
Room 704 of the male dormitory building in Jiudaohe District S.

This is the current location of Wang Ling.

Wang Ming went to sleep with Zhai Yin at night, leaving Wang Ling alone to guard the vacancy…

In fact, for Wang Ling, being alone is nothing.

He is already used to it.

In fact.

When the sparrow entered the corridor, Wang Ling had noticed the existence of the sparrow.

There is no doubt that this girl is a fierce person. She actually understood Wang Ming’s “hidden” as meaning to kill him.

This style of hardcore underworld faction has a style of picking stars.

It’s just that Wang Ling is still unclear. Does the sparrow really have a relationship with the star picking team?

Tonight, I’m afraid I can’t stop it.

Wang Ling is silently sighed.

He turned his eyes to the door of the room.

Listening to the sparrow.


The footsteps of another group of people who tried to plot against him…


When the sparrow boarded the elevator, it actually felt something was wrong.

Although the elevator looks empty.

But Sparrow can be sure that there are two other people in this space.

I’m afraid it is using some invisible magic or spell.

Large evening, sneaky appeared in the elevator of this boy’s dormitory…who is this?

Are there any sluts who steal men’s underwear this year?

The sparrow pretends to be calm.

The moment she judged that there were others in the elevator, she quickly pressed the elevator button on the third floor.

Wait for the elevator door to rise to the third floor and open.

The sparrow took a step out.

Then quickly connected a suction head to the elevator button using the auscultation data cable, and implanted a hacker retrieval plug-in with the mobile phone.

Finally, the sparrow was detected.

About ten seconds ago, before she entered the elevator, someone pressed the elevator button to the seventh floor.

I am afraid that if I realize that I have to enter the elevator, I immediately hide myself and then cancel the button.

And this point, through the elevator that is still rising, can also be well verified.

There was no one in the elevator, but the elevator went up.

It stands to reason that no one else will use the elevator at this time.

And the most important thing is…

This group actually chose to go to the 7th floor?

Isn’t that the place where Hou Langsang is located?

Can it be the people of the Rainbow Seven Gangs, have you sneaked in here?

Sparrow thinks it is not without probability.

After using a few seconds to check the elevator buttons, Sparrow implanted a “turtle speed up” plug-in for the elevator.

Then quickly set off.

Using the instruction card of the student union to unlock the access control of successive corridors, through the corridor to the seventh floor.

This is a curfew rule unique to Jiu Dao and High School. Once the curfew starts, all corridors will be closed to prevent students from crossing each other through the corridors.

But for sparrows with permission cards, she can come and go freely.

Thinking about it now, Sparrow thinks this is probably the reason why the two chose to take the elevator.

Because of the mandatory corridor ban, an alarm may be triggered.

In comparison, the elevator may be safer.

Even if there is a floor lock, this thing can be unlocked with no difficulty as long as someone who knows a little operation.

But for sparrows with permission cards, she can come and go freely.

The “Turtle Up” plugin is extremely easy to use.

I won a lot of time for the next layout of the sparrow.

When the sparrow passes through the corridor to the 7th floor, the elevator stays at 5-Layer.

In the public toilet cubicle on the 7th floor, the sparrow painted himself with an invisible potion.

Then the door handle of each room on the 7th floor was quickly affixed with a tiny eavesdropping device the size of a grain of rice.

Although the sparrow has a hunch in her heart, she is not sure whether this group of people came to Wang Ling.

Therefore, sticking an eavesdropping device to each door handle will be relatively robust.

Everything is ready.

As soon as the two people got out of the elevator, the sparrow in the toilet cubicle heard a clear communication.

“How come this elevator suddenly rises so slowly?”

“Who knows.”

“Having said that, did you think that the girl just had a problem?”

“impossible. What can she do with a Foundation Establishment Stage.”

“Also. But when I look at this girl, I’m afraid she is not a serious girl. Which serious girl came to the boys’ dormitory at midnight?”

“His…the little girl now is really bold.”

Because the listening device is attached to each handle.

The two came along, and all the conversation sparrows were heard clearly.

The pace is approaching.

The sparrow heard that the two men finally stopped in front of room 704.

“Is it really for Houlang Sang.” At this moment, the expression on the sparrow’s face was cold.

Judging by sound.

These two men are about middle age. They are definitely not students of Jiudao and high school. They have a social atmosphere in their tone.

The sparrow is sure that he won’t get it wrong.

Two social people who do not belong to the school, what are you doing here?

Just when the sparrow is in doubt.

The next round of conversation between the two has once again caught Sparrow’s attention.

“704, here it is.”

“Yes, the Nine Palace Young Master asked us to take away these two surnamed Wang students. This is the best opportunity.”

“No. There seems to be only one person in this dormitory…”

“What should I do? Do you want to withdraw? Now if you take action and only take one person away, the other person will definitely be alert.”

“No, the action tonight must be carried out. We no longer have time. We must take a gamble! What if the boy named Wang who was taken away is the one that Sun Eldest Young Lady likes? Just fight one Fight, bicycles become motorcycles.”


So that’s how it is, do you want to be kidnapped?

And it seems to be related to Jiu Gong Family.

In the toilet cubicle, the expression on the sparrow’s face was somber at this moment.

After receiving this information.

Logical thoughts are also quickly sorted out in my mind.

1: These two people were sent by Jiu Gong Family, and obviously, they wanted to target Houlangsang and Xiaoersang.

2: The task given to her by Old V is to hide Hou Langsang. Obviously, the kidnapping does not completely hide Hou Langsang.

3: Although the purpose of these two people is also to deal with Hou Langsang, the purpose is completely different from hers.

Summary: These two people will do bad things! It will definitely interfere with the tasks assigned by old VSenior.

Thinking of this, the sparrow could no longer bear it, and came straight out of the compartment with a bit of fierce eyes.


At the same time, the two sent by Jiu Gong Xiu Shi were still working at the door of Wang Ling’s dormitory room to pry the lock.

Their movements are very light, and I am afraid they might disturb the Wang Ling inside.

However, something unexpected happened to them.

While they were concentrate attention completely during the lock picking work, a ghostly silhouette suddenly appeared behind them.

It was the strange girl in the elevator before!

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