The Basketball Court Swordsman

Chapter 410: : Indeed a bastard

In mid-July, during the craziest time of the summer, major media and fans were stunned by an explosive transaction message. At this time of year, NBA league transfers are even more exciting than TV shows.

But this year, the Indiana Pacers were very silent and did not make any major moves in the free agency market. The Pacers are the defending champion after all, and they are also the winner of two consecutive championships. Therefore, their lineup has proven to be effective and powerful. It's better to keep instead of breaking.

Therefore, fans can also understand the silence of the Pacers.

But everyone is wrong, the Indiana Pacers, but they are never lonely in the summer...

In a piece of hot trading news, there is a small piece of news that has not received so much attention.

WNBA legendary superstar Becky Harmon announced his retirement. In the NBA transfer wave, the news of Becky Harmon's retirement seemed like a pebble thrown into the ocean. You cannot expect to use a small stone to cause turbulent waves in the sea.

Although Becky Harmon has a high status in the wNBA, compared with the level of the NBA, it is indeed a little worse.

Originally, Becky Harmon wanted to play for another year, but due to her physical condition, she finally decided to retire one year earlier than planned. Of course, not many people care about why she retired early, and no one cares about what the female player will do after retirement.

But Henson, who had just returned to Indianapolis from France, can guarantee that this group of people will care about her soon!

In Carmel District, not far from the Indiana University Preparatory Campus, Bird stopped in front of a three-story villa.

He rolled down the car window and looked at the outside of the big iron door for a while. Naturally, this small villa cannot be compared with a tens of millions of mansions like Kobe, but it is already quite impressive.

The courtyard of Nuo Da is full of unopened furniture, and the workers are busy moving things into the house one by one.

The kid Henson is really a pragmatist, and he bought it right after he came back without much consideration. Of course, with Henson's current salary level, there is really no need to think about buying such a small villa.

"Didi!" Byrd honked the horn at the door, and a man in a black T-shirt ran out of the house. Bird recognized that guy at a glance, it was Henson!

"I've said it all, I'll just go to your place! Look, I haven't done anything yet!" Henson enthusiastically opened the gate of the yard to Bird.

"Can't I come to your house to recognize the door? I heard that you only came back two days ago, but you have already started moving furniture into the house? Are you guys always so efficient?" After entering the courtyard, Uncle De observed the layout of the villa again and found that the inside looked bigger than the outside!

"You know, I am really an efficient person, Bird. Whether on the basketball court or off the basketball court. This house, I only took ten minutes to turn around and decided to buy it. Come in, just leave the car here, the garage is still a mess."

Following Henson, Bird walked into the interior of this magnificent three-story villa. The interior decoration was already very complete, but it was empty everywhere, scattered with various items. The furniture is still being placed, and some minor decorations are still in progress. Now the only place to sit down in this house is the sofa in the living room.

"Larry, you're here! Sit down, I just made coffee for you." An Jiali brought two cups of coffee and put them on the coffee table. Byrd nodded in thanks, and then sat down.

"Your place is good, but it's a bit far from the city."

"Fortunately, it is actually quite convenient. It will take less than half an hour to drive from here to the Banker’s Life Arena. The most important thing is that there will be no traffic jams." Henson spread his hands. How horrible the peak is, otherwise he would definitely feel the same as Henson.

"Have you heard? The Celtics and the Nets have reached a deal. Damn Danny Angie, he just sent away all the team's veterans of merit. Moreover, they also came from where the Nets were. With so many picks. Kim Terry, that idiot, he thought he could embark on the road to a crash championship, but in fact he has become a victim of Angie's road to rebuilding."

"Please, Bird, this happened more than ten days ago. I can also use the Internet in France, and I know no less than you. But really, Danny Angie can find the Nets such a bully... .... What a **** old fox!" Henson itched when he thought of the three draft picks for the Nets.

People say that Henson is insidious and cunning, but Henson thinks that compared with Angie, he is a decent figure at all.

Although the Nets' lineup looks very strong next season, don't forget that Garnett and Pierce are both nearly forty years old. Deron, Joe Johnson and Lopez are not first-line superstars either. If this lineup is placed five years ago, it is indeed a championship level.

But up to now, it is still unknown what results can be achieved. Not to mention, if this lineup is disbanded, how much combat power will the Nets have left.

Kim Terry sent the draft picks until 2018, when no one knew what the Nets were like. But there is a high probability that the Nets at that time may not be able to recover. At that time, Danny Angie's draft will not be worth mentioning.

"Forget it, let's not talk about others, just talk about business. The summer league started yesterday. If it continues, I'm afraid she won't even have the chance to coach the summer league." Henson did not worry about the Nets' three draft picks anymore but Changed the topic to the Pacers themselves.

The "she" in his mouth refers to Becky Harmon!

"Becky Harmon... are you sure, you want to use a woman to coach the NBA? No, don't get me wrong, I am not gender-based. But we all know that wNBA and NBA games are not at the same level. . Becky Harmon may be smart in the wNBA, but she may not be able to gain a foothold in the NBA." Bird hesitated. In fact, if it were not for his uncertainty, he would have agreed to sign Harmon on the phone the day before yesterday. Instead of running this trip specially.

"As a player, there is no doubt that Harmon can't get a foothold in the NBA. But as a coach, that's not necessarily. That's why I need her to test the waters in the summer league. I don't care about her gender, everything depends on performance. Have you forgotten? When I was a scout, it was you who gave me a coaching addiction in the summer league."

Thinking of the past, Bird smiled and shook his head. He took a sip of coffee, then leaned back on the sofa, "So, are you determined to do this? You know, you will cause an uproar if you do this."

"So what? I'm used to it. I haven't shown up for so long, the media must have missed us very much."

"You lunatic," Bird murmured.

After retiring, Becky Harmon has only two choices, or accept the invitation of T.NT TV station to become a commentator. Either continue to wait and wait for a chance to enter the NBA coach.

She has a rich resume and she is one of the greatest players in the wNBA. But again, her resume is blank. Because she has never played an NBA level game, nor has any coaching experience.

But in Harmon’s own words: “I like challenges very much, playing with heartbeat. For me, teaching assistants are more challenging than commentators.”

If you want to be an assistant coach, the San Antonio Spurs are naturally Becky Harmon's first choice. After all, the second half of her career as a professional player played for the San Antonio Silver Stars in the wNBA. The ATT Center is her home field and San Antonio is also half of her hometown.

But the competition in the Spurs coaching staff is really too great, even this summer, the Spurs chief assistant Budenhorse walked away from Atlanta to stand on his own. But the Spurs coaching staff is still full of talents.

Chip Englander, Emily Uduca, Italian meritorious coach Ettore Menassi... the Spurs' assistant coaching lineup is very scary just by looking at the name.

If nothing else, just talk about Italian Menasi. This man has led different teams to win the UEFA Champions League four times and the Italian League nine times. He was elected Italy’s best coach of the year five times, once was elected the best coach of the year in Europe, twice was elected the best coach of the year in the UEFA Champions League, and was named one of the top 10 coaches in the history of the Champions League in 2008!

Well, such a guy with a rich resume and a soft hand, he is just an assistant coach in the Spurs! When Becky Harmon's name is put together with him, there is something out of sync.

Therefore, it is very difficult for Harmon to gain a foothold in the Spurs coaching staff. But she still has hope for her assistant coaching career, because she has not forgotten the conversation between herself and Pacers coach Henson Joe during the All-Star weekend last season, and the conversation they had on the phone a few days ago.

Although the word "jerk" is often used in the media to describe Henson, Harmon believes that Henson is a trustworthy person. Because as a professional player, she knows very well that an untrustworthy coach cannot establish prestige in the locker room.

The summer league started yesterday and she did not receive a call from the Pacers. But she did not give up. As long as Henson could give her a chance, she firmly believed that she could impress the Chinese coach!

At seven o'clock in the evening, Becky Harmon's cell phone rang. She excitedly took out her phone and took a look, but was disappointed. Because the caller ID is a series of unfamiliar numbers, not Henson's name.

"Hey, this is Becky Harmon." Harmon was somewhat helpless, but out of courtesy, he got on the phone.

"Hello, madam. This is Larry Bird, the Indiana Pacers basketball operations chairman. Coach Henson has recommended you to me for a long time. If possible, can I arrange a meeting? I need to talk to you. The Pacers’ temporary assistant coach."

Harmon opened his mouth wide, and the surprise Henson gave her almost made her shock on the spot!

Can't you call yourself personally? Why have to ask Larry Bird to call and jump on himself.

Now Becky Harmon believes that Henson is indeed a bastard.

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