Command Center, on the screen, saw 60 people take out their own Spirit Sword raid Western District VIII students in two schools at the Purple Court School, where Principal was in trouble.

鈥淐hen Xiaoqing! You shameless! Let your students take Spirit Sword in! I’ve never seen a man with such a thick shameless face!鈥?/p>

鈥淧resident Qi, I think 60 should be phased out immediately! It’s not in line with the Fusion Exchange! Fair!鈥?The purple Principal of Ultimate High School was also wrinkled at this time, making itself uncomfortable.

Two Principal protests were raised, but President Qi shakes his head: 鈥淪tudents’ committees that refine Sword Spirit space in Foundation Establishment Stage are rare and it is not illegal to avoid testing links in 60 years.鈥?/p>

鈥淲hile this is a battle dominated by physical exchange, it is nonetheless necessary in a living environment for students to adapt randomly, depending on the situation鈥?The rational use of spell and even the collection of material for reasonable activities in the course of the competition are not illegal.鈥?/p>

President Qi’s words are clear.

Depending on the situation鈥?/p>

Speaking of which, as long as you can avoid the initial violations, you don’t even take out any startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping in the course of the game.

It’s a physical race, but it’s a survival war, and people who are too honest to survive in a living environment…

And President Qi’s statement was endorsed by a lot of Principal here.

鈥淭hat’s it! President Qi’s right!鈥?/p>

鈥淚 agree with President Qi too! It’s your ability to bring it in! It’s not fair!鈥?/p>

That makes Ultraviolet Principal twitched mouth corner.

After all, she and Principal of Western District Secondary School were too honest鈥?See how these people agree with President Qi, and I want to know that these people are also trying to get their students to bring some personal goods in.

What else would each and everyone do that?

So this is what they both think of as bad luck.

Good thing this round of raids was not at all to let all the students in both schools go completely, and Western District VIII and Purple School, together with 20 students in both schools, were finally released from four.

It’s not going deep down in 60.

It’s just the first day, and there’s no need to bring people directly, and it’s better to keep some faces.

And there are only four remaining schools, speaking of what is already an arrow at the end of its flight, and even if they do not, they will not have to live for the next seven days.

Despite winning this battle, the people of 60 felt that there was little involvement, mainly in the strangulation of the former two schools, which had already lost part of their strength, and that the timing of their raids had been perfect and had almost laid down the victory.

Wang Ling was watering all the time, much less involved, and he cautiously avoided the attack in order to avoid backlash coming back to this group of students.

The effects of the protection golden light are invalid, Wang Ling’s backlash capacity is strong, and in a state of control, the impact of the rebound is more than 100 times the lowest.

In other words, if a fist is smashed on Wang Ling, backlash’s power will completely stimulate the coroner’s amulet and will directly crush its protective shield.

He’s too hard…


is not possible to do so directly, but also to try to avoid the attack, thus causing Wang Ling to avoid the 鈥渨atering鈥?of the attack on a continuous basis without taking the initiative.

But in fact Wang Ling has also made some extra fighting 鈥渟upport鈥?

For example, Guo Hao cut the tree with a ghost teeth, which appears to have been cut off by Guo Hao, which in fact collapsed by Wang Ling鈥?There is no way in which Wang Ling, as a man with all the good qualities in one body with the core values of socialism, has always understood the logic of “becoming a more protected flower in spring”.

When the green leaf is nothing bad.

Wang Family was mainly trained, and Wang Ling did not act too well.


鈥淛ust pick a place to camp before sunset.鈥?Sun Rong calmed down and analyzed the underground map after running students from two schools.

Camping places must also be described, and the situation is too high to be surrounded, and if places such as cliffs are chosen, while Spirit Insect and Spirit Beast can be avoided, there is no alternative to jumping cliffs once they are surrounded.

So, to find a place where food, water, spirit plant resources are relatively abundant, Sun Rong can make some simple medicine pill for insect-controlling and even remove Spirit Beast.

She came out of Flower Seed Water Curtain Group or a future successor, and it was never possible to do something to embarrass the family at this national competition.

Sun Rong is quite large as long as spirit plant’s resources are abundant.

But the choice of which is good is another question.

Kowloon Mountains are known as Kowloon Mountains, in fact because of the name of the land, nine mountain peaks surrounded by mountains like dragon claw, headed towards the giant Mountain between them, which is the main mountain of Kowloon Mountains.

In fact, Kowloon Mountains have 10 large mountains, and the main mountains are naturally the most resourced. But there is a great risk that many people are fighting for the land, Wang Ling, whose position is too far away, and now it’s likely that they’ve been robbed of the pioneer and that if they are to be retrieved, they will have to come from a long way.

So now, 60 people can only pick from the nearest dragon claw peak from their current distance and rob a relatively resource-rich place.

鈥淜owloon Mountains – Peak of Fire.鈥?Sun Rong made comments after analysing the map.

The fire peak is one of the dragon claw peaks in Kowloon Mountains, with a similar tropical environment, which, although more inflammatory, is better resourced and the key is that it is not far from their current position.

In addition, there is a material supply point on the edge of the fire.

From the current map, there is no better place than the spark.

There is, of course, no exclusion from the possibility that schools are already on fire.

After the people agreed, they decided to take the fire first.

The use of turtles to catch up would significantly reduce the pace of progress, and Sun Rong thought of an excellent way.

She used the power of Ohai to bring people’s spiritual power together, and eventually turned into a huge turtle shell that protected everyone.

鈥淭his is the Beatley Turtle Shell, and breathing in a turtle shell does not reveal its breath, as does turtle interest.鈥?Sun Rong introduced.

Sun Rong, while meeting, is concerned if the spiritual power of the owner is not assembled. It’s like 10 people driving a train and lending spiritual power to Ohai to do this together.

So, this creates a problem…

Ohai found Wang Ling really strong.

As Sword Spirit, for the first time, she felt such a pound of spiritual power, so she wanted to sing in her heart: don’t come here… I can’t stand it.

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