Now seeing Zhou Ziyi’s cheerful and optimistic look, this worry is obviously dispelled.

On the other hand, he has to observe the specific injuries of Ziyi next week.

The elbow leg just cuts off the thigh one third position.

In other words, part of the thigh still exists, not the lower body completely disappeared……

Otherwise, planting the middle leg is more troublesome.

“Your situation is okay. I think that as long as you take care of your body, you can grow two long legs based on your head-to-body ratio.” Odd Zhuo said with his chin.

“Is it really possible…” Zhou Ziyi was skeptical.

“You have to be confident, classmate Zhou.” Odd Zhuo encouraged.



Implant surgery is actually very fast, but in order to ensure that Zhou Ziyi’s body nutrition can be meticulously supplemented and taken care of during the planting period.

Odd Zhuo decided to take Zhou Ziyi home to help with the conditioning.

This is a task assigned by Wang Ling, and he must complete it as a discipline.

And the most important thing is that although Ziyi is 16 years old this week, she has a baby face and looks like a little child.

In terms of age difference, when Odd Zhuo made this decision, he felt an “old father” in his heart.

“Ah! Zhuo Senior wants me to go to Senior’s house?”

After learning about Odd Zhuo’s decision, Zhou Ziyi looked surprised: “But what about the flowers and grass in my yard…”

“I have a friend named Immortal Toya. This time your implant surgery is performed by him, and your flowers and grass will also be taken care of by his two disciplines.”

Odd Zhuo said with a smile: “His two disciplines usually take care of the flowers of an entire island. The pots in your yard are too simple for them.”

“Will this be too troublesome?” Zhou Ziyi frowned.

He feels like Derby in his heart. Knowing that your actions will cause Odd Zhuo a lot of trouble.

Although Zhou Ziyi had broken his leg, he still has a good interpersonal relationship because of his cheerful personality.

Zhou Ziyi had understood this set of observing words and colors when he was very young.

The reason he has concerns is not just because he doesn’t want to trouble Odd Zhuo.

More importantly, he feels that the girl who is now following Odd Zhuo will swallow herself alive…

After a long period of thought, Zhou Ziyi raised his head and looked at Odd Zhuo, then changed his name: “Brother Zhuo.”

“This title is good, it sounds more cordial than Senior.”

Odd Zhuo was nodded with satisfaction. He squatted down and looked at the boy in front of him patiently: “You can tell me what you think.”

“I know that Brother Zhuo is doing it for my own good, but it was really inconvenient for me to go…” Zhou Ziyi buried his head, as if holding it for a long time, and finally raised his head suddenly to summon the courage to say:” Because I don’t want to be a light bulb!”

“Light bulb?”

“Sister-in-law would mind if I lived in the past!” Zhou Ziyi looked at Odd Zhuo.

After saying this, Odd Zhuo “pu chi” laughed out loud on the spot.

Looking at the Jiugong Liangzi behind Odd Zhuo, she obviously didn’t expect Zhou Ziyi to mention this, and stomped shyly on the spot: “Who is your sister-in-law!”

Then, blushing quickly, he hurriedly left the living room.

Odd Zhuo is happy.

The more he looked at Zhou Ziyi, the more he liked it.

This young man has a future!

Know how to observe words and colors!

But Odd Zhuo was a little puzzled about one thing, so he still asked: “I never told you that she is your sister-in-law? Why do you think so?”

“Ah? It turned out not to be, I seem to be abrupt… I’m sorry, Brother Zhuo.”

Zhou Ziyi scratched the back of his head sorryly: “I’m actually very sensitive to odors. I actually felt it when you walked in. The shampoo and body lotion you use on your body taste the same. Explanation you two live together.”

“If I live together, maybe it’s my younger sister, right?” Odd Zhuo laughed.

“No! Impossible belongs to the younger sister! Sister-in-law sees that Brother Zhuo’s eyes are obviously different…Where can a younger sister be jealous?” Zhou Ziyi whispered.

“Do you think she is jealous?”

“It’s kind of…”

Zhou Ziyi nodded: “But, is she a sister-in-law…”

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