The **** responded to himself?

At this time, Chen Huan's expression was completely dull. Even if he fell heavily on the ground, there was still no pain. It was as if the golden light on her body was protecting her from harm.

Vast energy descends from the sky, covering all the area where Gavin is located. A dark imagination is quickly born, covering all the turbulent energy that escapes.

He has a slender figure, wearing a crown, and a black cloak behind him. The cloak moves against the wind, except that his cheeks are very fuzzy and full of mystery!

A vast will descended from the outer void and fell on Chen Huan. Along with this will is majestic momentum and heart-struck terror.

Is God coming?

Chen Feng.

The asylum seekers of this land descended on Chen Huan in such an extremely magical posture.

This can't help but let Chen Huan's memory go back a few weeks ago, the murderous new leader ordered the people to build a bronze statue at the center of the camp.

When everyone saw the face of the bronze statue, they immediately produced a horror. They witnessed the battle. It was this stranger who suddenly appeared in the Poseidon's residence. Life changed completely, he killed Pang Mu and seized control of the forces.

The other side showed amazing strength. No, perhaps it is not enough to describe the other side's terrible. His strength is beyond imagination.

Ordinary survivors don't really care about the replacement of the upper class. They care more about their own lives and whether the food can be provided as before.

Most people don't want to change the status quo. They are already familiar with everything in the Sea God's Residence. For two years, they have become accustomed to life at sea.

But the nightmare that could not be imagined finally came. The invader ordered the people to relocate, hundreds of thousands of people. This is a huge project, and the transportation of the population is still a deep sea monster. Panic. In this case, many people will naturally stand up and refuse, but what will happen?

Chen Huan clearly remembers that in addition to the dozens of formerly powerful captains killed on the spot, the number of affected confidants also exceeded a thousand. In addition to some of them being executed, most were deprived. Freedom, reduced to a true slave!

Chen Feng's iron-blooded wrist shocked everyone. In this case, there was no objection to the relocation. Chen Huan didn't know how he got here, but everything around him had changed dramatically from his past life.


As a modern man, Chen Huan can naturally think of what happened to him. Even if the upper level is given sufficient food, everything here is so strange, which means that everything needs to start again!

The most incomprehensible is that the executioner, this is the new title of Wei Xun by the survivors of the Poseidon, and the other party was appointed as the leader here. Within three weeks, dozens of people have violated Prescribed and executed.

The opponent is like a combination of countless beasts, showing a little breath, which makes people have the illusion of being surrounded by fierce beasts.

And the strangest thing about the other party is to build a bronze statue, and set a daily lawsuit for everyone.

"Your humble servant praises you. You are a compassionate God. You can sympathize with my weakness. You remove all my burdens. For you, I am willing to dedicate my faith, my life, my soul! I will always fight for your glory! "

This is a prayer everyone needs to remember!

After the previous events, no one will say no again, they may be used to this life, order and rules? This is the new vocabulary given to this power by new leaders.

Chen Huan is just an ordinary girl. She naturally does not have the courage to do rebellious things. Therefore, in order to facilitate spot checks, she chants all these things in accordance with regulations every day!

When she was just in despair, she didn't know why in her mind, and suddenly the words of daily chants emerged, two times, three times, ten times, and Chen Huan meditated in her heart for more than ten times and still did not get a response. She did not give up!

She is not a professional, but an ordinary person who has a bit of research on agriculture. She knows that God also likes strong believers. She is obviously one of the people who is not being noticed in the crowd, but she has no way. She Wanting to live, wanting to reveal everything here to the camp, she will avenge Chen Zi for her friends, she will watch, the monster dies in front of herself!

Chen Huan has no retreat.

So she decided to pray to that so-called divine residence. As long as the other party can redeem herself, she is willing to give her faith, life, and soul to the **** in the executioner's mouth!

At this moment ~ ~ her belief is so firm!

Even after more than a dozen times, she continued to insist!

When a giant tree blocked Chen Huan, all her insistence was completely broken in an instant, and she cried. The strong girl finally left tears of despair, but she didn't stop praying, and she continued. A sentence chants everything.

"Your humble servant praises you. You are a compassionate God. You can sympathize with my weakness. You remove all my burdens. For you, I am willing to dedicate my faith, my life, my soul! I will always fight for your glory! "

This is her last chance and her last salvation!

But who can think of it, when Chen Huan thought it was impossible to hear the feedback, from his body, such a powerful energy came out!

Did God give himself back?

Thinking of this, Chen Huan's expression gradually changed from excitement to calmness, and finally turned into an incomparable firmness!

God really accepted his prayer!

The executioner did not lie, there really is a god!

At this moment, Chen Huan's body seemed to be full of strength. She opened her eyes, and a pair of golden pupils bloomed with shocking light. The mighty power burst out from Chen Huan's body and swept through the forest instantly.

Under the impact of this might, the dead beast that had just emerged from the ground was struck by lightning, bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose and nose, and his head was chaotic, and he could not lift any fighting heart.

On the ground, Chen Huan looked up at the monster before him, and the pupils of the golden light flowed, high above him, overlooking sentient beings, looking at each other's eyes as if looking at a trivial ant.

For Chen Huan, this is an indescribable feeling. When there was a monster that could not be resisted just now, Chen Huan had an uncontrollable feeling that one finger could press the opponent's illusion!

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