The Ascension of the Favorite Spirit

Chapter 68 I have never hated a turtle so much in my life.

The battle between the shield turtle and the pink ostrich was just as Lord Yehan expected, too dramatic.

Both sides are barbarian spirits.

The shield turtle's talent is all focused on defense. If you can't break through its shell with crushing sharpness or strength.

The only way left is to imitate the Desert Witch and find ways to attack its weaknesses.

However, the pink ostrich has average defense but more vitality.

Based on the structure of the body, it also has excellent endurance and excellent speed. It can run to and fro with an astonishing momentum.

This one is fast and one is slow, the contrast is too great.

I saw a big black turtle rushing over, as ferocious as it wanted.

Unexpectedly, under Su Mei's command, the big ostrich circled back and easily pressed its back with its big feet.


The giant ostrich exerted all its strength, and the shielded turtle couldn't escape at all.

Sensing the danger, it suddenly transformed into a shrunken turtle, with all its limbs and neck retracted, leaving only a bare turtle shell.

Bang! Bang!

The big ostrich clicked for a while, got bored, and started playing football.

It can't understand complex commands, but at least it can still obey simple commands such as dash, run, jump, fight, stop...

What we have to do now is to kill this hard thing in front of us!

But the problem is...the big turtle doesn't stick its head out at all!

Its most arrogant arrogance only lasted for more than ten seconds, and the rest was deathly silence.

How to fight this?

The pink ostrich kicked hard, trying to knock it out.

Not to mention, the shielded turtle is smaller than it, and its half-meter-long shell is quite heavy.

Even if you try your best, you can only kick it five or six meters away. For the big turtle hiding inside, it is neither painful nor itchy, and of no use.

What should I do?

Su Mei showed a trace of sadness.

Unarmed, no weapons to borrow.

Both Protective Armor and Damage Reduction Gauntlets are defensive active abilities. If the enemy doesn't fight you at all, it will be of no use at all.

Gah! Gah!

The big ostrich did not believe in evil and jumped up and down on the turtle's back, trying to crush it.

But a full fifteen minutes passed, and except for the consumption of its own physical strength, the shielded turtle was unscathed.

Ho! Roar! Roar!

After another five minutes, because the warring parties had made no progress for a long time, the gate of life and death judged that the challenger was fighting passively.

Three shadows squirmed, and a three-headed shield turtle appeared.

Once they emerged, they rushed over fiercely in an outflanking manner, trying to bite the big ostrich's feet.

Quack quack!!

The big ostrich was angry.

One turtle is annoying enough, but in the blink of an eye there are four.

With its two-meter long legs and faster reaction speed, it doesn't need to run away.

Whenever a turtle came close to it, it would either jump up and dodge, or kick it in return and pin it to the ground, unable to move.

Ho! Roar! Roar!

After a rough beating, four turtle shells appeared in the gray hemispherical barrier. All four shield turtles shrank their necks, remaining still to cope with the changes.

This is so doggy...

Seeing that there was no progress in the battle, more gray shadows emerged.

From one, then four, then seven...

After a while, nearly thirty shielded turtles appeared. The big ostrich became frightened and began to run away from them.

But the more he pulled and fled, the faster the turtle appeared. As far as the eye could see, there were black turtle shells all over the mountains and plains.

Moreover, with the turtle brothers as companions, those who had previously shrunk away from fighting began to explore their heads again and began to cooperate with each other, chasing and intercepting them like mad dogs.


Sumei on the back of the big ostrich was soaked all over.

Her plump chest heaved violently, and she watched with horror as swarms of shielded turtles blocked their path from all directions.

Oh my god, I've never hated a turtle so much in my life...

Is this a death challenge? No wonder Master Han said it might leave a shadow...


Pink ostrich - heroic sacrifice.

It was swamped by a group of turtles. No matter how strong it was and had great vitality, it couldn't defeat the sea of ​​turtles tactics in a closed area.

At the moment of death, there was only one question in Ostrich's silly mind.

Can you please stop seeing this hard thing?

The first thing that left a lingering fear in the bird's mind, and that he would feel scared afterwards, besides the gray two-legged beast, the second one was this big black turtle!


The picture freezes.

It turns out that if one of the contracted spirits or the master dies, the death challenge will be terminated.

Su Mei and the pink ostrich did not appear in the sky, but were instantly pushed out by the door of life and death and returned to the real world.

With a thought in his mind, Ye Hanjun followed and left.

When he blinked and regained his composure, what he saw was Su Mei and the big ostrich collapsing to the ground at the same time, like two balls of rotten fish and meat.

Too, too scary...

At least hundreds of shield turtles. I have never seen so many turtle-type spirits in my lifetime...

Hundreds of them?

Hua Zhu, who was stranded in the outside world, opened her mouth slightly.

She only made it to the third level, but she seemed powerless under the entanglement of three shield turtles.

Is this human girl so powerful?

It actually takes hundreds of shield turtles to defeat it?

She triggered the abnormal amplification mechanism of the battle avatar, and her death was extremely tragic.

Ye Hanjun also clicked his tongue.

He has raised many monsters with fierce temperaments, some are still alive, and some are on the dining table.

However, raising a hundred turtles and chewing them randomly is still a little too weird, and definitely not a normal person's brain circuit.

Sumei - the difficulty level is hell.

Ye Hanjun was even a little worried about whether she could cope with this heavy pressure and whether he should get some relief and give her some psychological counseling.

It's fake, it's all fake, forget it now!

Don't be afraid, Ostrich. I will take you to get your nails done and dye your hair later. It will be beautiful and you will forget all about it soon!


The pink ostrich, which has smelly beauty as its core personality, suddenly has its empty eyes shining with light.

The other instructions are not important, but the two of doing nails and dyeing hair have long been embedded in the soul. You must understand and remember them even if you die!

This is a reward!

After all, it costs money and is a huge waste of time.

On weekdays, only by getting into less trouble and training more can the master open this mouth!

The pink ostrich jumped up and screamed at the top of its throat.

When the strong excitement surged out, the half-dead and depressed posture flew out of the sky in an instant.'s okay.

Su Mei patted her chest and stood up.

The eyes he looked at Ostrich were far gentler than before.

At the moment of death, the ostrich protected her with his body, not wanting her to be bitten by the turtle.

For a barbarian spirit who doesn't know how to express feelings, it would be absolutely impossible to do this if it weren't for trust and love from the heart.

That's it for today. Lord Yehan agreed.

The meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step.

For Su Mei, today’s harvest may exceed the sum of the past twenty years.

Master Han, do you also live in the second-level residence?

Before leaving, Su Mei asked specifically.

“The college is too big and the way of communication is too limited.”

I'm thinking whether I should move to your neighborhood so that I can keep in touch at any time.

Okay. Ye Hanjun nodded, I live at No. 223 Hutou Courtyard. When you officially move here, I will make a future growth plan for you.

Be mentally prepared early. Your previous efficiency was too low, and some were even useless. It's better to turn it around as soon as possible.

Yes! Su Mei nodded solemnly, not only feeling uneasy, but also showing a bit of anticipation in the small fists she clenched.

In the past, I relied on one person and bumped into each other randomly, so forget it.

It’s different now. Whether it’s for yourself or for your master, you have to work harder to make your future without regrets!

Parting with Su Mei.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Hanjun took back the witch and left the training hall.

It was still early, so I took advantage of this idle half-day to continue thinking about ways to make money.

What is most urgently needed at the moment is actually not life-saving equipment, nor various functional magical props.

Referring to the priority, Ye Hanjun sorted it like this——

Food or medicine to regulate the body, Ritual materials needed for flower candles, Ritual materials needed for blood contracts.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the ritual materials for the flower candle. If they are not prepared within a hundred days, the remaining result can only be death.

And the ritual materials needed for the blood contract are gold-swallowing behemoths.

As a person who actively awakens with dual powers, Ye Hanjun still has one chance to use the blood contract.

If we had to add the first imprint left vacant by the demon servant, theoretically, there would be two more spirits waiting for him to sign a contract.

Too bad – both plans have to be postponed.

The former hurts money and requires good health.

The latter must sign with the devil.

There are hundreds of millions of such spirits, but most of them live in dark places such as abyss, ancient tombs, and abandoned ancient cities.

The number of Giant Frog Ponds is not very optimistic.

Ye Hanjun needs hard power by his side, and even more ability to find him.

In addition, even if he finds it, it is still unknown whether he can choose a general among the dwarfs...


When we arrived at the inn, we took a carriage. The bull pulling the carriage roared and started running.

Ye Hanjun leaned on the edge of the car window with his left hand, looking at the passing scenery outside the window with his eyes full of thought.

No matter what you want to do, you need a lot of spiritual stones as support.

The existing starting capital is a total of 250 low-grade spiritual stones.

Is it business? Or a leak? Or make some money and adjust the plan later?

According to the hidden rules of the Night Trial, any rituals, maps, formulas, skill secrets, etc. that involve family secrets must be kept silent. They are for personal use at most and are never allowed to be made public.

Things that are not taken seriously in the family, but may be regarded as treasures elsewhere, can in principle be accidentally leaked.

It is said that those cousins ​​who are half blood related have done this in order to survive the most difficult novice period.

However, I heard that you must ensure the right amount. The less it is, the less likely it is to make mistakes.

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