The Dark Ages

Chapter 871: The flag does not fall, step into space and time 1


A planet exploded and turned into an endless fire, lighting up the darkness of the starry sky and seeing the dense army of galaxies.

These legions are all forces from various strong tribes, and they want to destroy the arrogant force that breaks up the dimensional barriers.


"Destroy the human race!"

A single order was issued, and the strong men of all ethnicities ordered the attack. Even the emperors with powerful races began to send more legions.

I saw that an interstellar wormhole on the starry sky was constructed, leading to this star field, and countless interstellar army gathered.

For one purpose, they annihilated humans on earth, and brought this power back to the three-dimensional and even lower-dimensional interface.


Suddenly, a horrific beam of light penetrated the Milky Way and hit the star field where the solar system is located.

Suddenly, strong light illuminate this star field, and energy from a certain imperial family bombarded and hit the solar system.

However, the surface of the solar system fortress has a layer of strong horizontal energy blocking, blocking this dimensional force.

"I want to destroy the human race, just forget it!"

With a loud drink, I saw a horrible battle flag slamming into the starry sky, the banner fluttering, and the bright red flag was like a sea of ​​blood in the starry sky, full of fiery and anger.

The five red stars shone with a radiant glow, illuminating the starry sky, which was an immortal battle flag created by Qin Tiange in the past.

This pole belongs to the immortal war banner of the Huaxia people. It brings together the immortal spirit of the entire Huaxia and even the entire earth.


The battle flag waved, splitting the dark starry sky, chopping the dimensional blow, and smashing the terrible power.

The hunting war flag fluttered above the stars and inserted above the fortress of the solar system, exuding immortal warfare, as if it represented the spirit and warfare of the entire earth.

"The flag does not fall, and the expedition continues!"

Qin Tiange stepped on the starry sky, stood on the edge of the battle flag, and looked down at the entire area around the solar system. His cold face was full of evil spirits.

I saw his ancient sword pointing, revealing an astonishing murderous power: "Order, destroy all enemies, and Huaxia is not afraid of any race or enemy."

"Those who commit my tribe will be beaten!"


At this moment, the earth ’s human beings formed an entire body in an instant, all claiming to be the Huaxia people and an ancient branch of the human race.

The Huaxia tribe has completed a fusion of the earth. As long as they belong to the earth's human beings, they belong to Huaxia.

Under the Huaxia Immortal Battle Flag, this power was finally condensed, the first transformation was completed, and the internal unity was unified.

What Qin Tiange wants is not a loose earth-human alliance, but the strength of the entire ethnic group.

The solar system expands and moves constantly, and the huge energy structure inside it supplies the entire solar system energy to turn into a fortress and go to war.

The entire solar system is a fortress of war. Instead of shrinking from the pressure from all sides, it responded instead.

Everything is for survival and dignity!


Boom Boom ...!

With an order, horrific beams of energy exploded, bombarding the interstellar army.

The tragic interstellar war, for the first time, faces threats from galaxies from all ethnic groups, which is a severe test for the Chinese people on the earth.

"Human race, the taboo is broken and must be killed."

At this moment, the sound from the battlefield of time and space, there are terrible strong can not sit still.

Seeing Qin Tiange breaking the taboo of the sky, the strong men of all races could not tolerate him to continue like this.


Time and space rupture, from the depths of time and space, a terrible strong shot, directly locked Qin Tiange, several powerful forces of time and space, to drag him into the space and time battlefield.

Seeing the pressure from time and space, Qin Tiange's eyes were cold, looking deep into space and time, he saw dozens of terrible figure unions.

"Want to drag me into the battlefield of time and space?" Qin Tiange said with a word, his eyes radiated two beams of terror.

He sneered coldly: "Since you want me to enter the battlefield of time and space, then I will set foot in time and space and kill all enemies as you wish."


As soon as the words fell, Qin Tiange burst into time and space, stepped into the crack, and rushed into the endless space.

There is a battlefield, which belongs to the space-time battlefield. There are many time-space-level strong men of various ethnic groups who do not want Qin Tiange to exist.

In this case, it will affect the entire battle situation, and he must be dragged into the space-time battlefield, so that this human force can be easily destroyed.


Punching through the barriers of time and space, Qin Tiange stepped into time and space step by step, exuding a pressure from all over his body.

The opponent wanted him to enter the battlefield of time and space. Qin Tiange had no intention of entering now, but leaving the group was still a threat.

In this case, set foot on the battlefield of time and space and kill all enemies, this can solve the threat from higher creatures.

"Arrogance, kill him!"

Sometimes the space-level great creatures roar, and unite the digital space-time strong, directly across time and space, and come together to kill Qin Tiange.

There are eight full-time space-time powerhouses. Except for one body, there is a two-dimensional strength breath, and the rest are one-dimensional space-time powerhouses.

Faced with the eight space-time powerhouses, can Qin Tiange cope?


Qin Tiange suddenly slashed, a frontier in front of time and space was startled, and one-dimensional strength turned into a shield to block.

With a bang, the one-dimensional shield collapsed, and a strong palm split on the opponent's face door.

Blood and water splashed into the space-time tunnel. Looking at Qin Tiange's strength, he wound up a time-space creature, and the rest of the strong were all angry.


"Just kill him!"

The eight space-time powerhouses roared and were extremely angry. They gathered a dimensional force into a killing and split into Qin Tiange.

At this moment, in the face of the forces of space and time gathered by the eight parties, the tunnel was shattered by these forces.

Qin Tiange waved his fists and thundered. The terrible space-time turbulence swept through the mighty area, and this area of ​​time and space collapsed on the spot.

Bang bang bang ...

Deep in space and time, a fierce battle begins, and eight space-time creatures come together to kill Qin Tiange.

But as soon as they started, those time and space-level powerhouses were frightened, because Qin Tiange was too strong.

His physical body is completely not afraid of any space-time power, no matter one-dimensional or two-dimensional power, only the soldiers screaming on it, and he can't hurt.

"how come?"

"Immune to time and space?"

These time-space-level strongmen were shocked, and watching Qin Tiange not have any time-space power, as if immune to these forces.

In fact, it is not immunity, but these space-time powers are all swallowed up by his brutal crushing.

That's right, it's devouring, the horror inside Qin Tiange, outsiders can't understand the situation, 60 trillion cell black holes, connecting endless time and space, and consuming the power of time and space dimension all the time.

Can a little borrowed space-time power kill him? Stop joking, it's like Qin Tiange himself is a gate of time and space. Why fear the power of time and space?


Qin Tiange drank coldly, smashing the mighty space and time in front of him with a punch, penetrating some kind of barrier, and hitting the body of a very strong time and space.

With a squeak, blood and water sprayed, broken bones flew across, and the time and space-level strong man could not withstand such a fierce fist, and directly defeated.


Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind, and the only two-dimensional space-time strong attacked.

One finger condenses the two-dimensional force, and completely cuts this space-time into a two-dimensional space-time mirror.

Yes, it is a mirror, which was cut out, and Qin Tiange's figure was condensed and fixed in this mirror.

"Hahaha, are you crazy?" The space-time strong laughed, waving his hand to collect this space-time mirror.

As a result, his face froze, because the mirror was immobile, he could not collect it, and he could not even control it.

"It's just a two-dimensional mirror. Look at me breaking you."

Suddenly, there was such a sentence in the mirror, and the cold words made the space-time powerful men around them startle.

I saw that the original figure in the mirror slowly turned around, looking at the two-dimensional space-time powerhouse.

"Impossible!" Such a scene frightened these space-time powerhouses and was sealed into two-dimensional space-time. How could they still move?

Qin Tiange's eyes were stubborn, and he hummed, "Nothing is impossible, it's you sitting in the well watching the sky."


A split with a palm, a loud noise, and the two-dimensional mirror surface shattered on the spot. Qin Tiange stepped out of the shard of Mantian dimension, intact.

"Come, calm him down!"

The eight space-time powerhouses who were present were horrified and hurried to gather the time and space power and rushed to Qin Tiange.

One-dimensional space-time particles, singularities flicker, turning into horrible silk threads.

The two-dimensional space-time mirror surface, constantly blocked, densely packed, seems to be trapped inside Qin Tiange forever.

Endless time and space, layer after layer of mirror blockade, obviously Qin Tiange scared these time and space-level strong.

However, these were useless and could not stop Qin Tiange's footsteps. As he walked step by step, the one-dimensional lines broke and the two-dimensional mirror broke apart wherever he passed.


A cold word came. Suddenly, a time and space strong man had a stiff face, looked down, and his heart did not know when it was gone.

"No ..." He growled in horror, waiting to fight back, and a murderous surge came behind him.

With a bang, the entire body exploded and turned into fragments, and all flesh and blood was swallowed up by Qin Tiange.

"Space-time level, it tastes good ..." Qin Tiange ate a sneer after he ate, his white teeth radiating a terrible light.

The remaining seven space-time powerhouses were frightened, and they couldn't believe what kind of monster the opponent was, even they didn't have any time-space power.

"Together, lead three-dimensional chaos and exile him."

Suddenly, the two-dimensional space-time powerhouse roared, and the seven space-time powerhouses suddenly joined forces, opening a horror rift, and a higher-dimensional space-time force emerged from the inside.

It is a three-dimensional power, which contains a more terrible force of destruction. It directly crushes two-dimensional ~ ~ one-dimensional, kills everything.

The torrent of three-dimensional space-time swept through, engulfing Qin Tiange, and finally sprang into the endless stream of space-time as the space-time self-repaired.

This is exile. Qin Tiange was directly banished into the unknown space-time plane. There is no clear space-time coordinate. Don't even think about returning.

Even if it returns, it will be thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. When he returns again, everything will be cold.

"Hahaha, good!"

"Go, destroy that tribe!"

Seeing this, the seven space-time powerhouses laughed and turned around, about to step out of time and space and destroy the human power of the solar system.

"Why do you want to leave now?"

But soon, an indifferent voice came, which made these seven space-time powerhouses stop in a footstep, turning their faces in horror, looking at the space-time area behind them.

There, the chaotic three-dimensional turbulence surging and surging, the space-time barrier was broken by some force brutally.

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