The Ascension of the Favorite Spirit

Chapter 17 Tianzi No. 7 Weapon Refining Workshop

Ye Hanjun carefully summarized the current gains.

But my feet were not idle, and it took me 10 minutes to reach the nearest post station.

When I go out today, the most important thing is to see Tu Long.

This is the mentor he nominally needs to follow, no matter how bad-tempered this person is in Jia Bangpeng's description.

Avoiding it is definitely the worst way, not worth advocating, and even more unnecessary.

Hu-Zi Liu-Zi Liu-

Fortunately, this time the ride was not a big-footed horse, but a running snail with faster feet.

As the name suggests, this kind of beast can maintain super fast speed once it activates the running mode.

Its carapace is rather special and has nothing to do with durability, but is elastic from the inside out.

If you accidentally hit a wall or other roadblock, it can have a buffering effect.

Most importantly, the running snail has mastered the racial skill Sudden Slime and can brake anytime and anywhere.

A problem similar to a pink ostrich running rampant and threatening the lives of pedestrians is basically impossible for a running snail to happen.

The passing station Tianzi No. 7 Weapon Refining Workshop has arrived. Passengers getting off the train please disable the protective device and get off the train in an orderly manner through the door on the left...

Pa-ta- Ye Hanjun unbuckled the safety buckle instantly and left the car as instructed.

When your feet landed on the ground, the fresh air blew in, and you could see a palace built with blue bricks and jade tiles.

Here we are, right here.

Lord Yehan observed with great interest.

According to Jia Bangpeng's introduction, Tu Long's title is Weapon Master.

This authority is the same as Jiang Yongnian's examiner, which is D-level and belongs to the true middle authority.

And all its powers are closely related to forging weapons, such as sensing the temperature of flames, identifying the material of metal...

I wonder if the refining technology here is any better than the masters of the family's refining?

With some curiosity in mind, Ye Hanjun showed his personal badge and passed the first gate smoothly.

Soon, after twisting and turning along the path, a quiet courtyard suddenly became enlightened.


In front of the palace, a soldier wearing armor suddenly raised his spear, and a loud voice instantly reached his ears:

This is an important place for refining weapons. Outsiders are not allowed to visit!

This is not the place you should come, leave quickly! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!


As soon as he finished speaking, a centipede with a big mouth burst out of the ground.

The ferocious mouthparts were aimed at Lord Yehan, and dozens of legs were dancing around like demons, with a ferocious aura about to come out.

On the surface there is only one guard, but secretly there are three human auras, a total of four guards and four spirits...

Lord Ye Han raised his personal badge and said as if nothing had happened:

I'm the new assistant coach.

Director Jiang Yongnian asked me to work with Master Tu. Today is my first visit. Please inform me.

What? The armored soldier couldn't see his facial expression because he was wearing a helmet.

But he was surprised by what he heard, and was obviously stunned for a moment, and half of the evil intent condensed in his body suddenly disintegrated.

This is my badge, there's no need to fake it.

Ye Hanjun once again raised the evidence in his hand and seriously reminded:

If you can't make the decision, please help me find someone who can. Thank you very much.

Um... The soldier stared at the silver-white triangular badge again and again, as if to make sure he was not dazzled.

After more than ten seconds, he put away his spear and responded hastily:

Wait a minute, I'll page the other two assistant teachers.

Please. Ye Hanjun shrugged and stayed where he was.


The soldiers guarding the gate do not have real combat powers, but are messengers. The only active power they have is called messaging.

As a paper crane fluttered into the window, in about a minute, steady and powerful footsteps gradually sounded, and the palace door officially opened.

You are Mr. Han?

The person who came was a man, about forty years old. Based on the second-level longevity, he was probably just entering middle age.

He was not tall and was as lean as a stick, but his eyes were as sharp as blades, with a strong sense of scrutiny.

Exactly down there.

Ye Hanjun crossed his fists and bowed slightly.

The man snorted coldly and couldn't help but sarcastically said:

I don't know what kind of ecstasy you drank to get Director Jiang's approval.

But I would like to advise you, if you don't have enough rank, no matter who you are or what your status is, you are not qualified to stand in Canghai Pavilion!

Ye Hanjun said oh and asked curiously:

So you are?

Sikong Wei. The man flicked his sleeves and walked back, saying as coldly as ice:

Don't blame me for not reminding you, the heat inside the refinery is unbearable. If your little body can't bear it, you can only ask for more blessings.

Don't you have special protective clothing?

Ye Hanjun passed the guard and followed Sikong Wei inside.

This plush dress is quite nice. I wonder where I can rent it?

This is my own, only one piece.

Sikong Wei didn't look back, and his voice became colder:

Can't you see that my job title is sewing master? This is a heat resistant garment that I knitted myself!

Ye Hanjun smiled lightly and said as if nothing had happened:

There are a total of six rows of needles pinned to your chest, gold, silver, copper and iron, thick and thin, long and short, blunt and round... a total of 72 needles. I still have the eyesight to see this.

It's just that I didn't expect that you would make a contract with a 'hyena'. This kind of spirit is not easy to tame. You must have spent a lot of effort on it.

Have you investigated me? Sikong Wei paused and turned around abruptly, his sinister eyes full of oppression.

I'm new here, and I don't have such connections or magical powers.

Lord Yehan showed no signs of timidity and pouted to the side:

This little guy is only five or six meters away from me. He is always lurking in the shadows. If I were even a little alert, I wouldn't be able to turn a blind eye, right?


Sikong Wei stopped talking, took a deep look at Lord Ye Han, and continued walking forward.

After walking about twenty steps, he finally couldn't hold it back and asked abruptly:

What is your authority? What kind of spirit have you contracted?

I wonder why you are so weak at such a young age. It seems like a strong wind can blow you down.

Ye Hanjun shrugged and said in a normal tone:

Coaching is a very partial position.

For specific details, you can refer to instructors, coaches, etc. There are similar approaches but the same result.

As for the consort spirits, Lord Ye Han walked slowly and calmly, without too many waves in his tone, I'm going to make you laugh, but I haven't concluded a formal contract yet.

In other words, you are a mere commander and don't even have the most basic contracted spirit?

Sikong Wei's nasal voice suddenly became thick and he said in disbelief:

That's it, you can become a teaching assistant and dare to teach students without shame?

Do you know how many students there are in the college? Their authority, rank, spirits, family background... not to mention teaching assistants, even many formal tutors would feel ashamed?

You will become a joke in Canghai Pavilion. Is Director Jiang crazy? How could he agree to let you become a teaching assistant...

This doesn't bother you. Lord Ye Han didn't take it seriously. There is a priority in learning the Tao, and there is a specialization in the art. The disciple does not have to be inferior to the teacher, and the teacher does not have to be better than the disciple. That's it.

You... Sikong Wei's pupils were shocked, as if he was shocked by these words. He wanted to refute but could not find a breakthrough.

At that time, the two had already passed through the long corridor and came to a spiral underground staircase.

In the depths of darkness, blazing flames curled up, the light and shadow seen in sight became distorted, and the indescribable heat ignited the flesh at an extremely fast speed.

Mr. Han, the butcher is conducting important forging experiments.

I will give you the opportunity to observe and gain insights, and at the same time let you recognize the reality.

Remember, after entering, don't touch things you shouldn't touch.

Some inconspicuous small items have actual value beyond your knowledge. If you anger the Butcher, no one will protect you, and no one can protect you!

Sikong Wei glared at Lord Ye Han, not caring whether he heard it or not. After speaking, he strode forward and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

The hyena, which followed him every step of the way, made a strange squeaking sound, bared its teeth at Lord Ye Han, threatened him, and then disappeared.

How dare a hyena go in?

Lord Yehan had some expectations of his power.

As long as his life safety is not threatened, this level will not be taken to heart.

He was thinking that even though Sikong Wei's Hyena had reached the level of Xiazhao's Embryo Xiaocheng.

However, this kind of spirit prefers shade and is afraid of sweltering heat. They don't like flames by nature, and they are even less likely to stay in an environment with extremely high temperatures for a long time.

There's something wrong inside...

Is it loaded with additional formations to reserve a safe area, or is there someone else with the spirit or power to impose blessings?

Ye Hanjun listed at least thirteen possibilities, looked at the dark staircase in front of him that looked like a man-eating beast opening its bloody mouth, and continued down the stairs at a steady pace.


At the bottom of the stairs, there is indeed a layer of formation, hazy and dreamy.

Ye Hanjun walked through it, just like suddenly entering a cool basement after being exposed to the sun. The heat quickly subsided, and the body temperature quickly returned to normal.

Are you the new assistant teacher? Oh, your skin is so fair, like a woman's.

You dare to come to the weapon refining workshop with such delicate skin and tender meat. You think we are too comfortable and come here to cause trouble?

It's not still expect us to allocate manpower to be responsible for your personal safety, right? Whose young master is this? Why don't you sign up and let me evaluate whether you are worthy?

The strange but strange sound sounded every second.

Ye Hanjun stopped and looked straight ahead. The first thing he saw was the expressionless Sikong Wei.

Next to him, stood a shirtless man with his arms folded. He was tall and muscular, with a face full of flesh. His fierce eyes seemed to say Keep strangers away and Those who stand in my way will die.

Ho ho!!

A giant monkey jumped out, holding an oversized torch in its right hand and beating its chest with its left hand. Terrifying high temperatures erupted around it, as if it would explode on the spot in the next second.

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