Tang Youning has endured this for a long time. He has been indulging Yang Zhong. As a result, he did not expect that the other party turned into a white-eyed wolf that would only habitually reach out to himself. This is something that Tang Youning could not accept and forgive.

The story of the farmer and the snake Tang Youning has heard a lot, but he never thought that one day he would happen to himself.

In the past few months, he was mad by Yang Zhong. This is not the first time Yang Zhong has pleaded with himself in a low-pitched attitude, but it was the first time he asked him to help him deceive the audience. Tang Youning felt that he was too confused, actually helped such a person…

Tang Youning got up from the computer, he went to the mirror and took photos. His face was full of tiredness, his beard and messy hair… It was quite different from the street singer Tang Youning who lived on the street. .

This is not what Tang Youning wants. This is the kind of person he once hated most…

After the song of “Old Boy” was fired, Tang Youning was also suffering and struggling because of Yang Zhong’s affairs. He had not gone out at home for a long time.

But just now, Tang Youning already has the answer.

He scraped his beard with a small razor, shaved his hair and left a clean plate.

Then open the phone and dial the agent’s phone number: “Heaven? I want to understand…”

When the agent heard the sound, he sighed with a sigh of relief: “I want to understand!”

“Well, I decided to expose him.”

“Yes! This is the best!” The “Heavenly Brother” nodded: “I have long seen that the singer’s court is not pleasing to the eye… every day with half a S♂M mask singing, it is the same as a philosophy concert. !”

Tang Youning: “…”



On the other side, Wang Da’s fan base, fans have come from complaints from the first battlefield ahead. Many fans felt extremely angry when they heard that Wang Da’s “Starry Love” was stolen. They organized groups to go to the blast. Many people signed up for several accounts, and they didn’t open up… I greeted whether the next anchor had the act of stealing songs and was directly banned by the house manager for seven days.

Now the fans are screaming in the head, some of the enemy fans are too horrible, and the guards are also very powerful.

There is a kind of fan who knows what kind of person, Wang Da has searched the anchor’s information before. After being sung by the singer last year, I also refused to recognize it at the beginning. As a result, I was forced to apologize to the public after I could not withstand the pressure of public opinion.

And for those who have already had an experience, now the face of the “Singer’s Court” is only thicker than the city wall. Just go to the other side of the live broadcast to question, it can not take any cheap.

Wang Dawei opened the live room of the “Singer’s Court”. When he saw it yesterday, the number of online users was still around 30,000. As a result, he just announced the story after the fan group announced the incident. Already breaking through 600,000…

Oh, the combat power of my fans is still relatively strong!

Wang Dad is happy in his heart, and he has read the barrage of the live broadcast room.

Several fans with the “President” nameplate have maintained: “How can our dean sing? Or how can he explain before he sings? Is it also a mouth-to-mouth? Don’t mislead new audiences!”

Wang Dad: “…”

“What if I can sing? I like the dean who likes to see the dean’s fancy sister. I don’t listen to singing! What is the relationship between sing-song songs and me? Don’t listen, Wang Wan chanting!”

Wang Dad: “…”

“Why are you so many sailors today? Forgive me, what is this Wang Situ? What I have never heard of this singer, is it coming to marry our dean!”

Wang Dad is already unable to suppress the mouth of the mouth: “…” This is really, deceiving too much!

He is the top god of the Chinese network, and needs the enthusiasm of a small singer?

However, Wang Da is still speechless and still behind.

I saw this time, the house tube typed in the public screen: “Today, the president’s throat is a little uncomfortable, so I will not sing live today, take a break for a while, accompany everyone, you can also listen to the songs you want to listen to. First, leave a message on the public screen, I will record it, and wait for the next live broadcast to commemorate everyone.”

Obviously, this is a plan to slow down.

Because there are so many people in the live broadcast room now, the other party is worried about singing in front of so many people. If this gadget is caught in a loophole, it must be a hundred words.

Therefore, Wang Dad immediately decided that the other party would definitely want to use this method to first smash the live broadcast of today, and then consider it after the broadcast.

The most terrible thing is that these fans in the live room actually believed.

“Hey, the dean has a good rest, and I like to hear you sing!”

“If you don’t have a good voice, don’t sing, we all understand!”

“God! The dean is a big scorpion that has been kissed by an angel! Certainly nothing will happen! Drink plenty of hot water!”


Looking at these barrage, Wang Dad almost squirted out a blood.

The fans who are being tricked are too many!

Even if his song has not been stolen, Wang Dad feels that he has to pay attention to it. He can no longer let such people continue to go unpunished.

Wang Dad said in the fan group: “Can someone check the real person information of the anchor? Check the name and mobile phone number. I use ten to exchange.”

Finished, but ten seconds, fans immediately called a “sorrowful egg” fans reply: “Yang Zhong, male, height 176cm, mobile phone number 139188XXXXX, address: 872, Yunmen West Road, Songhai City… …”

“Where the egg brother, you are here?” There was a lot of exclamation in the fans.

Until this moment, Wang Dad found that his fan base was really hidden and stunned…

How long has it been before, even the address has been found!

Just as the rest of the fans sighed the battle of the “egg brother”, the egg brother also made a very modest reply: “There is so much help I can provide. I actually have an ID card, but this is the case. Not very good. Don’t call this phone to harass, let the family talk with the anchor first.”


“no problem.”

For a time, many people in the fan base responded.

At this time someone asked a question: “But the egg brother, how did you find these things? Have resources?”

“Of course this must be kept secret.” The “egg brother” smiled: “The main thing is that I am used to investing in peacetime. I have a nephew. Sometimes I have been looking for me to ask the East…”


“Yes, his surname is Guo, still in high school.”


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