The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 907: Plan completed

Century City, Theory of Relativity Building.

"At the first board meeting after the Disney shareholders meeting, quarrels were the only theme."

Robert Iger told Ronan what he had learned recently, "Neither did I expect that Disney's most kind Dick Cook would fall to Ryan Kavanaugh and David Ellison."

Ronan was also a little surprised, saying, "Ryan Kavanaugh and David Ellison are very attractive."

Having said that, when wealth is accumulated to a certain stage, people will always exude all kinds of incredible charm.

Robert Iger said, "Dick Cook's change of position gave Michael Eisner a strong voice of opposition within the board of directors."

Ronan said directly, "Let's go to war as much as they want. I hope this war will last for a few more years." He turned to "Have you negotiated on Wall Street?"

Wall Street is shorting Disney, but the considerable initiative lies in the hands of Relativity Entertainment, and the horn of offense can only be sounded by Relativity Entertainment.

The two sides are united because of their interests. Although Ronan did not participate, he still has to strive for the greatest possible benefits for Relativity Entertainment.

Robert Iger said, "It's settled. They have gained a lot this time, and our conditions are far from reaching the bottom line. The talk is relatively easy."

He added, "These companies, led by Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse, have provided a total of US$1 billion in one-time investment to the Pacific Investment Fund for a four-year period with an annual fixed rate of return of 4%."

Ronan said, "The average family is less than $150 million, which is pretty good."

"Such a rate of return is too low in the eyes of Wall Street." Robert Iger said. "They would rather play a Ponzi scheme than a robust fixed income."

He also said, "With this funding and completing the acquisition of Pixar Studios, Relativity Entertainment can still maintain a very healthy funding chain."

Ronan nodded and asked, "When shall we announce?"

"Tomorrow." Robert Iger said, "They are ready."

A few days before Christmas in 2005, the CEO of Relativity Entertainment, Robert Iger, through Netflix’s official Netflix sharing account, announced that due to huge irreconcilable differences in the negotiations, Relativity Entertainment was completely suspended with Walter. Disney's cooperation negotiations.

A team of Relativity Entertainment that goes to the Burbank Disney headquarters to negotiate every day also withdrew the Relativity Building.

A day later, Steve Jobs also announced through the Netflix sharing account that Pixar Studios unilaterally terminated the acquisition negotiations with Walt Disney because they could not agree on the production concept. Pixar Studios will be held on December 31. After the issuance contract expires, all cooperation with Walt Disney is ended.

Not only sharing through Netflix, Steve Jobs also stood up and accepted an interview with the media, claiming that he could no longer stand the arbitrary arrogance of Michael Eisner.

After being squeezed by Walt Disney for many years, Pixar Studios and Steve Jobs finally let out a sigh.

The love-hate entanglement between Pixar Studios and Walt Disney for more than ten years has also completely ended.

After losing the Pixar studio, the Disney Animation Studios production team headed by Chris Barker and Byrne Howard officially handed in their resignation to Disney and announced their resignation.

Michael Eisner hasn't waited to see Disney Animation Studios all these years. In addition, after the shareholders meeting, the internal struggle for power was turbulent. After the liquidated damages were paid in place, the animation production team headed by Chris Barker and Byrne Howard was not retained at all. the meaning of.

Although Disney Animation Studio has more than one animation production team, it has lost the most Disney heritage production power.

Pixar Studios completely ended their cooperation with Disney, and the teams of Chris Barker and Byrne Howard left to join Sandsea Entertainment, and the revival of Disney Animation will be nowhere in sight.

No one at the top of Walt Disney paid attention to these for the time being. As Disney's stock price fluctuated sharply, a series of problems were caused.

These Ronan no longer pay attention, no matter who can control Disney in the end, he will face a huge mess.

After Christmas, Ronan paid proper attention to the Oscar rush for Ang Lee and Brokeback Mountain.

In the announced Golden Globe nomination list, "Brokeback Mountain" has been nominated for seven awards including best director and best feature film.

At the same time, the film also received key nominations in the most critical weathervane awards.

Ang Lee was nominated for the Best Film Director at the Directors Guild Award, "Brokeback Mountain" was nominated for the Best Film at the Producers League Award and so on.

The directors' union's choice of the best director of the year has always been one of the best weather vanes of the Oscars. In the history of nearly 70 years, only six directors' union award winners failed to win the Oscar for directors.

On December 31, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences began to distribute votes to nearly 6,000 judges scattered around the world, and the Oscar rush entered the sprint stage.

Also on this day, the distribution contract signed by Pixar Studios and Walt Disney officially expired.

On the first day of the new year, Ronan ushered in the highest level of Pixar studios such as Steve Jobs, Idel Camel, John Lasseter and Andrew Stanton in the Theory of Relativity Building.

Witnessed by all parties, Ronan, on behalf of Relativity Entertainment, signed a formal acquisition agreement with Steve Jobs, who represents Pixar Studios.

Relativity Entertainment acquired Pixar Studios in cash and stock exchange, and Pixar Studios became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Relativity Entertainments.

In the news hall, when Ronan and Steve Jobs shook hands, the media reporters who had been waiting in the audience pressed the camera shutter to record this moment.

The senior executives of Relativity Entertainment and Pixar Studios applauded. Robert Lee and John Lasseter, who initially represented Relativity Entertainment and Pixar Studios, also gave a big hug.

Both parties are very satisfied with this transaction.

Relativity Entertainment has won the number one animation content producer in Hollywood and the best animation technology provider in the world.

Pixar Studio has stable marketing channels and sufficient funding sources.

Jobs took Ronan and stood in front of the media reporter to take pictures, with a rare bright smile on his face.

Taking into account Jobs' recent physical condition, the signing ceremony did not arrange an interview session. Ronan accompanied him to the back lounge and threw the work of dealing with media reporters to Robert Iger and Idel Kamel.

Back in the lounge, sitting on the spacious single-seat sofa, Steve Jobs said, "Ronan, I didn't expect the day when we became real partners would come so soon."

Ronan replied casually, "We have always been close partners."

Of course, Jobs had other purposes when he said these words, saying, "I will help you enter the Apple board of directors, and I hope you can support me."

Ronan solemnly said, "As long as you are still sitting in the position of Apple manager, I will be your strongest partner."

In terms of past experience, supporting Steve Jobs is completely in line with his interest in investing in Apple.

Jobs rarely said "Thank you."

Ronan nodded slightly, "You're welcome."

In fact, Jobs has never lacked opponents within Apple, especially the smartphone project, which has been strongly resisted by the personal computer business faction.

There are contradictions within large companies. If they want to develop normally, they must suppress the contradictions within a certain range, otherwise Walt Disney will be the sign of the previous car.

Ronan asked, "When will Apple's first-generation smartphone be available?"

Jobs thought for a while and said, "I will strive for this year, but the test has not been completed yet, so I am not sure now."

Ronan said directly, "Steve, try out a prototype, remember to give me one."

Jobs said "Yes."

The topic of the two never mentioned Pixar Studio again. With the conclusion of the transaction, Steve Jobs no longer has the equity of Pixar Studio in his hands. Pixar Studio has been owned by Relativity Entertainment.

Ronan and Jobs didn't talk for long, and Laurenna Jobs came in and reminded Jobs that it was time to go back to rest.

Since Jobs was in a coma in India last time, his physical condition has not been very satisfactory. Fortunately, he stayed in North America and did not go to India to receive the super treatment from his third brother.

After sending Steve Jobs away, Ronan took a sigh of relief, and Pixar Studios got it. Not only is the industry's top animation studio and all its works copyrighted by Relativity Entertainment, but also vital animation. Production technology.

Today, most of the computer animation production in Hollywood uses equipment and technology developed by Pixar Studios.

Of course, this deal is also expensive.

Relativity Entertainment acquired Pixar Studios for a total price of US$6.3 billion. The transaction was completed by cash payment and stock exchange.

Among them, in terms of cash, the Pacific Investment Foundation and Bank of America provided US$1.5 billion and US$800 million for Relativity Entertainment in the form of investment and loans, respectively. Relativity Entertainment used US$1.7 billion in cash reserves accumulated over the years, totaling 4 billion. Dollar.

The remaining 2.3 billion US dollars, under the condition that Steve Jobs insisted on non-concession, Relativity Entertainment could only purchase shares in Netflix in accordance with Jobs' requirements.

Steve Jobs got 4.1% of Netflix shares, becoming the third largest shareholder after Ronan and Goldman Sachs.

However, Ronan still holds 73% of Netflix's equity through Relativity Entertainment, and is still the absolute controlling party of Netflix.

Transactions like this kind of acquisition of high-quality companies must adopt a premium acquisition method, and Relativity Entertainment is no exception.

As Pixar Studios officially belonged to Relativity Entertainment, the animation production team headed by Chris Barker also joined Shahai Entertainment and established an independent animation production department-Princess Animation Studio.

At this point, Ronan and Robert Iger planned and operated the Disney project for several years, and all have been completed.

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