The Ascension of the Favorite Spirit

Chapter 73 Knight’s Running Contest (please order first!)


The spring is bright and even the wind is warm.

Green old trees can be seen everywhere in Hutou Courtyard, with their branches twisting and growing vigorously.

And those flowers that sway inadvertently, red like fire and yellow like gold, are dotted among them. This is the moving part of life.


Ye Hanjun raised his head, the corners of his eyes twitching slightly.

In front of him, a pink ostrich stood with its head held high and a tuft of colorful feathers on its head, which was so conspicuous.

After not seeing each other for a long time, you actually got a haircut?

Although it is just simple dyeing and perming, it has not risen to a particularly complicated weaving.

But this big fan with colorful eyes has a proud look of look at me, look at me.

Is there something wrong with Su Mei's aesthetics, or is this ostrich... just not taking the usual path?

Oostrich...ostrich likes bright colors...

Let it be dyed a solid color, it won't be happy...

Seemingly seeing Master Han's twitching eyes, Su Mei introduced timidly.


I can only say...very personal.

Ye Hanjun shook his head and commented like this.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took a step sideways, and his gaze, already as calm as the sea, locked onto the stout man with an astonished face.

Is your tooth deer really exhausted?

A light voice, a calm tone.

The strong man's color changed slightly.

Even though he concealed it well, his bulging throat and sneer expression were slightly different from before.

Brother, what do you mean...

The strong man tried to argue, but Lord Yehan suddenly interrupted, and his voice became colder:

Looks like he's walking hard and stumbling.

But every step it takes is actually very stable.

I have to praise you for this. It must have taken a lot of effort to educate a savage beast into a half-drama artist, right?


A drop of cold sweat dropped from the strong man's forehead, What are you talking about? Doesn't this look like acting?

Look, its hair is soaked and there are solidified salt crystals. It's not on the verge of exhaustion. How can it be fake?

Stop talking nonsense and fulfill the contract as agreed before!

Ye Hanjun was too lazy to argue with him, so he directly showed his assistant badge and said coldly:

Or do you insist that I report it to the college to expose your speculation and making illegal money?

... The strong man's face turned green and white, and there was a flash of fear visible to the naked eye.

After a few seconds, he patted the deer's hind hooves, bowed his head and apologized:

I'm sorry, I was greedy.

I'll move it for you. I guarantee there won't be any mistakes. Please be kind and let the villain go.

Move first.

Ye Hanjun glanced at him with an indifferent expression.

Emotions such as hatred and animosity are not felt, but fear occupies the heart.

Over fifty years old, he is still ranked first. One person is suspected to be an F-class cartman, and the other is suspected to be an F-class porter.

As for Ya Lu and Li Yuan, although they are both clay sculptures, they are perfect.

But calloused hooves and sparse hair mean that as you age, your potential in this life has come to an end.

Ye Hanjun was alert, but not too worried.

Those who stare at a few spiritual stones and are miserable, bully the weak and fear the strong, this kind of person cannot make waves.


Under his silent gaze, Yalu stopped in front of the villa opposite.

Following behind was the powerful ape, and his master - another strong man in gray clothes.

Quickly open the box and work together to move the contents.

No. 222, live opposite me?

Yes, this community is quite empty. Naturally, it is more convenient to live next door to Master Han.

Su Mei smiled broadly, and the pink ostrich seemed to feel her excitement and quacked twice in the sky.

Watch them. If they damage your things intentionally, ask them to compensate you according to the price.

Okay! Su Mei nodded and asked awkwardly: Master Han, do I look like a silly fool who is easy to bully?

If it were a vicious male student, wouldn't they dare to lie to others?

Maybe. Lord Ye Han said casually, There's no need to think too much about it, and there's no need to take it to heart.

But you have to seriously understand that there are many people with malicious intentions in this world. Whether it is real interests or life safety, you must learn to protect yourself.

Su Mei nodded thoughtfully.

Half an hour later, a whole box of contents was moved into the villa.

After commanding the ape and adjusting the positions of all furniture and instruments, Su Mei paid 8 low-grade spiritual stones. The two strong men nodded and bowed, and left with a smile.

Huh... moving is really troublesome. I've been busy all morning!

When the outsiders left, Su Mei breathed a sigh of relief.

In front of Master Han, she didn't need to hide her fatigue.

You have quite a personality too.

Ye Hanjun took a brief tour and checked it again. There were no eavesdropping runes or anything left, and everything was normal.

As for the slight smack of his lips, it was because Su Mei was young and didn't really like dressing up.

To be precise, she doesn't have too many fancy clothes, and she has very few cosmetics.

But there are at least twenty sets of training clothes and practice clothes.

Dark copper heavy armor, snake scale light armor, tough leather armor... armors with different functions, half-body, full-body, and the number of low-grade spiritual stones that can be smashed into them will not be less than 200. still have such a big training device in your residence?

Ye Hanjun has always felt that the personal castle where the family resides is too big, and living in an exquisite and compact villa like Canghai Pavilion is quite satisfactory.

But Su Mei really has something in her.

She bought several particularly expensive large-scale machines, one for body balance exercises and one for weight training and strength training.

The most outrageous thing is that there is a giant mushroom-shaped container five meters high, which is actually an ostrich's granary, hiding a bunch of delicious snacks.

Just——spend money randomly?

Mr. Yehan is really not sour. These things look high-end, but in fact they are shoddy and more like an IQ tax.

If you have time to use these inferior things, why not have a few actual battles, the improvement effect will be completely different.

My father is the mayor of a small town in the Blue Frog Kingdom. He is a minor nobleman.

As the eldest daughter of the family, I have my own small treasury before I reach adulthood.

I finally awakened to my authority last year. When my father was happy, he even promised me an allowance of 100 low-grade spiritual stones every month.

Then... when I first entered Canghai Pavilion, because I had a large amount of spiritual stones in my hand, and I was in a happy mood...

I just bought everything and wasted a lot of money...

Su Mei rarely blushed, and for the first time she took the initiative to introduce her family background.

This is similar to what Ye Hanjun expected. Compared with ordinary students, this girl's family situation is much better, and she cannot escape the label of little rich woman.

By the way, Master Han.

When I stayed up late last night to dye my hair with Ostrich, I met my classmate who was in class yesterday. I heard from her that Pu Chenlong is looking for you.

His tons of pigs seem to be fine. He is very grateful to you and wants to thank you in person. You see...

Oh, don't worry about him.

Ye Hanjun said indifferently:

I don't take this kind of random thing seriously.

But I also heard...

Su Mei hesitated and said slightly worriedly:

There are already sporadic gossips, mentioning that 'the witch in the rescue center is missing' and 'the witch is suspected of being signed into a contract'.

In addition, because the classmates who attended yesterday's class were full of praise and approval for you, it is inevitable that someone will inquire about you behind your back. By the way, one after another people heard the words 'mysterious teaching assistant' and 'pale teaching assistant' these messages.

I'm worried that if things continue to ferment and the two events merge into one, Master Han will be standing on the stage sooner or later, facing layer after layer of strange eyes...

Why, are you scared? Ye Hanjun raised the corner of his mouth, I'm not a mouse, why do I always have to hide in the dark?

It's just a slight trade-off that allows me to avoid unnecessary trouble as much as possible at this embarrassing stage.

But if trouble does come, there's nothing you can do about it. The soldiers will come to block the water and the earth will cover it up, that's all.

It turns out that Master Han knows something~

Hearing what the master said, Su Mei breathed a sigh of relief and felt confident.

She frowned and asked thoughtfully:

Then, do I need to make it clear as soon as possible that Master Han and I have an overly close teacher-student relationship?

For your own safety, you should avoid it when you need to.

Ye Hanjun shook his head:

Including the power of a super knight, you'd better not expose it all at once, in case you suddenly become stronger and are targeted by someone with intentions.

Ah... Su Mei exclaimed softly, Then, shouldn't I participate in the knight's running competition at noon? Is it better to just withdraw from the competition?

Knight's Run Competition? Ye Hanjun asked.

Aren't there various competitions in the academy? Some are held regularly, and some are held randomly.

Well, I've heard of this. Ye Hanjun nodded, In high-level competitions, there will be rewards after winning, especially the Excellence Star, which is of great significance to students.

Yes! Su Mei said obediently, In this Knight's Run competition, it is said that the first and second place finishers in each group will have stars.

I signed up a long time ago, but I'm not sure. I just want to see the world. If I can make a few powerful knight friends and learn from each other's growth experience, then I will be satisfied.

This kind of competition with fixed powers...whether it's a contestant or a spectator, the audience should be quite limited, right?

Ye Hanjun was standing, holding his right elbow with his left hand, pinching his chin with his thumb, and considered:

If you have a chance to get a Star of Excellence, you might as well give it a try.

Don't forget, your Master Ring is a passive power. If it is completely closed, you are still a standard knight.

If there are stronger competitors, then activate some of them a little bit.

With the weakened power of riding the wind, and the pink ostrich that is good at endurance and speed, there are probably not many people at the same level who are better at running than you.

Master Han allows me to participate? Su Mei's eyes lit up and she became a little excited.

In the six months since she was admitted to the hospital, she has not even received a single excellence star.

This also caused her ranking on the rising star list to be at the bottom.

Compared with the newcomers in the same period, this is a result close to the bottom of the crane, with a very low sense of presence.


Has the chance to reach for the stars finally come?

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