The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 802: 5 Old Star and Sakaski

The news that the Navy successively launched the killing order to the sphere of influence of the Black Duke Pirate Group and failed, immediately spread all over the world, so while setting off an uproar, this incident also made countless pirates feel huge. The pressure of the navy, in association with the fact that the navy has placed its headquarters in the new world, has also demonstrated the determination of the world government to combat pirates in the future.

   Holy Land·Maria Joa, the highest right center of the world government, the meeting hall of the five old stars.

   "Why did the news of Tu Moling leak out in advance!" The old man with short blond hair patted the table angrily, his eyes turned to the video phone worm in front of him.

   "Sakaski, what do you want to say about the failure of the killing order?" The old man holding the katana frowned, and said to the influence screen in the hall.

   At this time, the five old stars are having a video call worm meeting with Marshal Sakaski of the New World Naval Headquarters.

"If you fail, you will fail." Sakarski said indifferently, and then saw Wu Lao Xing's expression at this time, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Do you suspect that the Navy leaked the news? ?"

   "Everyone, now is not the time to shirk responsibility. We need to find out all this as soon as possible."

   Seeing the new marshal and the five old stars face off in anger, the army commander said nothing.

After listening to the words, Marshal Sakaski in the video screen snorted and said in a deep voice: "This time the news of the launch of the Demon Slaying Order, apart from me, the Marshal in the Navy, there are only two people who participated in the Demon Slaying Order. The admiral knows in advance."

   "Do you suspect that the admiral leaked the secret?"

"Don't be kidding, Sakaski." Sora frowned, watching Sakaski continue, "Fujitora and Green Bull are carefully selected by our world government, and they are finally recruited after many levels of assessment. Talents, so they were promoted to admiral by exception. If they said that they leaked secrets, the old lady would be the first to not believe it."

In other words, if these two admirals really leaked the secrets, it would mean that one of them was the undercover of the Black Duke Pirates or the Revolutionary Army. If this were the case, the matter would be too serious to imagine. .

   Of course, Sora never doubted this. If the admiral were undercover, then the whole world would be crazy.

  Because he is so confident in this, he has no doubts at all.

   After hearing what the commander-in-chief said, Sakarski curled his lips at the five old stars and continued: "Is there no doubt within the world government?"

"Impossible, CP0 can't leak secrets." The old man with a long beard shook his head immediately. CP0 is the most loyal department within the world government. For so many years, there has never been any counter-judgment. Five old stars obviously Full of confidence in CP0.

   And promotion to CP0 is through countless levels of screening, each member is an elite of other CP organizations, and those CP members are specially trained by orphans searched by the world government around the world.

   There is no doubt about loyalty.

   "In addition to the Navy and CP0, there should be others who know in advance that we are about to launch the Demon Killing Order, right?"

  After thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice.

   "There is no doubt about the loyalty of the admiral and CP0, but the officials of the world government, the old man, have heard many rumors that those officials have more or less close cooperative relations with many franchised countries and the king's Qiwuhai."

After the reminder of Kong’s words, the five old stars immediately froze, and Kong’s words also seemed to wake them up. Indeed, as he said, the Admiral and CP0 are absolutely loyal organizations, and there is no possibility of any leaks, but those few The officials are different.

   Those guys, who is not a greedy element who makes every effort to make money, even if one day it is revealed that these officials have close contact with the Four Emperors or the Revolutionary Army, he will not feel surprised.

   "Sora, what you said makes sense." The old man with his cane whispered softly, and then cast his gaze on the other four companions.

   Seeing the gaze from their companions, the four old people nodded one after another, and one of them said, "Let's check."

  "Start with the call log of their phone worm messages."

   "Check it privately, check it secretly."

   One of the old people picked up the phone worm and dialed for a while. After the phone worm was connected, he said, "Let Brady come over right away."

After    finished speaking, he hung up the phone worm.

   "Do you leave this to Brady?" The old man holding the sword was slightly shocked and asked.

   "He is very experienced in doing this, and it is the most suitable choice to leave it to him."

   Brady’s intelligence capabilities are among the best in the entire CP system, and he also has a strong physical skill. Asking him to investigate this matter will surely come to light.

Hearing this, the other four old people did not, so they nodded and continued: "Everyone, the killing order has failed. Think about how to deal with the Black Duke Pirates. After this incident, It is inevitable for Reinhardt to become the Four Emperors."

   "Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that Reinhardt has enough strength and qualifications to become the Four Emperors, and the current situation has not reached the worst step."

   "After all, the current situation is just going back to the scene before the white beard He became the Four Emperors, and the situation in the new world can be temporarily balanced."


After hearing the words of the five old stars, Sakarski said, "You forget that Reinhardt is only 32 years old this year. He will surpass the red-haired Shanks and become the youngest four emperor in the history of the pirates. For example, the red-haired Shanks only became the four emperors at the age of 33, but now this record is about to be broken."

   "Do you know what this means?"

   "Sakarski, you don't need to remind you, of course the old man knows." said the old man with his palm.

   "If you just leave it alone, he will become a multiple times trickier than the Redhead Pirates in the future." Sora Ting understood what Sarkarski said.

   "The most crucial point is what role Reinhardt plays within the revolutionary army."

Speaking of this, the blond old man suddenly heard the information reported by CP8 leader Kaliande many years ago. Dorag was once in the Kingdom of Polkaria on Kadan Island in the North Sea... No, it was not called the Kingdom of Polkaria at the time. The Kingdom of Polkaya, Bell Tower Village appeared.

   happened to coincide with the time when Reinhardt launched a refugee riot in Polkaya. At that time, it was mentioned in the information of Caliander that Dorrag had appeared in the refugee camp.

   Has Reinhardt been a member of the Revolutionary Army since then?

   For so many years, Reinhardt has been able to develop so fast and crazy to this point. Is it true that Dorrag is behind him?

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