The Basketball Court Swordsman

Chapter 425: : Big Five Team

Antetokounmpo is completely popular throughout the United States.

Before the game with the Bulls, Antetokounmpo was a little transparent that many people could not even read his name. But since the Bulls game, people instantly became interested in this Greek teenager.

I have to say that Indianapolis seems to have become the most famous "star-making factory" in the NBA in recent years.

From Holiday to George and Danny Green, from Wesley Matthews to Leonard, Jimmy Butler, Stephenson, and now Antetokounmpo. Several previously unknown players have been known and even become stars because of the reasons they played for the Pacers.

There are countless stars coming out of here, and it is no exaggeration to say that the Pacers are "star-making factories".

"A player who has set up a stall and slept on the floor of the arena, his willpower determines that it is difficult for him not to succeed."

"Coach Henson made another successful draft, and Antetokounmpo's talent is visible to the naked eye!"

"We thought Antetokounmpo was a thin and weak inside player, but Coach Henson proved like us that it is difficult to define a guy like Antetokounmpo in a certain position. If one day Antetokounmpo Bo practiced a shot like his "senior" Leonard and Jimmy Butler, and the upper limit of this guy will be terrible!"

The day after the game with the Bulls ended, Henson flipped through a lot of news about Antetokounmpo on his phone. Henson believed that even if Antetokounmpo had no money in his pocket now, no taxi driver would refuse to take him. This guy built up his reputation in just under twenty minutes.

Such a player's talent is evident!

During training this afternoon, Henson found that Antetokounmpo had already laughed from ear to ear. Presumably, he was also highly sought after by the fans when he went out today.

This also led to Antetokounmpo's inability to concentrate during the confrontational training. Although it was innocent, there were several mistakes that Henson saw very eye-catching.

But Henson did not directly criticize Antetokounmpo, nor did he stop training and lose his temper. It was not until the end of the training that Henson walked to Antetokounmpo.

"Yangnis, remember what I said to you when we first met?"

"Huh?" Henson asked without warning, making the Greek boy somewhat unresponsive.

"Remember, I'll say it again. What the media says is farting, good or bad, it's farting." After speaking, he patted Antetokounmpo on the back, and Henson turned and left. He wanted to pat that guy on the shoulder, but he couldn't reach it...

Henson did not say anything extra, nor did he severely reprimand. Sometimes, let the players think for themselves, the effect is the best.

November 8, the third day after the Pacers defeated the Bulls. Today is another game day for the team. The defending champion will play against the Toronto Raptors at home.

After several seasons of decline, this season's Raptors are about to hit the playoffs. In the East, especially when the Celtics withdrew from the battle early, the Raptors, with their lineup, really have a chance to hit the playoffs.

Previously, the Raptors had a record of 2 wins and 3 losses. The lineup of Lowry, DeRozan, Gay, Amir Johnson and Valanciunas has shown their edge.

But Henson doesn't think the Raptors will cause trouble for him. For one, Henson thinks the Pacers will not fall behind in the five positions. Second, Rudy Gay, the star of the Raptors, seems to have a "negative contribution" to the team. Gay's excessive number of shots is actually not good for the Raptors' offense.

Henson believes that the new general manager of the Raptors, Masai Ujiri, is a very smart guy. So if nothing happens, Rudy Gay should be traded midway through the season.

With his perfect operation in the Nuggets last season, Masai Ujiri helped the Nuggets rank fifth in the Western Conference and enter the Western Conference playoffs. In the end, they lost only 2-4 to the rising Warriors. Last year, Ujiri helped the team get Iguodala, and their lineup is full of McGee, Kufus, Mozgov, Ty Lawson, Farid, Will Chandler, Such powerful fighters as Brewer and Gallinari. Last season, Ujiri also got his wish as the general manager of the year title.

So this summer, the Raptors spent a lot of money to dig Ujiri over. And this guy will definitely not sit back and watch the unhealthy lineup of the Raptors. At that time, people will be surprised to find that the Raptors will become stronger after losing their "home star"!

But those are things for later, at least for now, the Toronto Raptors can't get rid of Rudy Gay. Therefore, Henson is not worried that the Raptors will be upset and win at the Bankers Life Arena.

Just as Henson was thinking about the various situations that might arise today, Fraser walked into his office.

"Henson, remember the thing I told you about Leonard last year?"

Seeing Fraser's tone, Henson smiled. It seems that his old man is here to complain.

Last year, Fraser complained to Henson that Leonard had been training too hard, which prevented him from going home with his wife and children. Henson naturally remembered this, to be precise, he was deeply impressed by it.

"Leonard bother you again?" Henson laughed.

"No, this time it’s not Leonard, it’s the rookie. Adeto...Yunis!" Fraser tried to pronounce Antetokounmpo’s last name, but finally gave up and read it. A better-read name.

"He practiced in the power room yesterday until ten o'clock in the evening! I was afraid of his injury, so I had to accompany him all the time. Henson, it was not good for him to practice like this. You know, any training can't be a fat man. He is so fierce. Increasing the amount of training will only increase his physical consumption."

"I know, I'll talk to him." Henson waved his hand, it seems that yesterday's dialogue with Antetokounmpo has worked.

The game at night was as smooth as Henson thought. The Pacers did not use any superb tactics, and Henson did not use any unexpected substitutions like the previous game. Henson just told his players, "to lure Rudy Gaydo into action."

Thus, Gay threw the game alive. Of course, the Raptors themselves were shot dead.

"Rudy Gay singled out Leonard! It seems that Gay still doesn't plan to pass the ball. Faced with Gay's three-threat action, Leonard didn't move at all! Gay rushed! But Leonard De is not afraid to confront him! Rudy Gay chose to take the emergency stop jumper and Leonard's long arms were sealed!"


"Still not in, coach Dwyane Casey will not be happy, Rudy Gay has wasted too many opportunities. Obviously, in front of Leonard, Gay's offense is not effective."

Casey is indeed unhappy, but what can he do? Not all head coaches are like Henson, who can fully control the players. Rudy Gay will release himself every time he gets on the court, and Casey can't control it.

Before the game began, Becky Harmon also asked Henson why he dared to let the opposing star player take more shots. And now. After watching Leonard's performance throughout the game, Harmon has got the answer.

In the end, the Raptors lost 84 to 91 away. Rudy Gay made 26 crazy shots in the game, which is more than Lowry and DeRozan combined. But Gay only hit 8 goals, and his 30% hit rate is obviously unsatisfactory.

Leonard only scored 14 points and 6 rebounds, but was named the best of the game. Because everyone knows how much Rudy Guy struggled in front of Leonard.

Henson won an expected victory, and in the press conference after the game, reporters did not seem to have the Raptors and the game in their eyes. They know that this game is just a warm-up. The real test of the Pacers is tomorrow!

"Coach Henson, first of all congratulations to you for your 6-game winning streak. But as we all know, your team will set off tonight and tomorrow will face the Brooklyn Nets, which have formed the Big Five, at the Barclays Center. . Are you still confident about the next game?"

After a reporter asked this question, everyone instantly became energetic! The Pacers are playing back to back against the Nets, which has undergone tremendous changes this summer. This is the real highlight!

But in Henson's view, whether it is against the Raptors or the Nets, it is far from the highlight. The Nets' lineup looks really bluffing. Deron, "Singles Joe", Pierce, Garnett and Lopez are all stars in the starting five. But Henson also said that this lineup was only possible to win the championship five years ago.

"The Big Five of the Nets? I don't like this name. If the Nets can be regarded as a multi-giant team, then the entire league will be full of multi-giant teams." Henson just teased the media's name for the Nets a bit. In fact, there is no meaning to laugh at the Nets. But the New York media, which was already hostile to Henson, didn't think so.

"You mean, the Nets' lineup is weak? You have to know that Coach Henson, even if he takes out two of the Nets' starters at random, it will be enough for a team to score. It's the playoffs! What's more, five are added together!" The New York reporter responded strongly.

Henson stroked his chin. He was not angry, but excited. From the beginning of this season until now, I have never met anyone who dares to challenge myself. He feels that this season is a bit boring. That's it, the fool is here!

"Okay, Mr. Reporter. You are right, but the same is true for my team. Two starters are enough for a team to make the playoffs. Look good, Mr. Reporter. Tomorrow at Buck Lai Center, you will see what a real "big five" team is! We will let you see the gap!"

As always, Henson angered his "journalists" again.

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