The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 895: All happy

The sound of whistling broke the air!

The power of the flame is like a spear directly penetrating the skull of the legendary death beast!


At the moment when the legendary death beast crashed to the ground, the eyes of the crowd were not too surprised, and the human capacity was limited. After witnessing too many surprises, their spirits had returned to some calmness. !!


The desolate roar sounded in all directions, and the beasts of death felt that their emperor had died. At this time, their beliefs began to collapse, and the sound gave a very desolate sadness!


The Beast Army retreated!

All the beasts began to flee, and their morale was instantly defeated by the death of the legendary death beast!

The corpse of the legendary death beast lay on the ground. It had not even died completely. The strength of the legendary creature gave it a powerful vitality. As a result, it could continue to survive for several minutes.

It stared into the distance with sad eyes, it heard the whistle of its companions, and the other party sacrificed and remembered itself in this way!

The legendary death beast did not expect that things would reach this point. Its original plan was not like this, but the war is so. The plan will never keep up with changes. Neither humans nor death beasts can predict what will happen in the next second.

Time starts to ban!

For the first time, the legendary dead beast felt that time was so long. It could even predict when it would die completely. By then, its soul would return to the arms of its ancestors. Perhaps this is the only place where it feels warm. .

But while the legendary death beast quietly waited for death, a sudden pain came from the spirit, as if there was some kind of damage to its soul. The legendary death beast struggled to open its eyes, what it saw, A monster that cannot be described by any adjectives is lying on its body. It opens its mouth wide, like a heresy that has been starving for countless years, and is sucking something!

Is that ... my own soul?

It felt threatened!

In fact, the legendary beast of death is no longer afraid of death, because its death is inevitable, so it closed its eyes quietly, only thinking that in the last time, it would quietly reflect on its life.

From the peak to the present twilight, all this is meaningless to others, but it has special value to it!

The legendary death beast just wanted to die silently, and then the soul returned to the embrace of its ancestors, but the monster in front of him had some kind of power, a frightening power that made it feel the fear from the depths of the soul!

If it was in its heyday, it might be destroyed by a sneeze, but now its skull has been smashed. In a certain sense, it has died. What remains now is just a lingering thought.

The legendary death beast is incompetent and powerless. It is mourning, but the sound is so weak that it cannot be heard by ordinary people. This is similar to the grieving of the undead. It tries to resist the engulfment of the opponent. Imagine that in just a few minutes, the soul of the legendary death beast was torn into a pile of fragments!

Next is a special eating ceremony!

The monster eventually devoured all the souls of the legendary dead beast, and its stomach bulged high, which is a strange phenomenon. You know, before it swallowed the soul of countless poisonous snakes, its stomach was extremely flat, and there was still no arc. Now, the exaggerated height will be completely violent even in the next second, and the soul fragments inside can escape by this!

Wei Xun finished the devour!

At this time, his eyes flashed a golden light, he felt a storm of energy that had never been before, and the storm began to rag in his body. If he could not be tamed, it seemed to burst completely in the next second!

"This is the power of the legend?" But surprisingly, instead of showing fear, Wei Xun showed a smirk of excitement!

He has been waiting for this feeling for a long time!

The ultimate goal this time is to kill the legendary death beast and then devour the soul of the other party. Wei Xun can feel that as long as he can complete the digestion, then his strength will enter the state of dreams!


The legendary beast is still dead!

Even if no matter how smart and unwilling it is, it will eventually fail because it doesn't know where a young girl emerges and uses the power she can't have!

——God drop!

This is the power of the gods!

Chen Feng borrowed the power of faith to complete a high-pressure advent ceremony. Everyone present witnessed the appearance of the virtual shadow, which is the bronze statue that Wei Xun ordered to modify!

After today, everyone will become the propagandist of this event. The trio will become a tiger, and naturally Chen Feng will complete the harvest of faith in the shortest time!

Chen Feng!

The dark man who brought the destruction from the shadow to the sun completely, plus bonuses one by one ~ ~ and the surrounding wasteland, the name of the destroyer will eventually become the redeemer!

Whenever history is written by the winner!

Humans are fickle animals. Some people may be hostile to Chen Feng because of migration. But when they taste the sweetness, they will slowly choose to forget and accept everything in front of them!

And just when all the dust was settled, Chen Huan suddenly fell into a coma, her figure fell from the air, and the soldiers below caught up, after all, just [She] saved everyone!

Chen Huan's face was a little pale, like a serious illness. She needs some time to rest. When she wakes up, her memory may be lost, but who cares? The important thing is that humans win, and that's enough!



The figure of Chen Feng was suspended in mid-air, the divine light in his eyes gradually dissipated, and the whole person looked extremely tired!

The price of Descending is not small!

Chen Feng has no divinity, so he can only use the power of faith as a springboard to shuttle between the two worlds. In this short period of time, the previously collected beliefs have even weakened one fifth!

Terrible wasting power!

Even Chen Feng couldn't help feeling a bit of heartache, but just now, he had no choice at all. If he didn't choose to descend, including Wei Xun, Chen Huan and elite professionals, all of them would have to die. Once so, control of that land Right will drop to freezing point!

Even if one-fifth of the faith has disappeared, can the harvest be extremely rich?

Chen Feng's body slowly dropped. He looked ahead and secretly thought: "After today, that land will become an integral part of the order completely!"

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