Returning from the memory of Chen Chao, Wang Ling had thought for a long time at the desk.

He wrote this in his personal conclusion on Chen Chao’s composition.

“We may have been at a loss when we were young, but after all, we will still grow. When you don’t know how to choose the right path, then you should become a man of the top! Standing on the top of the mountain. You, under the cover of the sun, are so dazzling…like, it was lighted…”


On September 6, the summer vacation officially began the twenty-fourth day. The days of the establishment of diplomatic relations were also near, and this time it was a fire, that is, Guo Ping, a scientist who disappeared from the Shinto Star and then resurrected after the mission.

Now, Guo Ping has become a ambassador of the establishment of diplomatic relations, responsible for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the entire realm of the realm and the alien aliens.

This matter can give Hero Guo a bad break. This time, Guo Jia really had a big man. In Guo Guoshu, who has so many Hero Guos, it is obvious that Guo Ping has become the sequence of the strongest uncle.

This incident really brought great surprise to Hero Guo, because after the last trip of the Shinto star, Wang Ling replaced the memory of the sixty people, so Hero Guo told his uncle Guo. There is absolutely no impression of it. In his memory, it is an ordinary game npc.

“Where! I told you, Guo Ping is actually my uncle, you dare to believe?” In the WeChat group, Hero Guo gave a surprised expression.

“I believe! But why don’t you be in the class? There are so many people in the class!” Chen Chao is happy.

“That’s still a low-key one. You are my buddies. I said, rest assured. Other people, they don’t necessarily believe it…” Hero Guo said.

Some people have a flaw, Guo Ping is his uncle’s business, Hero Guo is also considering it again and again, did not show off, good to him, to Guo Ping.

If you say it, people may think that he is bragging… In case you catch up with the teacher, if you seriously look for him to invite Guo Ping to the school to give a speech, then it is really terrible.

In fact, Hero Guo is still very self-aware. Guo Ping is his blood-related uncle is right, but the problem is that the relationship is not good enough to call it to the extent of the wave.

“You and Guo Ping are very familiar?” At this time, Little Peanut asked.

Hero Guo: “I am not very familiar… but my dad should be quite familiar. The phone should have contact information. Before there was a Guoshi WeChat group, Guo Pingshu was inside. But the group has been sinking for a long time, I changed the phone. If no one is posting in the group, I may not be able to find…”

Chen Chao: “Before you saw your uncle on TV, I always felt that your uncle was very eye-catching. It seems to have seen it there. It looks like an NPC in the game.”

Wang Ling: “…”

Hero Guo: “Wang Ling, you are watching the screen again!”

Chen Chao laughed: “He is not like this? You know him on the first day?”

Several people discussed Guo Ping’s affairs in the group and they talked until noon. No way, as the cosmic peace ambassador of the aliens established diplomatic relations, Guo Ping’s popularity has dominated the headlines for several days.

More than that, the entire realm of comprehension and the extraterrestrial creatures of the universe are also connected. More and more alien creatures are reflected in the information provided by Shinto.

Of course, the information on the Internet is only a part of the public data, 5% are not. Before the Shinto star, he was overbearing in the universe and engaged in aggression and expansion. He almost annexed more than 90% of the planets with intelligent life, but the Shenlong people never thought that they would eventually lose to the hands of the earth…



On the evening of the group talking about Guo Ping, a person came at the door of the Wang family villa. The two dogs were kneeling at the door, and as soon as they looked up, they saw a man who was covering the face. The very tight man wrapped in all aspects was in his pocket and walked very low-key towards the door.

“who are you?”

The two dogs got up and opened directly.

Although it did not feel any hostility in this person, it still maintained a certain degree of vigilance.

“You can’t speak if you don’t have a shape?” Hearing the words of the two dogs, the people first squatted, then took off their sunglasses, masks, and took off their sun hats, coats, and wraps. The gauze on the body… Finally, a layer of skin was picked up from the face, and then yanked.

This skin is easy to wear mask, the market has ready-made, you can also order, all kinds of star styles, when used, just like applying a mask, apply it to the face for five minutes, the mask will put you Yi Rongcheng looks like the person you want.

However, the purchase of Yirong masks requires real-name registration and filing, in case someone uses masks to perform illegal transactions.

The production rights of Yirong Mask are also strictly monitored by Hua Xiulian. The crime of illegally producing masks is also very high. If you are arrested, you will start in 500 years…

“…” Two dogs looked at the door.

The man spent five minutes at the door and unloaded all his camouflage. From the beginning to the end, he even had enough cover for his legs.

When the real body appeared, the two dogs were also suddenly stunned. This uncle actually saw it.

This is nonsense…

It’s impossible not to have seen it! These two days are so hot on TV!

“Hello, I am Guo Ping.” The middle-aged uncle started to introduce himself.

“Ask him what he is doing here.” On the second floor, Wang Ling voiced two dogs in the bedroom.

He didn’t expect the chat group to talk about Guo Ping in the morning, Guo Ping came to the door of the villa in the afternoon…

This made Wang Ling feel a bit strange. He remembered that he should have replaced Guo Ping’s memory, even though he was on the Shinto Star. But now after replacing the memory, in Guo Ping’s cognition, the most fierce person in the game is the white sheath.

After replacing the memory, it should be a small transparent flaw!

How could this Guo Ping suddenly come to the door?

“I came to see, Ling Zhenren.” Guo Ping replied.

“I don’t see you, my master is writing homework, very busy.” Two dogs said.

“Then let me help him write.” Guo Ping said with a smile.

Two dogs: “…”

Shock! Guo Ping, a famous academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the most popular ambassador of the establishment of the universe, Guo Ping actually helped a high school student write homework… This is a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality!

“You don’t need to reject me like this… Wang Ming has told me that, and I have helped with the upgrade. I came here, I just want to thank Ling Zhenren.” Guo Ping reluctantly Laughed.


“Yeah, Wang Ming said, the energy wire that made me continue to fly in the universe for so long is provided by Ling Zhenren. If it wasn’t Ling Zhenren, I might still be floating in the universe…”


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