his hand, got up to wash his hands and change clothes, ready to go out shopping. The meatloaf from a meatloaf shop on the other side of East Street is about to be out of the pan and can be bought.

The little prince collapsed and watched the back of Dongxiao go away.

Xu Lang walked over at this time and saw the little prince with a broken face. He couldn't help but smile and said, "Little prince, are you still thinking about digging the wall? I don't think you should do useless work."

"A tavern hides dragons and crouching tigers, don't you think it is weird, Daxia Xu?" The little prince stood up and asked with a serious face.

"You should have read the Illustrated Book of Jianghu Characters Little Prince, right?" Xu Lang did not answer Little Prince's question, but instead raised a question.

"I've seen it. You and Shen Hanshu are both ranked in the top ten, one eighth, and one tenth." The little prince replied quickly. Of course, he who yearned for Jianghu had a good knowledge of the Jianghu Characters. This atlas is updated every year. It was compiled by Jianghu and the court. It records the names of masters in the world, their weapons, their famous skills, and their estimated power rankings.

"However, I think that the eighth is very uplifting me. In this world, there are many masters who are hidden from the world and are not recorded in it. Some masters prefer to return to the basics. I think the boss likes this kind of big Hidden in the life of the city." Xu Lang smiled, "In this world, there are many masters, little prince should be surprised."

The little prince was silent, without speaking.

Tianmiao’s voice came from the front hall: "Do you eat chestnuts with candies? Just bought it, soft and sweet."

"Eat!" Xu Lang shouted into the front hall, turning his head and stepping forward.

The little prince stared at Xu Lang's hurried steps. He felt that he had a little understanding of the hidden joy of life in the city.

The little prince also followed to the front hall and saw two big packs of hot chestnut on the table, Tian Miao was about to eat. Huanghou stood at the door and was paying the chestnut vendor.

(End of this chapter)

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