As Wang Ling’s sweet cotton, Odd Zhuo is naturally aware of how important the task of the back pan is, yet this time Odd Zhuo feels that the pan should be difficult to withhold to himself, first of all that his movement is confined to the command centre, and secondly that even if he has a war with the devil, the battle gap is totally different. Human beings are too strong… it is impossible to solve them with the power of his own.

But Odd Zhuo, the deep back of the boiler rule, is very clear that even if it wasn’t done by itself, the pan might end up on its own head.

As long as he doesn’t admit he hasn’t done it…

Under the eyes of Huang and President Qi, Odd Zhuo tried to maintain calm expression, and in a few minutes the marijuana will send new messages over there. When the screen was switched to the scene, a silhouette with a green hair was swiftly reflected in Odd Zhuo’s curtain…

Hey, a little less! People are invited to collect: ( the fastest rate of updating the Ramadan Court.

That’s right. It’s the first time Erha’s human form is public in front of the people, and who would not have thought of the Green Mao Akita field a few months ago as a human face in a short period of time.

Odd Zhuo remembered that Erha and Xiao Yin should have acted together, but only Erha was there, perhaps out of protection of Xiao Yin’s “Sacred Beast” identity.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

On the other hand, Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal communicated with President Qi at the first time: “He is a member of the fighting negligence team, Mr. Bingo.”

“Mr. Bug 2?” Huang was thinking about it, and he remembered that he saw no at all the names on the list the other day.

President Qi clandestine sound transmission to Huang, explaining it separately: “This is how old he is, but this time he has a hidden list, which was personally designated by the Führer. This list, even we won’t know, only the Führer knows. The aim is to prevent the theft of the real list and to prepare for the members on our list. And the purpose of this invisible list is to do what it doesn’t care.”

Yellow Nodded, instantaneously: “It is the Führer who can do such a profound thinking.”

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court (

“But what’s the history of this worm, Mr. Junior?”

“One of the best men under the War Neglect has the power of Loose Immortal. And each other’s cultivation technique has a powerful influence on the elimination of evil, so that it can be eliminated without fear from human demons.”

“So it is.”

So, Huang felt like he finally understood the beginning of the incident, and he thanked Erha for the screen: “Thank you, Mr. Bug. If it is not for Mr. Kowloon, let the devil continue to conceal, I fear irreversible harm to the entire Kowloon environment.”

This is Erha’s alias, in fact, the first to reorganize the perimeter.

Erha is well aware of his physical condition, and the people who know are limited.

The possession of a alias would also help to conceal identity.

And ID and so on, Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal has already helped him with a dragon

Now he’s a regular dog! And the account is from Matsuko City! How many people have gone for an account problem this year, and now he has a dog!

He could have contributed to humanity in silence only in his capacity as a dog.

This is the first time Erha came from behind the scenes to the stage.


‘s a bit of excitement in mind: “The Huang has won, and in fact, it’s not my job alone.”

Erha, speaking here, the atmosphere of the entire command centre was instantly tightened, and Odd Zhuo looked up in the face… As a backpot ambassador on the line of perennial struggle, Odd Zhuo suddenly noticed the delicate sense of Erha’s words.

“It’s Superintendent, it’s him, arranged everything.” At this point, Erha will say again.

Say an answer that is unexpected but reasonable…


face of the people in the command centre has changed dramatically, and countless Principal, present here, has turned his eyes to two.

One is Chen Principal in 60.

The other, naturally, is Odd Zhuo.

Zhu Jian

How many more people in this world can represent this familiar term?

So far, Chen Principal is a slight expression, and Odd Zhuo is an inordinate journey, which is also a powerful ingredient for 60 years. At the time of the renovation in 60 years, the old stone sculpture at the entrance of the school was transformed into an Odd Zhuo statue.

It is also a great privilege for such a student to be present in 60 years, and as Principal in 60 today, Chan Principal cannot fail to publicize.

In the eyes of the people, Chan Principal had to shrugged and show a serene gesture: “You let me win, students out of 60 have always been so good.”

It’s all right to draw a bunch of Principal into his heart from lemon.

That sounds very shameless…

But they don’t find any grounds for rebuttal.

And as a party, Odd Zhuo is obviously a pain in the face…

He knew it would end up like this!


On the other hand, with the resurgence of the tide of fire into silence, the fighting around the summit of fire restart.

It’s just that time, no one dares to fight with “Call spirit technique” anymore.

The underground high schools decided to either the fish dies or the net splits, to assemble the full forces of the four high schools to launch a total attack on the top of the mountain, no matter how many people are reduced, to swallow 60!

“There’s a total attack down there.”

In accordance with the strategy that has just begun to be established, the majority of the population in 60 is largely defensive, even in the face of the attacks in four schools. However, one person’s feeling is clearly wrong.

This man is Charlotte.

What does it feel like to have the power, to remember, to know clearly…

Strong power is certainly good, but if it is beyond control, it will ultimately hurt those who like it… Summer feels like it’s better than not to do it, and when he sees the giant hand of the Mountain of Fire coming out of the earth, he does not want to believe that this scene is created by his own hands.

Today, while the mountain spirit has returned to sleep, it is no longer courageous to exert its power.

He’s afraid that his power will be lost again

During a period of tension, the Summer felt that a warm hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

Who is it?

He was slightly overlooked and surprised to find Wang Ling, standing behind him…

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