Lin Che said, "I will first see what she wants to do."

Yan Neck said, "You know who you really know, even people who care about your family know it."

Lin Che said, "Gu Jingyu is not a family member, I don't know it too?"

"Oh, right, oh, I remember this, but I just think that I am too admired."

"Really, I have something to admire."

"I just think that you can do everything you can."


"It's a treasure, no matter how to dig."

"Okay, don't shoot my flattering, you mouth."

He smiled and saw KG still silently following, knowing that he estimated that there was something to say, first to withdraw.

KG came over.

"I feel that we have spies inside."

Lin Che surprised, "Why?"

“The template mimics too much.”

"So, isn't they watching our game and can imit it?"

"No, it must have been our template."

"Then our template has not been announced?"

"Nothing, only a few people inside know it."

"But we have spies... is the person of Kaisheng company, or..." Lin Che looked at KG, but also did not want to, there are problems in several of them.

KG said, "I think it should be the one of us."

KG still understands very well in this regard. Although he does not like to talk, he may not be a fool.

He also has no intention to use things, absolutely believe that his roommate, people are sinister, he will not think that his people must be harmless.

KG said, "My people I understand, some, can be completely trusted, and some, I really are not a special trust, especially at this time, I will not blindly protect them.

Lin Che sighed and looked at KG. "What are you going to do?"

KG said, "I will transfer some important information first, and I will not show it to outsiders any more."

Lin Chedao said, "Well, I will look for someone to look at the problem of this game being copied."

"Well, that's good."

Two people said that they had a good split action, one went to investigate the inside, and one went to solve the outside.

Lin Che thought, Xue Mengqi will actually look at this game this time, it is also somewhat surprising.

It seems that the reputation of this game is quite loud, and it will fall into the eyes of Xue Mengqi.

She really doesn't know if she should be proud.

However, if Xue Mengqi knew that this time she had collided with herself, she would not be so happy.


Xue Mengqi sneered at the game she made.

Facing the staff at the morning meeting, she said faintly, "I said earlier, as long as there is a heart, there is nothing that can't be done, even if it is a wall, there is always a weakness."

"Yes, it’s still Miss Snow."

"Yes, this year's game is only afraid that this time is to be scrapped in the hands of Missy."

"Nature, they are such a small studio, how do you fight with Missy?"

"Do not look at what background we are."

Xue Mengqi’s face showed a touch of color.

Turning her head and asking, "What is the movement now?"

"The one of them, we are completely in control, and now that he even stole us from the template, it is impossible to re-elect the system, and it will definitely be within our grasp. There was nothing else happening there. They didn’t know that there was a spy, but they had a meeting and discussed how to deal with this plagiarism."

"Very good, let people continue, release our plan in advance, and at the same time, people are ready to go to court to kill them. At that time, the court is all of us, and I don't think they can do anything about it."

"Yes, Missy."


The studio quickly received a subpoena from the court.

After the game was released, it was originally preconceived. Everyone really felt that the game was similar to the light. The senior gamers listed more than a dozen similarities and decided that someone was plagiarized. However, "kill you" took the lead. After telling "Ray", the court's information, the game purchase agreement, the change agreement, the template, all sent out, everyone immediately because they seem to have very evidence, very formal, and some are uncertain, I don't know who to believe. .

Therefore, the Internet has also started a lot of quarrels, and it is the plagiarism of who is the genuine.

Some people think that the game is fun, and "Ray" is obviously more full of plot and structure.

Some people say that it is fun but he is plagiarized. You can support plagiarism. Anyway, I am going to play and kill you. It is very fun, everyone is coming.

In addition, Xue Mengqi makes people take the opportunity to speculate. For a time, killing you just got on the line has caused a lot of people's attention.

Here, when several people are in a meeting, the neck is very unconvinced.

"They are obviously swearing at our heat, this is not hype."

Lin Che said, "Although it is hype, it is a hype, and it is still a very high-end hype."

KG said, "What do we do?"

Lin Che said, "Since Xue Mengqi did it, they naturally have a lot of money and professionals to plan these, but you don't have to worry about it. We have a secret strategy and will not let our games be malicious. attack."

With his neck on his neck, "Is there a strategy? Really? What strategy?"

Lin Che smiled. "I will tell you later, it is strategic."

He said that Lin Che said that this was relaxed.

Because he is absolutely convinced of Lin Che.

After the meeting, Lin Che went out with KG.

In fact, what strategy can she have now? For the accused, she has secretly asked people to go to the court. Xue Mengqi walked over the relationship and wanted the court to directly convict the creation of the century.

Unfortunately, there is a relationship on her side, Lin Che is not without, so this is not to worry.

It’s just that they really don’t have any specific strategy. The current strategy is to let the person who betrayed them emerge.

Therefore just said that, but she deliberately said to the sneak.

This is the way she and KG secretly thought.

Lin Che said, "Go back and pay attention to it."

KG nodded. "I believe he will be hooked."

"Do you have someone with specific suspicions?"

"Yes, I went inside several of these computers these days and found something wrong."


Is it a good way to go in?

Lin Che said, "What is wrong?"

"Someone defensively guarded me, deliberately blocked the server, and did not allow me to enter. It seems that it should be a special precaution against me. In the past, they did not guard against me."


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