When Wang Ling, Wang Ling, Wang Ling, Wang Ling, Wang, True and Town Four felt cold, because Wang and Liu are still being punished by Heavenly Dao’s selfish demarcation, and Wang Ling Ling’s idea of placing the Prince’s Truth and Liu Jiang in the palace.

The temper of the two seems not to be the right path, but Wang Ling actually seems to be quite compatible, and Wang Ling’s intention is also to help the two people better understand each other’s feelings and communicate with each other.

They say the distance is beautiful.

It’s not fake.

Would it be better to follow the emotional problems?

Strong melon is not sweet!

I can’t stand to shake in my heart, and I can’t stand to hold on to my big baby.

He thought a day ago, because he brushed his teeth in the morning, he used the foot of the blue toothbrush.

Thought he had a bottle of drinks in the living room two days ago, and he thought it was David’s drink, and it was Liu Xiaoqing’s drink, and that’s why he was thrown on his feet again.

He also thought three days ago, Liu Yi started chasing up the Earth’s native star, and he just tried to criticize the fact that some of the stars are not doing well, so he took that foot.

But just a few weeks ago, the king really can’t remember how many times he was beaten up.

The fact now is that Liu’s feet are getting stronger, and his iron work is almost done.

“I’m too hard!” I didn’t think of it, but the king had to feel a little bit wet in his heart.

As a man, the king is not crumbling with the luxury, and he finds that he has a natural patience in treating the luxury, no matter what it does to him, it’s not angry with you.

Of course, the King must not believe that he is a woman who already likes this violence, who himself has been beaten up by father and mother since he was a kid, so he really thinks that perhaps because he grew up in an environment of good education, it gives rise to an immune to the violence that has taken place on his own.

And the king really made Wang Ling listen to it.

It is surprising that the king is a man of ambitious mind… from being a child to accepting violence, to grow up in a violent environment, to grow up and not become particularly distorted and self-confined in the future. If it’s normal, who can do that?

Wang Ling himself resisted acts of violence, whether domestic or campus.

Cold violence is one of the most common and vulnerable acts of violence in school violence.


isolated environment is not conducive to physical and mental development, but it is clear that many parents do not all consider this as a matter of concern.

Perhaps at every school, even at every class, there is one of those isolated peers… that is the most worrying thing.

Perhaps everyone may have been “bullied” by ignorance at a young age, and perhaps everyone owes the same classmate an apology, but the time has come when the wounds of the past cannot be stopped, and what you can do today is to tell your friends, tell your relatives, and even the children of the future, who can be as gentle as possible in life.

Wang Ling really wants to be isolated…

At least this can save some trouble.

But from being small to big, it seems that people’s vision has not gone far on Wang Ling.

Because of the precarious nature of the method when it was a child, sometimes the temptation to keep the gods from playing is also the dilemma faced by Wang Ling when he was a kid.

When thinking comes back, Wang Ling has come to the second pass set up in three sources, the second pass’s concern is a young man with a feather, with a very personal dirt, with a glass of ink, a big gold chain on his neck and a vibrant body, confirming that this is a singer.

Singing itself is a form of music, and Wang Ling’s mouth skin is less interesting, and there has been little interest in singing that kind of music that needs to be called freestyle from the outset. At the time of the year of China’s Great Fire, colleagues around the world were discussing those singers who were able to make songs through the lives of diss people, who had a great audience.

Only Wang Ling himself is in jeopardy.

His eyes are staring at this singer in the face of a fertile singer, tentwell known as “Brother Fat”.

Taking into account the identity of a singer, Wang Ling’s first thought was that the other party might be able to launch an attack in conjunction with a voice wave type of spell, and that type of spell does not necessarily need to yell like many people’s stereotyped image of a sound spell.

In fact, many high-ranking voice spells are almost invisible, and do not need to yell loudly, whisper.


crystal spell singing through high-ranking waves has a hallucinating effect on opponents, and only if this fantastic time is taken, using physical techniques to seize the opportunity and seize the impatient period of the heart! Once life is to be killed, the vast majority of people have not reacted in a short period of time and have been lying on the ground.

Therefore, the main point of this juncture should be to use the cave capacity at the upper secondary level, to seal the ear and to organize the sound spell of each other in the dark.

But then the next scene, let Wang Ling feel too young…

When Wang Ling was thinking about the response, Wang Ling responded correctly, closing his ears and not letting the sound spell disturb his heart.


fact, even if you don’t close your ear, it doesn’t work well for Wang Ling, but Wang Ling has to play.

It’s for the three sources outside.

But just as Wang Ling thinks he’s a good actor, this guy looks like a singer’s sausage, and then he’s a couple hidden weapon from his sleeve!


Wang Ling in the heart,

However, there is little to say about the case of hidden weapon, since the use of hidden weapon attacks in the course of movement is also common for purposes of synergy, and this cooperation with hidden weapon is not uncommon.

So, Wang Ling is not understandable about the behaviour of the weasel brother.

But the problem is, when hidden weapon comes in, Wang Ling is stupid.

Because this hidden weapon, it’s a leash.

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