The Basketball Court Swordsman

Chapter 403: : Your Majesty!

There was no shouting in the ATT center, but even so, Henson still sweated his palms, his heartbeat accelerated, and his body trembled slightly.

"Damn, don't be nervous, Henson, don't be nervous!" Henson reminded himself over and over again in his head, but it was useless at all, he couldn't control his body.

"Henson, do you want to come back and rest?"

Seeing Henson in this state, Vogel couldn't help shouting from the bench.

"No...I don't use it, Frank." Henson, standing on the sidelines, shook his head. He now finds it difficult to even stand, let alone sit down with peace of mind.

The Chinese coach looked up at the big screen. Now, there is only one minute left before the end of the game. Of course, he was so nervous not because he was still anxious in the last minute of the game. In fact, the game has already lost its suspense. Now, the Spurs are behind the Pacers by 15 points. As far as their state is concerned, the Spurs cannot overtake the score!

The reason why Henson is so nervous is precisely because the Pacers have a big lead. Because it means...

"In another minute, the Indiana Pacers will become the championship of the season!" Mike Brin was already overwhelmed with excitement on the commentary stage.

"Continuous championships. If the Pacers win the championship, they will become the sixth team in NBA history to win consecutive championships. There is no doubt that Coach Henson is rewriting the history of the league and the Pacers little by little. !" Kevin Harlan next to Mike Brin also didn't understand the game.

In fact, at this time in this arena, no one cares about the game itself.

The Spurs players just want to leave early now, and the Pacers players want to award prizes. As for the Spurs fans, most of them have gone. At this time, more than half of the stands in the ATT Center were empty. After all, no one wants to watch others take the O'Brien Cup away on their home court.

"You are right, Kevin, consecutive championships! In the decades of NBA history, only 5 teams have won consecutive championships before! Even the Spurs with four NBA championships have never Achieved consecutive championships. Because the Spurs have never successfully defended their championships! And a few dozen seconds later, the sixth team in the league that can achieve consecutive championships is about to be born!"

As the game went by, Henson couldn't even think about what the players were doing. He just stood on the sidelines, and his body trembled slightly.

72 wins without a championship are meaningless, everyone has heard this sentence. But no one told him that the 72-win season with a championship was so exciting!

Those nights with chest tightness and headaches, that roll after roll of game videos, those verbal abuses, those saliva, those unrealistic accusations, those stomping attacks...

In the eyes of the outside world, the Pacers seem to have gone smoothly this season. From the regular season to the playoffs, they are racing on the highway. But only Henson and his players know how hard they have gone through this season.

At this time, when these hardships would turn into rewards, Henson found that he could no longer stand calmly on the sidelines and play cool as usual.

"The game has 23 seconds to end. The players stopped playing. Chris Paul gave up possession of the ball and put the basketball directly on the floor! However, the Spurs players did not grab it. It's over, the game is over. ended!"

At 23 seconds, Henson and the bench players stood on the sidelines, ready to rush into the court at any time. 23 seconds, the usual 23 seconds is so fast. It takes more than 23 seconds to pour a cup of coffee, to open the toilet or even a brief run last time.

But at this time, 23 seconds suddenly became extremely long. It seems that a long, long time will pass for every second of the number on the timer on the backboard.

Henson's eyes were fixed on the timer, even though his eyes were extremely dry, he still did not dare to blink.

He was afraid that when he closed his eyes and opened them, he would find that everything was a dream. I found myself still lying in the broken hotel in Long Beach, worrying about my job and livelihood.

The time on the timer is still beating slowly, 3...2...1!

"Beep~~~~~" The electronic buzzer sounded through the audience, and the sound made Henson's heart shake! He just thought about his players who would rush to the court at the end of the game to hug him, but when the game ended, Henson found that he couldn't make any progress at all!

One second after the game ended, countless colorful confetti fell over the ATT center, as if a colorful snow fell on the court.

Looking up at this dreamy scene, Henson smirked.

All of this is true, true!

"Congratulations, 98 to 86, the Indiana Pacers defeated the San Antonio Spurs by 12 points away! They also won the series with a total score of 4-1 and became the NBA champion in the 2012-2013 season!"

After Mike Brin yelled, he felt that everything in front of him was a little unrealistic. 4 to 1, the Pacers actually beat the Spurs 4 to 1! You know, the Spurs are very different from the naive Thunder last season. They have experience in the finals and are one of the most robust teams in the league!

But the facts have proved that as long as your strength is strong enough. There will be no surprises in any team.

"Boss, Boss!"

Henson was "woke up" by the shouts of the players. When he recovered from the sidelines, the players had replaced the corn yellow championship commemorative T-shirts and championship caps.

Ray Allen was the first to rush towards Henson and hugged the Chinese coach tightly. To win another championship before retiring, Ray Allen fulfilled his dream!

All the unhappiness and frustration in Boston last season were all wiped out with the final victory. He knew that there was nothing wrong with his decision in the cafe!

The one who followed, naturally, was Danny Green. Although this is already Green's second championship with the Pacers, he feels deeper than the first time.

After all, this time he won the championship, his credit is much greater than last season! Had it not been for Green's record-breaking three-point performance in Game 4 of the Finals, the Spurs would not have collapsed so early.

Subsequently, more and more players gathered around Henson. Seeing this scene, Mike Brin felt incredible.

Generally speaking, after a team wins the championship, the players will become the protagonists on the court. For example, Kobe, who climbed onto the technical stage and shouted at the fans, such as the Big Three of the Green Army surrounded by reporters, such as Nowitzki who ran back to the player channel alone and choked secretly.

But in the Pacers, the players have become supporting roles. All eyes were on the Chinese coach wearing an Armani suit.

Suddenly, Henson felt as if someone was hugging his leg. Before he realized what was going on, he was carried on his shoulders by Stephenson and Danny Green!

Subsequently, the two guys carried Henson and ran around the court. The camera gave Henson a close-up of his face. The Chinese coach, who was calm and calm, smiled like a child at this time.

After going around the court, Stephenson winked at everyone. Seeing that the players didn't mean to put themselves down, Henson suddenly felt nervous.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? I..."

Before Henson finished speaking, Stephenson and Green threw it directly off their shoulders!

Of course, these two guys didn't plan to fall Henson to death. As Henson was falling, countless pairs of powerful arms dragged him. In his vision, there are excited smiling faces from the players.

"1,2,3!" The players yelled, and then collectively threw Henson into the air.

Henson himself is not heavy, and the power of professional players is terrifying. Therefore, he was thrown high, as if he could touch the big screen of the ATT center with just one hand.

Halfway through the flight, Henson's body began to fall. Then, those powerful arms caught him again and threw him high again!

The Pacers’ unique way of celebrating, murdering the film of reporters. Mike Brin looked at Henson who was flying up and down, couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

In other teams, the protagonist may be the player.

But in the Pacers, there is only one protagonist and one king!

That's right, king! Mike Brin thinks it is too appropriate to describe Henson as the king of Indianapolis!

This team is not ruled by Paul, not by George, nor by anyone else! Henson Joe is the only ruler of this army of terror that swept the entire alliance!

"Congratulations on your crowning success, Your Majesty."

Mike Brin did not shy away from speaking into the microphone and shouting this phrase that would become a classic commentary to fans all over the world.

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