Man Shabelleck, Chinese name: Charley. This was also a small number of the people Old Demon had met, but Old Demon did not kill each other at that time. The cause of the death of Charley is now known in this information in the hands of General Berg.

“Shari died as a result of the bombing of the Holy Island.” General Bert said that he listened to Old Demon’s description and felt like everything was connected.

After Old Demon fought Shari that year, the Devil Shah was seriously injured and then fled to the shrine of the Soul formation paradise, and the repair was monitored by the International Union of Renewers, which took an immediate decision to eradicate it at the expense of destroying the extinguishing Island.

As a result, Charley died in a raid by the International Union of Renewers on the Holy Isle.

“Charley’s holy town is strong, especially difficult. Increasing the number of cells in the body by constantly swallowing souls. As far as I know, the souls swallowed before Summer died have reached more than 25 million.” Old Demon said, “I am sure that the devil is resurrected and must be solved first.”

“I also feel southeast direction, with ghost plant dead natural phenomenon. It should be a human being who can’t be mistaken. It is reasonable to say that this is unlikely to happen today in the light of the rainbow fog.” General Frowned, he’s thinking.

So, in a completely independent spiritual space, President Qi contacted General Berg directly.

This is the space layer capacity of President Qi, which allows all those involved in the operation to establish separate contact space with President Qi, without the need for additional French treasures to sound transmission, so long as the President’s Qi is conceived.

If the same task is performed, President Qi can even connect their spiritual space to form a local area network.

This powerful psychiatric contact control technique is available only to President Qi in China today. While Wang Ming Mental Power is also strong, it is still lacking in exercise and is too easy to enter a hyper-load state.

Hence, Wang Ming, despite his excellence, will take a long time to reach the President Qi level.

“Old man, I have found traces of suspected demons and hope that the command centre will assist. Temporary closures of areas where demons appear led the nearby children to leave.”

President Qi returned almost second: “The command centre received and immediately installed the Formation blockade area.”

“Come on, let’s go see.” After all this, General Berg took a stroke, and he stepped down a huge spark, like fire Dragon, which generally exploded like rocket launches, and flew behind him, Old Demon, towards the position of the demon.


On the

other hand, Mount Kowloon, who used to be peaceful, is now broken by the arrogance of this national competition.

Wang Ling and the others were sent to a relatively remote position. The position, though somewhat biased, is undoubtedly a good news for survival.

“No one around.” Send the feeling around next, say.

“You transferred to school to learn how to feel?” Chen Chao doubts.

“Well, I’m better at feeling and reasoning.” By way of submission with a slight smile, he had previously negotiated with the commune, Wang, Liu Yi and the others and played a role in the team, so that their divisions would not be easy to wear.

And by the way, you chose to feel that route.

Liu Family was also known as Aristocratic Family in Divine Realm.

Township is selected for placements such as Defending Formation.

And the king is really… it’s relatively simple, and his job is “beaten”, and it’s MT.

To recapitulate the downward direction and then guide the 60th people in the jungle: “The rainbow fog of the Nine Mountains will devour our our spiritual power, and the fog will fade after 8 a.m., with attention to the use of turtle law, so that we can not only hide information, but also stop us from absorbing rainbow fog.”

“Excellent.” Chen Chao and Guo Hao are astonished by the ease of perception ability.

“Everyone, as always, has special competence.” Successfully hit a horse’s eye.

“However, while there are no enemies around us, the position is still too remote. Ten people are hard to survive for eight days without a supply.” At this point, Sun Rong said. The repairer can control the energy consumption in the body, and a repairer can even keep it closed for more than a dozen days without drinking, but otherwise under intense activity.

And the point is that the life-saving stamp tied to each one of them has actually accelerated physical energy and capacity depletion. Today their consumption rate is increasing, and it is not in the ordinary person’s interest that food must be kept for three meals a day in order to ensure physical performance.

This is officially arranged with the intention that students in the game will not be able to spend a long time in a place and must go out and find food.

“There are official contentious points for goods. Our advantage in the vicinity is no one, but we have some distance from the material site.” Sun Rong said.

“Material points? And that?” Guo Hao doubts.

“There’s a map of Kowloon Mountain on the back page of the booklet in the room, and the point of exchange is already on it, and you don’t see it?” Sun Rong showed up an inexplicable look, and she squeezed the law and brought together a water fog in the air.

Water Element spell of Sun Rong cultivation, where fog can be assembled into pearls and then frozen into water.

When the water scenes are completed in front of the eyes, Sun Rong shows the map he has acquired in the dormitory through the water screen.

Guo Hao looked at the map and analysed: “The map contains 20 material points, and we have 60 kilometres from the nearest material site. The way forward in stealth will significantly reduce our pace of action.”

“Even if it is finally possible to arrive without exposure, the shipment is likely to have been robbed first. I said that guerrilla warfare like this must be 16 words: hostile to me, fatigue, hostile to me, back to me, back to me. I think it’s better to ambush and rob someone else’s material than go to the material site.”

Guo Hao tone barely fell, and suddenly in the jungle, there was a noise…

I was busy feeling the location: “Ten kilometers south-west, someone’s beaten up.”

“Let’s go!” Liu Yang is a little excited.


Behind the team, Wang Ling is naked.

He’s trying to take care of the fact that these people are big shots, so serious, really, okay?

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