The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 810: Disruptive innovation

On the same day, on Netflix streaming media, two new dramas created by Shahai Entertainment were officially launched.


   These two new plays are-"Gossip Girl" and "Chernobyl".


   Just like the first solo drama launched, the two new dramas still adopt the "popular watch" mode, which releases all the episodes of the season at once.


   The former is the first season, and the latter is only one season.


   immediately attracted the attention of a large number of Netflix users.


   When Netflix first launched its streaming media business, in addition to a large number of old movies, the two exclusive new dramas "Prison Break" and "Survival in the Wild" were highly acclaimed, and they were recognized as conscientious productions, and both the word-of-mouth and the number of viewers were extremely high.


  According to Netflix’s statistics, the cumulative number of viewers of the two has exceeded 15 million, bringing Netflix to nearly 5 million new paying users worldwide.


   The new quality drama has brought Netflix new paying users and revenue growth very obviously.


   At the same time, it also brings a new mode of TV play.


  Many traditional media are actually paying attention to Netflix streaming media, because once Netflix’s streaming media model continues to succeed, it may impact their TV drama business.


   Many viewers have complained through the Internet, and the weekly episodes seem to be really not addictive.


  Traditional TV stations even gave Netflix streaming media the title of "disruptive innovation".


   But Netflix started with a business model similar to "disruptive innovation" and developed it.


   For example, Netflix's initial business is aimed at the video tape rental market.


   As we all know, Netflix started with the online DVD rental and sales business, even if multiple businesses go hand in hand, DVD online rental and sales are still Netflix’s most guaranteed source of income.


   When Netflix was founded, consumers rented video tapes in physical stores and watched them on video recorders at home. This is the mainstream mode of offline film consumption.


   At that time, the industry giant, Blockbuster, had nearly 10,000 stores in the United States.


   Netflix's model is based on the rapid development of the Internet, and has won the support of users, thus attacking traditional companies represented by Blockbuster from the bottom up.


   Today's Blockbuster, although it has also launched an online rental business, but this step behind Netflix is ​​a fatal step.


   Looking across the United States, Blockbuster’s physical rental stores continue to close down, dropping from nearly 10,000 to less than 4,000.


   Blockbuster is just struggling to support it.


   The birth of a new giant in the industry is always accompanied by the decline of countless old forces.


After the launch of    Netflix streaming media, the novel playback mode has attracted a large number of viewers.


   In addition, Netflix has a larger number of users. These user data is shared with streaming media and can be converted into paying users for streaming media services at any time.


   Netflix's leap-forward development model has also attracted attention, and several companies have launched social services in the market.


   But they started too late, and Netflix has been far behind, and it is difficult to develop in the short term.


   Hollywood, however, attaches great importance to Netflix's model.


   Netflix’s online DVD rental is now an important offline channel for Hollywood filmmakers. In terms of streaming media business, it also shows enough vitality and a bright future.


  Hollywood is a circle that likes to follow suit very much. This is reflected in film production.


   The six major companies have also put the streaming media business on the agenda. For example, Universal Pictures and Twentieth Century Fox are planning to establish an online video company called HULU.


   Warner Bros. also proposed to build Warner Online, but it was strongly opposed by branches including Warner TV and HBO.


   Streaming media business, Netflix is ​​ahead, but there will be more and more competitors in the future.


   To ensure that the streaming media business continues to lead the way, it is necessary to continuously absorb old works into the copyright library, and to pay more attention to solo dramas.


   Netflix’s streaming media and online rental and sales businesses have more copyrights in works than any offline rental and sales company.


   In the first half of this year, Netflix secured all medium and large companies in Hollywood, and the number of copyrights for rent-sale and online broadcast works owned by the website exceeded 100,000.


   You must know that at its peak, Blockbuster only owned the copyrights of more than 20,000 film and television works.


   In Ronan's memory, the former Netflix didn't make the copyright library full of 100,000 copies until around 2010.


   But in the hands of Relativity Entertainment, Netflix has received greater resource support, related preparations have been done more fully, and the direction of development has become clearer.


   In addition to the copyright of the old works, the pulling effect of the new drama alone is the most obvious.


   The launch of "Gossip Girl" and "Chernobyl" once again caused a sensation.


  Moreover, the two dramas are highly targeted, which also strengthens the attraction of the previous two groups that have relatively low attention to Netflix streaming.


   The audience of the former is undoubtedly girls and younger women, while the latter are those who have come from the Cold War era.


   The influence of the “nuclear threat” among groups that have experienced the Cold War can never be ignored.


   In that era, it seemed that a nuclear war would erupt between the United States and the Soviet Union at any time.


   Once the two works went online, they immediately sparked a wave of watching.


   This mode of watching N many episodes at one time is not too cool compared to TV stations that squeeze toothpaste bit by bit.


   "Boom View Mode" is gaining popularity on the Internet.


   "Gossip Girl" and "Cerbellino" have been well received since their launch.


  The former is mainly concentrated in the group of young women.


   This TV series is the first to take the now fashionable and popular social sharing, "phone text messages" and online videos as the core theme, but it does not make people feel contrived, blunt, false and imaginary.


   And with the "S Queen" as the core protagonist group, the so-called high society life displayed by many young women is also dreaming of.


   During the promotion, Lydia Hirst, a wealthy socialite and also Lindsay Bill’s best friend, visited the announcement site several times to endorse the creative background of "Gossip Girl".


   This is also to make "Gossip Girl" show the upper-class social background and the protagonist of the rich and famous ladies more convincing.


   In addition, this TV series does reflect a lot of realities in American middle schools.


   Drinking, promiscuous sex, intrigue, and even seaweed among high school students have become commonplace things like drinking boiled water and eating.


   Similarly, for publicity needs, Netflix sharing and video interaction have also become an indispensable part of the girls’ lives in the show.


   "Queen S" showed up and told all the girls that if you don't even use these, it will really be OUT!


   In Hollywood and major TV stations, there have never been less TV dramas on the theme of youth.


   The best thing "Gossip Girl" has done is to repackage this theme with fashion and popular elements.


   There are some things in the play that the audience has watched thousands of times-the humble boy fell in love with the popular problem girl, and his perspective on this girl is different from that of others, and the result has touched the hearts of girls.


   There are handsome boys who seem to be infinitely beautiful on the surface, but they are very depressed inside, and are full of disgust with life, all because of the pressure of their parents and so on.


   But "Gossip Girl" makes the audience feel fresh and interesting after watching it.


  Using the "Hollywood Reporter" comment: "Gossip Girl" is not only a time-consuming drama, it has also become an object of worship for American teenagers' fashion life.


   Even the famous fashion supermodel Tyra Banks, after watching the episode, took the initiative to share and post via Netflix, claiming that he has become a fan of "Gossip Girl".


   The famous fashion demon Anna Wintour also mentioned this drama in an interview, thinking that it can contribute 80% to the fashion taste of "S Queen"!


   "Vanity Fair" hit the nail on the head, calling the show a youth version of "Sex and the City."


   There are also comments on the Internet, thinking that the theme of this drama is quite interesting-on the role of appearance in the relationship between men and women!


   There is a saying that it is good, the feeling is deep, and it is not the same as the chest...


  The audience of this drama is mainly teenagers, especially young women.


   Judging from market feedback and Netflix's big data statistics, "Gossip Girl" has fully achieved its goal.


   In contrast, "Chernobyl" has a better reputation and is even considered to be a recognized drama.


   The reputation of "Chernobyl" was completely exploded from the moment it was launched.


  From the media to the audience to the critics, there is a sound of applause.


   "Entertainment Weekly" directly posted: "Chernobyl", kill all disaster dramas in seconds!


   From the first click on the line to more than 2 million viewers, "Chernobyl" not only has a burst of word-of-mouth, but also is extremely stable.


   The freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is as high as 98%, and film critics and drama critics score an average of 9.7 points.


   On IMDB, the audience scored an average of 9.6 The popularity of this drama once again brought out the disaster decades ago, and caused extensive discussions from North America to Europe to Russia.


   The Kremlin’s regular press conferences also mentioned this drama in public conversations with the Russian giants.


  Although the show seems to be fair and fair, it is ultimately shot and produced by Westerners from their own perspective, and there are still many discredited places.


   However, the Russians surprisingly did not refute or hide it.


   The Russian media commented on the show: No matter which country it was filmed in, it allowed the world to truly understand a piece of history, to be alert, to think, and to pay attention.


   In the comments of all ordinary Russian audiences, two sentences appear the most: one is "The details are taken too well", and the other is "It's a pity, this is not our own."


   In terms of the number of views alone, "Chernobyl" is not much higher than "Gossip Girl", after all, the latter is more entertaining.


   But its social influence far exceeds that of "Gossip Girl."


   Netflix's efforts in high-quality original content have not only brought about a rapid increase in user scale and increased network traffic, but also made its stock price show a trend that delights investors.


   At the same time, Tom Cruise is also in action.



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