The Dark Ages

Chapter 860: Break the time and space, and hit the enemy

With a click, fierce blood spurted, and thousands of empties continued to slide down, revealing fierce vigor.

After all, that fierce brutality was stabbed by Qin Tiange with one palm, and he ignored the threat from the other.


At the moment when the ferocious died, a wave of time and space suddenly appeared on his headless body.

It was a tyrannical force of the former time and space level that survived and formed a strange sacrifice after death.

"Time and space sacrifices?" Qin Tiange looked at these strange obituaries, constantly interweaving, and turned into a kind of sacrifices.

At the time and space level, if the strong man directly launches a certain secret method before death, it can trigger the time and space ritual.

This is a terrible and secretive technique that can drag the formulated people into the battlefield of time and space.

That is the battlefield of the time and space powerhouses, where all are battlefields and killing places of time and space powerhouses.

That's why it's called the space-time battlefield!

The former ferocious threat before death, once Qin Tiange's killing him will inevitably lead to space-time war, that is what he meant.

Click! Click!

The crackling sound kept coming, and the sacred sky and space rituals shattered the barriers of time and space, which directly caused a terrible suction.

This suction is terrible. The suction from the space-time battlefield can drag a strong person in space-time into it.

"Want to drag me into the battlefield of chaos in time and space?" Qin Tiange snorted, staring blankly at the crack in time and space.

The endless suction from there was acting on him, trying to drag him into the battlefield of time and space.

Unfortunately, no matter how that suction erupted, Qin Tiange could not be dragged into the cracks of time and space.

Orders are tangled up, trying to pull him into the space-time plane and enter the battlefield belonging to the space-time class.

However, Qin Tiange's body is not moving like a mountain, like a world that cannot be shaken, so standing there can't be shaken by the force of time and space.

"How can you help me?" Qin Tiange spit gently, his eyes emitting two beams of horror.

With a bang, the order of time and space collapsed, turning into countless fragments and being absorbed by Qin Tiange's body, leaving nothing behind.

Then, there was a breath in the crack of time and space, and a word came out.

"Disrupting time and space, with heavy guilt, immediately enter the battlefield of time and space, otherwise you will be regarded as resisting the law of time and space."

The cold and indifferent voice came from the depths of endless time and space. It was a quake, but it was unfortunately stopped by Qin Tiange as much as possible, preventing it from emitting here.

Qin Tiange's black hair fluttered like a black cloth constantly flying, emitting a horrible air of vitality.

"The law of time and space?" He said word by word, then sneered, and said, "Do you have the ability to catch me?"


A loud bang came, and the sound of that anger turned into a horrific killing, which was suppressed directly.

In the depths of endless time and space, there is a terrible dimensional force that surpasses the one-dimensional force and turns out to be a two-dimensional force.

It was like a mirror-like force, rumbling across, everything was absorbed into it.

That is, some worlds and planets have been sealed into a two-dimensional interface at once, and turned into a kind of picture of a mirror and water moon inside.

"Two-dimensional power, do you want to kill me?" Qin Tiange drank violently, all over him.

Apart from that, Qin Tiange waved his arm, and his fist slammed up.

哐 Dang!

Just listening to a loud noise, the two-dimensional world mirror surface shattered on the spot and turned into countless fragments and dissipated in the depths of time and space.

One punch blasted the opponent's time and space dimension, Qin Tiange completely relied on the power of the physical body to blast the power of time and space dimension.

That fierce power, beyond imagination, can completely shake the barriers of time and space and even break time and space.

"Come without indecent assault, you can also try me!"

As soon as Qin Tiange's words came to an end, the whole person burst into a terrifying atmosphere, his fists condensed a violent force, and the power of 60 trillion black holes broke out into a deep space.

The rumbling noises kept coming, the space-time collapsed, and various space-time faults appeared.

The illusive fist shadow continued to push up, unstoppable, and time and space collapsed layer by layer.


Only a dull sound came from the depths of space and time, accompanied by a wailing roar, which seemed particularly miserable.

The strong man who had just shot, was struck by Qin Tiange's fist in an endless time and space.

"Dare to disobey the laws of time and space, and you should be guilty of sin!"

The fierce roar came, full of anger, and was even hurt by being punched by a fist across endless time and space.

However, in response to him was a more fierce punch, Qin Tiange suddenly took a step, and his fist banged deep into space and time.

There was a crackling sound, and after a scream, the space and time were completely calm.

Everything disappeared, and the spatiotemporal faults that were broken up layer by layer gradually recovered.

That huge cave, which stretched endlessly, was penetrated violently by Qin Tiange's punch.

"Go!" Qin Tiange sang, and there were no more sounds or waves from there.

Finally, the air fault was completely repaired at that time, and the broken holes and cracks disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Deep in the space-time battlefield, terror waves came, and many space-time strong were shocked.

Because some people even contended the law of time and space, and directly injured the law enforcement officer across endless time and space.

"Bad and scared!" Qin Tiange snorted, looking at the cracks in time and space with a trace of dissatisfaction.

He just fought against a strong man across endless time and space. This is his first victory.

Previously, the moment Qin Tiange was taken away by his daughter, Ziyi, was angry.

He doesn't like the space-time level, but now he will be ruthlessly bombarded by those who dare to come out.

"The battlefield of time and space, sooner or later, it will be leveled there." Qin Tiange said to himself, looking at the time and space behind him.

There are eighteen horrible figures hidden there, and it is the eighteen ancient human sages who sneaked into space and time.

They are madly drawing on the power of the space-time dimension, recovering the practice that was cut off in the past, and are stepping into the space-time pole.

With this power, Qin Tiange believes that there must be a guardian force in the future space-time battlefield.

"When my people build up enough power, whoever blocks the people, no matter who they are, will fall under the iron hoof of the people."

Qin Tiango watched the transformation of the eighteen sages silently, and began to plan for it, and the future road has begun.

It takes time to grow up, human race, and now there is no shortage of time. The only thing missing is resources, endless resources.

Qin Tiange looked up and looked at the starry sky, where there are endless resources waiting for the human race to obtain.

Where it comes from, it is naturally snatched from the hands of the Hundreds and Ten Thousands. For the sake of the human race, it is necessary to bury the Hundreds.

Those who stepped on the human corpses in the past must be liquidated one by one, and the human race must step on their corpses to rise again.

The rise and fall of all the races of the universe, and all of them stepped on the corpses of his race, without exception.

"Wong, where did that power come from?"

At this time, in the depths of time and space, Li Luo, who was protecting the law of the eighteen sages, appeared quietly, and asked with a serious expression.

Just after the fierce battle, Li Luo in the deep space and time naturally sensed it, which is still the atmosphere of Qin Tiange, and naturally attaches importance to it.

Watching Li Luo appear, Qin Tiange laughed: "It's okay, it's a strong man from the space-time battlefield. He wants to drag me into the time-space battlefield."

"Time and space battlefield?" Li Luo frowned, looking at the endless space and time, lost his thoughts for a while.

After a long time, she nodded slowly, and said, "Huang, you still have less shot at present. If there is anything, I can do it for my emperor."

Li Luo is worried that if a stronger presence is attracted by Qin Tiange, it is not good.

In this regard, Qin Tiange did not care, but still nodded.

"I will pay attention to myself. It will take some time for the eighteen sages to recover. After all, the former Japanese source was beheaded, and that will take time to complete." Qin Tiange said softly.

Li Luo bowed his head ~ ~ turned back to the dimension of time and space to protect the law of the eighteen human race sages, waiting for their return.

Once the repair of the Eighteen Sages is completed and the time and space level is restored, it is an extremely powerful force.

Eighteen space-time levels are enough for Qin Tiange to plan a big plan.

"Wait a second, you can't be in a hurry." Qin Tiange said to himself, glanced at the dimension of time and space, and turned away from here.

As for the brutality, he was killed by him long ago, and this restricted area has never existed on earth.

Qin Tiange stepped out of the prisoner's abyss, stood in the void, and looked at the direction of the boundless sea, where there was also a restricted area.

"The last exclusion zone is resolved, and the planet is completely threat-free."

Qin Tiange said to himself, with a few horrific killings in his eyes, the last restricted area should be resolved.

With that said, he stepped forward and came to the top of the Wuhai Sea, where a restricted area remained unresolved.

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