The Basketball Court Swordsman

Chapter 478: : Historic defense

"Play simple, decisive, decisive!" Spoelstra yelled from the sidelines. In the first quarter of the game, he tasted the Pacers' strength on the defensive end.

At this point, the first quarter of the game has reached the last 28 seconds. LeBron James was still present and sweating profusely. After all, he has played a whole quarter.

Spoelstra did not dare to replace James, because once he was replaced, the Heat would collapse. Today's game, James became the only point the Heat can score.

Spoelstra's "play is simpler", you can also understand it as-give the ball to LeBron to play.

At this time, James' opponent is Jimmy Butler, who was selected as the best defensive second team this year. Butler faithfully implemented Henson's strategy and did not allow Wade to score during the rotation. At this time, he will try his best to stop the first man in the league outside the three-second zone.

Norris Cole handed the ball to LeBron, and he knew what it meant to "play simpler". After all, now, only James can still score points under the Pacers' defense.

However, now, LeBron James, who has been exhausted, has no impact at the beginning of the game. But Jimmy Butler is still full of energy. He took the initiative to challenge LeBron physically, not allowing the Heat to break through easily.

James forcefully leaned on Jimmy Butler to hit the rim, but he was obviously weak at the end. In this way, the Heat lost the chance of the final attack in the first quarter.

The rebounds popped up, but the Heat did not dare to fight for offensive rebounds. In the first quarter of the game, Spoelstra had emphasized the fight for offensive rebounds, hoping to use a second attack to curb the Pacers' quick counterattack.

However, the strength of the Heat's inside players is obviously unable to meet Spoelstra's tactical requirements. Instead of grabbing any offensive rebounds, the Heat lost a lot of points because they did not retreat in time.

So now, everyone on the Heat doesn't dare to rush for offensive rebounds. The Pacers easily got the chance of the final attack in the first quarter. Jimmy Butler actively asked for the ball after a successful defense, ready to show off his skills on the offensive end.

James raised his trouser leg and guarded himself in front of Jimmy Butler. Just when everyone was ready to see how James avenged Jimmy Butler, Butler passed the ball. The pass was made by Yi Jianlian, who was emptied.

In order to defend Jimmy Butler, both Haslem and Lewis moved to the basket, so Yi Jianlian was completely released. And no one would have thought that the Pacers would actually leave Yi Jianlian's chance of the final attack in the first quarter.

However, Henson has never been superstitious in letting star players handle the key ball. He has always emphasized the need to leave opportunities to teammates who have the best chance. Even if he is just an ordinary player on the bench.

Yi Jianlian, as one of the Chinese basketball players, did not disappoint Henson. In the past few years with the Pacers, after winning two championships and playing two 70-win seasons, his improvement in self-confidence is obvious.

The hand lifted the knife and dropped, three points into the net, the red light was on, and the buzzer sounded. At the end of the first quarter of the Pacers game, Yi Jianlian made a three-pointer at the buzzer, and the score of the first quarter was fixed at 15-30.

That's right, 15 to 30. In just 12 minutes, the Pacers widened the point difference to 15 points. With the league's best defense, the Pacers allowed the Heat to score only 15 points in the first quarter. With more blooming performance, the Pacers scored 30 points in the first quarter.

On both offense and defense, the Heat did not take advantage of it. Spoelstra yelled and broke his throat, but he still couldn't stop the Heat's decline.

Generally speaking, a defensive team will enjoy limiting the opponent's score to less than 70 points. But the Pacers, they not only have to restrict others, but also use terrible offense to destroy each other.

After watching the first quarter of the game, Vogel knew why Henson dared to say that he would use four games to solve the Heat.

The 15 points in the first quarter were just the beginning of the nightmare. For the Heat, their ordeal is far from over.

After the start of the second quarter, Henson took up a vigorous starting lineup. Due to sufficient personnel reserves, the Pacers players do not need to be overloaded. They maintain sufficient physical strength at any time to ensure that they play the best condition.

Spoelstra originally developed a lot of offensive routines, but under the containment of the three best defensive players of Paul, George and Leonard, the Heat's tactics could not be implemented at all. Except for James, everyone else has no confidence in scoring at all.

That's right, even Wade and Bosh don't have the ability to score consistently under such defense. This Heat seems to have changed back to the previous Cleveland Cavaliers, and only LeBron can carry the team forward.

Pat Riley in the luxury box turned from anger to helplessness. Bird was so arrogant before the game, but his team was helpless.

Two of the Big Three are almost locked, but LeBron James, who can hardly break the line of defense, can't play very efficiently.

As a former head coach and one of the most successful head coaches, Pat Riley knows what Henson has achieved now.

Since the 1990s, several major defensive schools have formed. Until the 21st century, just like offense, defense began to become integrated and strategic.

Many coaches, including Pat Riley, deal with attackers through aggressive siege, fierce physical confrontation, or rapid rotation. But the strong offensive team will win the game, no matter who owns the ball, who owns the initiative of the game. ?

Today, however, Pat Riley sees the ultimate defensive form. There are no defensive weaknesses in the five positions on the court and can simultaneously contain the three star players on the offensive side. In addition, you can also use defense to get offensive opportunities.

From the players to the system, the Pacers have built a terrible defensive wall. Watching the Heat players struggling on the court, Pat Riley was extremely heartbroken.

He is not only a player who heartaches himself, but also heartache himself. He suddenly realized that it is very, very difficult for the Heat to defeat the Pacers this year.

After the half-time game, Henson let the league see how terrible the four-man team was selected for the All-Defensive Team.

Half time, only half time. Henson and his players used high-intensity, impeccable, twenty-four minutes like a lion fighting a rabbit, completely destroying the confidence and will of the Miami Heat. ?

??? "This is one of the greatest collective defensive performances in the history of the NBA playoffs! In the last five minutes of the first half of the game, the Heat did not score a point except LeBron James, and did not even win. A free throw! For the Heat’s players, it’s like a nightmare. Coach Spoelstra has tried a timeout, but it didn’t work!"

After the game, Reggie Miller stood up and watched the score on the big screen in disbelief.

As a team with three superstars at the same time, the Pacers actually allowed the Heat to score 32 points in the first half of the game! Among them, James scored 17 points alone! But Wade only had 4 points, Bosh 2 points, Chalmers 1 point, Haslem 0 points, Shane Battier 3 points...

Whether it is starting time or rotation time, the Pacers' defensive intensity will never decrease. ? In only half of the game, Henson executed his strategy flawlessly.

Although he scored 32 points at halftime, he was not ranked among the humiliating halftime minimum points. But such a number is enough to shame Riley, James, Wade and other Heat team members.

At the end of the half-time, Wade walked into the player tunnel with his head down. James was frowning, hands on hips, looking very tired.

"We encountered a historic defense, yes, a historic defense." The first person in the league directly used the three words "historical" to describe the Pacers' performance in the first half.

Pat Riley in the box put the red wine aside, he was not in the mood to drink anymore.

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