The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 607: Silver Crown Brady VS Revolutionary Army Officer Sabo

Sabo was right in front of this shock wave, and he could feel the powerful impact force penetrating through Brady's palm. The bursts of air currents like the slap of the waves made him feel a lot of pressure.

But at this time, Sabo was stunned again. In that strong tsunami-like impact energy, there was a feeling that made him familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere...

Is it an illusion?

Sabo murmured, he was not sure what kind of feeling it was, but from the analysis of this powerful force comparable to a tsunami, it seemed that he had felt this feeling from a certain person, but he Can't remember, because the memory of a certain period of time in the past is completely lost. After regaining his senses, Saboron's claws did not retreat, and his whole body's strength was suddenly poured into it, and it collided with Brady's palm.


Suddenly, an impact that pierced the clouds erupted, and a sharp sound burst into the sky. After the sound wave spread like a wave, there was a larger sonic boom in the air. In the range of the two impacts, there seemed to be a light black touch. The thunder flickered. In the next second, the air flow burst out in the form of a sphere in the center where the two contacted. Everything covered by the air flow was crushed, and even the air made a creaking sound.

The sphere air current rushed in all directions, and the arsenal over 20 meters high was completely crushed into powder. The surrounding environment was bright, and then the earth cracked, and the scene of shaking and shaking appeared.

At this moment, Brady's face suddenly flushed. Just as he gathered the power of his whole body again, he suddenly felt a more violent force rushing into his body, and the power erupting from Sabo's five claws made him produce his whole body. An inexplicable tremor, so his face turned from flushing to pale.

Oops... Without taking any action, it is very likely that he will be completely defeated this time.

Brady has a bad premonition in his heart. If this stalemate continues, the result will be known without even thinking about it. But seeing that Sabo didn't show any pressure on his face, he was immediately angry again.

So Brady's left hand immediately lifted up and pressed lightly on the silver ring on his right wrist.

Click... A slight sound rang, the ring on Brady's right wrist suddenly broke away with a hole, and then the ring slid into Brady's vacant left hand. After the ring fell, it stretched out strangely into a two-piece Steel bars of ten centimeters.

At this time, a sneer appeared at the corner of Brady’s mouth, his left hand pressed lightly on the steel bar, and a silver metal over half a meter long stretched out from the front of the steel bar. The top of the metal was a sharp gun blade with deep recesses. The trough is exuding cold light at this time.

At this moment, Brady's left hand was lightly holding the short gun, and without the slightest extra movement, he stabbed towards Sabo's head.

Although these movements are cumbersome, they are done in one go, and are completed in an instant without any stagnation.

Sabo was stunned for a moment, never expected that at this instant, Brady would still have this trick, so he hurriedly lifted the water pipe and went over.


The two metal weapons collided with each other, and there was a crisp sound. After this attack, the balance of power between the two was suddenly broken. Brady suffered a pain in his chest and immediately vomited blood, and then his body was shaken out. , Hitting the ground dozens of meters away, a huge noise erupted.

At this time, Sabo's body did not move at all. It can be seen that this battle was an overwhelming victory for Sabo.

Sabo took the water pipe and stared at Brady, who was hitting it out. In an instant, a figure in the distance jumped up and rushed towards Sabo.

Clang clang clang!

Three consecutive metal crashes sounded, and Brady's silver short gun and Saab's steel water pipe struck three times and immediately separated.

The silver short gun in Brady's hand exudes a sharp cold glow, and the tip of the gun blade flashes a burst of luster. The short gun nearly seventy centimeters in length dances in his hand. Although no breakthrough has been made, he has a weapon. Di obviously became more flexible in his combat methods, and his overall combat effectiveness was also in vain.

After blocking the short gun swinging in front of him, Sabo looked away from the short gun and turned to look at Brady in front of him: "The so-called silver crown comes from this silver gun, right?"

Brady, who was able to break the title of [Silver Crown], relied on this silver short gun, which was concealed, fast, and sharp. This is the characteristic of his use of the silver gun, which came from Reinhardt's personal teaching.

"You are much stronger than I thought." Brady took a soft breath and said.

Sabo looked at Brady calmly. Indeed, as Brady said, in the years since joining the Revolutionary Army, he has been taught by Dorag, Xiong, Ivankov and other strong men. He is not only strong in physical training. Incomparably, he also learned how to use the two-color domineering In the past year, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

He didn't consume too much energy in the hit that just broke Brady. He used Dragon Claw's powerful extension technique in Dragon Claw Fist, so he could resist Brady's attack without any pressure.

Although I sighed that Brady's strength has improved rapidly in the past two years, there is still a lot of gap compared with himself. Although his familiar trick is powerful, Sabo can feel it, and Brady can't play it. All power in one move.

Brady gasped fiercely. Obviously, the move he used just now consumed too much energy. Even if his body still hasn't returned to calm, coupled with the subsequent continuous fighting, Brady's energy is already running low, but Looking at Saab's performance, it doesn't seem to have much effect.

Next, I'm afraid I can no longer fight the revolutionary army in front of me.

He really did not expect that the revolutionary army cadre Sabo was so powerful, even if he used his physical skill extension card: Uiyi Kongtong, he did not suffer the slightest injury.

Although he still has the silver spear hole card, but he has no physical strength to fight. As a CP9 spy member, he has never really exposed all his strength hole cards in a true sense. Apart from this trick of Uiyi Kongtong, his most powerful is Use the strength displayed by this short gun.

The practice of the short spear came from Reinhardt's personal guidance. Only by using the short spear can his full strength be used, but now, even so, it may not be able to beat the Saab in front of him. Unexpectedly, the strength of this guy is so terrifying.

The cause of such a big movement here has already alarmed the CP9 members on the other side. Brady knew very well in his heart that Versailles would be added soon, and now it is enough to hold Sabo with all his strength.

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