The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 885: Brutal slaughter

Many soldiers also calmed down, and when they heard Wei Xun's words, they were all very happy, and all of them revived.

The beast soul in Wei Xun's body has completely changed!

Even when he talked to Chen Feng, even Chen Feng felt some differences. After all, an original soul possessed a little wisdom and could even communicate with people normally. Anyone who saw it would feel incredible.

However, the ray of soul in Wei Xun's body was born and deprived, and he was promoted all the way. In addition to the beast soul, he even devoured many enemy souls, just like the original bad demon. He also had some wisdom, It is just an accessory and cannot own its own body like a bad demon.

Of course, if Wei Xun can be more powerful, it is unknown whether the other party's body will truly condense!

At this time, Chen Huan also noticed Wei Xun, and a look of surprise flashed on his face. Obviously, the man who threatened to teach himself was even scarier than he thought.

After a brief rest, leaving a few people to take care of the injured, Wei Xun led the army to continue.


Wei Xun stretched out his hand, Chen Huan took the map out of the bag, Wei Xun looked at it carefully, and pointed at a mark on the map. "The closer we get to the abandoned volcano, the obstacles we may face may increase. Next, everyone is careful and must be prepared for twelve!"

The team continued to move forward, and the speed accelerated a lot. Along the way, Wei Xun released his breath, and all poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders, etc. were avoided and very smooth.

After walking about half an hour, all of a sudden, there was a bright light, and numerous towering trees appeared in front of everyone.

I don't know why, at this moment, Chen Huan's cold hair rose up! She just felt that the front was full of danger, and her skin had even changed a little bit, almost turning from a human into an incinerator.

Wilson looked at everything, and then whispered, "Pay attention, there is an ambush in the canyon!"

Pulling Chen Huan beside him, Wei Xun pointed to the front and said, You have been blessed by adults, and your strength is no longer what it used to be. Now, you have already instinctively discerned danger. Remember the feeling of today, in At the critical moment, it can save your life!

Wei Xun's purpose is to train Chen Huan as his successor, so he will not miss any opportunity to help the other party to increase their knowledge!

"Machine gunner ready!"

When Wei Xun raised his hand, he issued an order. Hundreds of soldiers spread out one by one, found the bunker, and at the same time took off the gun behind him, and then loaded it.

I do n’t know how many hot and cold weapons were stored in the damaged plane of Chen Feng. In addition to selling to the Naya people, he also left enough firepower for Wei Xun!

Moreover, these hot weapons are the products of the second or even the third generation, which added a lot of toxic and corrosive raw materials. Once they hit the target, not to mention ordinary beasts, even the bronze and silver stages. Will be hurt!

After the ambush was hidden, there was a deadly silence. There was no sound in the dense forest, and there were no people. Some prominent bushes blocked many eyes.

There is no sound in such a dense forest, which originally revealed weirdness!

"Go and see." Wei Xun pointed a finger, pointing at a young man with a cold look.

The other party's awakening half-orc blood is just different from Wei Xun's lizard, but when it transforms, it can become a half-man and half-wolf!

The other side was at the peak of silver, and was considered to be the object of Wei Xun's intentional support during this time. The werewolf nodded, his body was cat, and his body fluttered like a leopard.

The opponent is also a good hand. This hand action is clever, fast and fast, silent on the ground, showing the state of the silver peak to the fullest. It seems that this time, it is very likely to break through the golden stage and become a true strong!

Just when the werewolf came out of the woods and fell tens of meters away, suddenly, there were many porcupine-like creatures suddenly appearing on countless dense forests, with small heads, small eyes, and short limbs; back and tail They have long, hard spines, which are their vital organs to defend their natural enemies.

However, unlike the porcupine, this monster has a foot and a half of a meter, and the spikes on its body are even thicker and sharper. These monsters came out. Without saying a word, bending over would make the spikes on the spine, like bows and arrows, fluffy ... Cut the air, the locust darts, and shoots away towards the werewolf's body!

Chen Huan looked a little numb. What she saw was that a group of wild beasts were hiding intently, like a famous archer, blocking all the werewolf dodge routes.

Are they still beasts?

It is not that Chen Huan has not seen monsters. It is just that in the images, those monsters only have instincts and no wisdom. But all of this is clearly beyond the scope of cognition!

"This world has changed. It cannot be taken lightly by any enemy, whether here or in the human world, because your enemies are smarter than you think!"

Wei Xun is like a seductive teacher who does not miss any education for Chen Huan!

However, these seemingly horrible simulation arrows do not pose any danger to the werewolf. It is not how strong the opponent is, but as a confidant of Wei Xun, Wei Xun has given him a legendary worm armor!

Chen Feng naturally knew that Wei Xun was self-made here, so in order to let the other party better gather people's hearts, leave a lot of wealth and equipment for the other party before leaving, in order to make him better subordinate.

And this legendary beetle is one of them!

When Chen Feng strangled the insect kingdom, I did n’t know how many legendary insect emperors had been killed. Although the flesh was used for sacrifice, some of the insect armors were preserved. Made!

Sure enough, the werewolf put his body down, his limbs and head shrunk in. The whole man seemed like a ball, billowing. Hundreds of arrows [arrows] hit him, but they did not penetrate through ~ ~ but bounced to the ground.

Then, the werewolf jumped up and ran back fiercely. It was tens of meters in an instant and retreated to the edge of the woods, just out of the range of the monster shooting!


Wei Xun watched all this calmly. After all, the beast is a beast. Even with some wisdom, the patience is too poor. When he sees the enemy, he exposes all his tracks. Now, after a round of shooting, those enemies are undoubted Become the most vivid target!

Witnessing it all, Wei Xun raised his right arm, then waved it down, yelling at the same time: "Shoot!"

Hearing the order, the snakes were attacked all the way, and the angry soldiers who had long been uplifted their guns. They started shooting indiscriminately into the dense forest like a madman!

To humans, this is a long-awaited attack, but to the beast, it is a naked and merciless slaughter!


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