There are hundreds of love letters in total.

Guo Hao and Chen Chao followed behind to help Wang Ling clean up. During the clean up, some of the letters were not stuck, and the letter paper inside fell out, which just caught Guo Hao. Gossip opportunities.

For a time, everyone in the rear storage room became a melon-eating crowd.

“Dear Classmate Wang …”

Guo Hao read the head of a letter and was surprised.

Wipe! Was it really written to Wang Ling?

He continued to read: “Classmate Wang, I have admired you for a long time. Thinking of your physique makes me sleepless every night. Remember, you once looked back at me A smile … “

Wang Ling:” … “

” Looking back with a smile? “

Chen Chao smiled silly:” It ’s a prank! Wang How could Ling look back at people and smile! “

” Not necessarily all pranks, so many letters, and the writing is different. “

Guo Hao opened it again After reading the rest of the letters, I began to read: “Classmate Wang! I’m so rare! Can I be your female ticket? I’m so cute …”

“Classmate Wang, even We are not in a school, but I always believe in a cartoon saying: Missing will cross time and space and take me to your side. “

” Classmate Wang, I don’t know what style you like Yes, but I can transform for you! I have been eating papaya every day recently. “

” Classmate Wang! I heard that you like fair-skinned girls. For me, I have to apply cucumber mask every day. Many girls in our class are competing to follow suit, and cucumbers in the vegetable market are raising prices for you! “

Wang Ling, Guo Hao, Chen Chao:” … “

Guo Hao The stationery was scared off on the spot.

In these letters.

Loli, Yujie, salt and sweet … There are all kinds of girls.

On campus, off campus, hospitals, Internet cafes, various units are readily available.

“Even there are even outside the school … There are even female college students who have already gone to work!” Guo Hao’s exclamation didn’t reach the maximum volume, and was covered by Chen Chao and Little Peanut Shut up.

“You are crazy! Shouting so loudly!” Chen Chao hinted at the location of the next door with his eyes.

There was no one there, but the three of them knew that Sun Rong was on the edge …

Because there were too many letters, they did n’t know that these letters were True or false.

There must be a prank component in it, but in case there is a true confession letter, a bad treatment can be a disaster.

“Anyway, what can be confirmed now is that there must be none in our class. I know the handwriting of girls in our class.” Su Xiao said.

He is a learning committee member. Almost every day is in contact with everyone ’s work in the class. He is very confident in the recognition of handwriting.

It ’s not that there are no other girls in the class who like Wang Ling …

Mainly Sun Rong is there.

And a long time ago, Sun Rong and Wang Ling publicly confessed that no one wants to touch the mold of the eldest young lady.

“Too much trust, it is estimated that Wang Ling himself is very embarrassed. I will handle this matter for me.” At this time, Chen Chao took the initiative to stand up and volunteer.

Wang Ling startled and thought he had heard it wrong.

“Now these letters may be true and false. If you throw them all away, you will definitely be told irresponsibly if you find them. If you accept them, there might be misunderstandings by girls You are interesting to them. So, you do n’t know Wang Ling, ”Chen Chao said.

As a man who also received love letters in junior high school, Chen Chao seems to be very experienced in handling such incidents.

He reached out to pats Wang Ling ’s shoulders: “It’s all good brother! Just leave it to me!”

The determined eyes reveal a strong conviction.

Overall, Wang Ling thinks Chen Chao is a reliable man.

And he did n’t expect Chen Chao at all to choose to stand up at this time to help himself.

Good brother!

Wang Ling looked back with gratitude.

Finally, a semester ’s classmates are not cultivated in vain!

But in this case, Wang Ling always feels that it seems not so simple …


On the other side, just before school, Jiang Xiaoche received a News.

According to the original plan, he hired a group of thugs in the society.

Highest realm, is a Nascent Soul period, people give nickname old gray.

Lao Hui with about a dozen Gold Cores intends to contain Wang Ling and Sun Rong on the way out of school.

The employment of such a large number of people cost Jiang Xiaoche a huge price, and the two-year salary was scattered ashes and dispersed smoke overnight.

But he is not distressed.

All this is to capture Sun Rong, and then tie the girl to his belt forever.

As a result, just before school, Lao Hui got a piece of information about the “love letter.”

“What? You mean, that Wang Ling received a lot of love letters? Is the news reliable?” Jiang Xiaoche asked.

“Very reliable, Brother Jiang. I also spent money to find students for probing. I heard that Young Lady Sun was unhappy for this all day.”

Lao Hui replied: “Of course , I heard that there are elements of pranks in love letters, but the number is too large, and there are always a few true ones. And the object of writing love letters is also myriad, both girls on and off campus. “

” Now What about these love letters? “Jiang Xiaoche came to be interested.

These love letters are the key!

If you Wang Ling were not sentimental and squandering flowers, where did you get so many love letters?

Since this love letter is the key evidence, you have to get it! When the time comes, put it in front of Sun Lord, Lord, if you don’t believe, you have to believe!

“Now these love letters seem to be in a person named Chen Chao. This person has a good relationship with Wang Ling. It seems that he intends to deal with all the love letters for Wang Ling.” Lao Hui said.

Jiang Xiaoche’s nodded: “After school, you will allocate a few people to get these love letters back.”


One Inside the van on the street, the old grey nodded hung up the phone.

He sat in the co-pilot position, and then greeted the back: “Brothers, have you heard what Brother Jiang said? Since you have heard it, then act!”

“Yes!” Everyone in the rear responded.

A whole van person.

Invisible signs are attached to their bodies, armed with steel pipes, swords and other dangerously controlled weapons, and they jump off the car one after another.

These weapons look dangerous, but they are also specially processed.

Just looking scary.

Jiang Xiaoche is in trouble, but he is actually afraid of hurting Sun Rong, so these weapons are special props used in shooting large movies, looking at danger, but in fact when they are really hit, they do n’t You will feel pain.

So on this day, the following magical scene appeared during the 60th middle school.

Chen Chao, who was about to leave the school to deal with love letters, was immediately stared at by the wave of people.

Lao Hui’s wave was seen by Sun Rong again.

Behind Sun Rong, Wang Zhen and Fang Xing followed.

Then Wang Ling …

This is the last place for everyone.

In the morning, he actually already guessed who the hell was the hoax.

And now, these two werewolves have jumped out!

Wang Ling was puzzled and did n’t understand the purpose of Wang Zhen and Fang Xing.

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