The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 892: "The True God is Coming!" (2)

"This is terrible!"

Li suddenly noticed that his hands were shaking slightly.

Originally, she only counted to attack the legendary dead beast with the strongest strength, which would cause a strong psychological pressure on the other party. If everything goes as expected, she will be able to hit the other party ’s initiative and weaken the other ’s courage. If luck is better It's really impossible to subdue the other party!

However, she ignored the legendary death beast!

Li couldn't imagine what the legendary dead beast had done in a long time. It can be said that all its premeditations were for the tribe and the future, but now, the sudden attack of the Naya people has made it all these years. The premeditator failed, and in this case, the resentment in his heart was stronger than he had imagined!

"Strictly guarded! Sniper loading! Sniper ready!"

Wei Xun knew that he could not turn a blind eye and yelled, and all the soldiers around him were armed, only hearing the bullets loading, making a clear sound.

The ghost of the monster above his head also stopped eating and drinking, a pair of eyes narrowed into a slit, and the blood bowl opened suddenly, like a beast eager to try. Once the legendary death beast showed a flaw, it would rush up and eat in the next second. Its flesh, drink its blood!

And many gold strongmen and silver peak professionals around have gathered the energy of terror in their hands. They are waiting for an order. Once Wei Xun gives an order, these horrible energy will be in the legend in the next second. Above the body of the death beast!

Surrounded by a weird silence, whether it is a beast of death or a human, it seems that they are waiting for a signal, waiting for a final battle!


A dull gasp came from the mouth of the legendary death beast.


Perhaps the soldiers were too nervous, and Wei Xun's order had not even been issued yet. Then the sniper pressed the trigger subconsciously, and then a huge bullet struck the streamer and shot on the death beast!

"Do not!"

Wei Xun heard a noise and sighed badly. His original plan was to sit in the mountains and watch the tigers fight. As a thug without mercy, Wei Xun regarded Li as a victim almost at the beginning of the war. !!

This world is great!

Except for the local forces, this is a paradise on earth that the human world cannot catch up with!

Even in this joint siege, Wei Xun was a weasel to give the chicken a New Year's greeting. It was unsettling. From beginning to end, his purpose was not only the beast of death, but also the Naya!

This is Wilson!

It's ruthless and vicious. It may be said that everything is for the sake of order, but this can't be worn away. The fact that the other party's character is defective!

At this time, the legendary death beast and Li Jian were in a state of tension. What Wei Xun had to do was to observe everything quietly. When the two sides battled up, he could attack while killing the legendary death beast or Li!

As soon as Li died, the Naya lost their leadership. By that time, neither the influence nor the strength would be as good as before. In this case, Wei Xun only needed to support some of the Naya and participate in the battle for chiefdom. In a few years, the influence of the Naya people will be weakened to the freezing point. In that case, the order can naturally nest in the nest and become the king of this land!

But people are not as good as heaven!

Wei Xun's plan is full, but he ignores that his **** is not the **** camp, but the rookie legion of the sea god's house. Even if these rookies have survived for two years in the last days, they are far from learning the order of order. The gap between no-name army and regular army!

This bullet!

No doubt it will shift the attention of the legendary death beast from Li's body to his own camp!

Now, Wei Xun can't wait to punch the soldier's head with a punch, but that's all there is to it, instead of waiting to die, it's better to focus on the fire and bombardment, coupled with Li's support, maybe he can defeat him. Can reduce more casualties!

"All orders, no difference attack!"

The soldiers around were sidelined a few seconds ago, Wei Xun just said no, but now, he ordered the people to start an indiscriminate attack, and these repeated actions left the soldiers a little bit puzzled.

"What are you doing stupidly? Attack me!" Wei Xun had no choice but immediately roared from his voice!

The words contained endless killing, which made the soldiers close to Wei Xun shiver a bit, that is, at this moment, everyone no longer hesitated, ordinary people took up weapons, professionals were able to exert their abilities, and bombarded and killed the legendary beasts. under!

Li sees all of this in her eyes, she just thinks that the eyes are colorful, even though the strength of those soldiers is generally silver, but this countless energy together can still cause some damage to herself. You know, Li is still riding in On the neck of the legendary death beast, if it is bombed, the injury is inevitable!

No way!

She can only choose, and the strategy retreats!

With a sigh, Li's restriction on the dead beast was loosened, and then a dodge appeared, dozens of meters away, leaving this area of ​​right and wrong!

Countless guns and ammunition plus energy ~ ~ banged on the body of the legendary death beast at once, as if a fierce flame of a large powder gun lit up. Vaguely transformed into a skull in the air, like the nature of death!

As soon as this skull appeared, opened his mouth and bit the past towards the body of the legendary death beast. It seemed to want to swallow it into his belly, so that the legendary death beast would never live again!


A loud noise! Everyone in the quake seemed to be pricked with a needle, and the whole Senhai sea seemed to have a huge surge like a storm.

"Wow, wow!"

The towering giant trees that are tens of meters high are shaking violently. Looking at it like this, it seems that it will fall down in a second and become a piece of broken wood!

This sudden explosion produced countless flames. Mars flew on all sides and fell onto the surrounding jungle. With a bang, countless trees were burned. From the height of the sky, you can see the torches appearing in the original. In the ground.


Wei Xun leaned too close. After this violent explosion, he could not help but take a step back, his face pale and scary, as if he had not seen the sun for several years after a serious illness.

At the same time, four blood lines hung down his nose, around the corners of his eyes.

Wei Xun's pupils shrank into a thin line. The explosion just caused a lot of sounds, but Wei Xun still captured a key sound. The roar of the legendary death beast was not like the previous anger, but more like a kind of hump. At the end of the end, the endless unwillingness and despair.

This is troublesome.

Wei Xun's body was trembling. Without a doubt, the dead beast that had not yet died after bearing this blow had completely shifted his attention from Li to his party!

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