The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 877: Death beast

As a character who has lived for two generations, naturally, he will not trust the so-called humanity for no reason. Chen Feng has seen too much darkness. The world of Doom is even more disgusting than the evil, violent and cruel words!

When he didn't figure out what the other party was in, Chen Feng would not be unprepared to establish diplomatic relations with the other party.

Li Sisi personally contributed to this, so Chen Feng also gave the task of this communication to the other party, accompanied by a team of more than 100 people, including even a legendary strong man, just married Medusa recently.

As a legendary powerhouse, Chen Feng also commented on the other side a few days ago. It was a beautiful woman with long purple hair over the knees, but she had a black eye mask on her beautiful face.

Anyone who sees Medusa's eyes will turn into a stone. She chooses to stay in order. In order to have a husband with only silver rank, she will naturally need to make some sacrifices.

The blindfold is used to seal the "petrification" of the magic eye. When you wear the blindfold, your vision will be completely blocked. You can only observe the outside world with hearing, touch, smell, and magic detection.

However, the other party is a legendary powerhouse, even if she does not rely on her eyes, she still cannot affect her normal life.

In this regard, Chen Feng just felt that the world was big and there were all kinds of wonders. Who could have imagined that a legendary Du Meisha loves human beings so much that he is willing to blind his eyes and live with each other.

However, love is too extravagant for Chen Feng. No matter whether it is Fura or Meta, Chen Feng will not be fully devoted.

Chen Feng is a normal man. Even the gods will hunt for Yan because of some kind of loneliness, let alone Chen Mortal.

Even though Chen Feng has some emotions for Fura and Meta, but it is limited to the pleasure and pleasure, he knows what era it is, and the love of children is a shackle that binds people.

Chen Feng is pursuing supreme power. As for his sons and daughters, when the world restores peace, he may consider it, but is there still a day for peace in this world?

No one can answer Chen Feng's question at all.


Blood stained the whole land.

A heavy gasp hovered around, and a dozen human corpses were lying on the ground. They were killed, and the murderer was beside them. It looks like a lizard, but it is larger than an elephant, and there is no hair on the skin. It's like having albinism.

[Death Beast]

This is the name given to this kind of creature by the Naja people. If there is anything in that island that can pose a threat to the Naja people, then the beast of death is definitely worthy of being ranked first.

This kind of monster usually lurks in the abandoned volcano and is good at making holes. Yes, it looks like a monster with a horrible figure is actually a crypt creature.

They have sharp heads, and their palms are similar to humans. They have five claws, but the nails have been changed. Even steel can be easily torn. With such sharp nails, they can naturally shuttle freely in the ground and stay in the ground for a long time. They His eyesight has been degraded, but his hearing and smell have been strengthened countless times. With the blessing of this ability, he can naturally hear footsteps on the ground.

The death beast relies on its footsteps to determine the quantity and strength of its prey. If it is within its own attack range, it will not hesitate to start the slaughter.

This is a very evil monster. They are happy to kill, and to the extent that they can insult, they can kill everything they can see.

"Do not kill me……"

"Do not kill me!"

At this time, there was another person who did not die. It crawled on the ground with some pain. His legs were blurred by the sharp claws of the death beast. At this time, there was no possibility of escape, but the desire to survive still made him persist. Crawling forward, maybe too fearful, even the tone became extremely hoarse, full of fear.

The death beast is not in a hurry to kill the other person. Instead, it is like a cat is joking with a mouse, slowly approaching the other person, and then use its claws to scratch the other person.

"Don't ..."

"Please don't ..."

These people are residents of the Poseidon's Residence. They originally came out to inspect the terrain this time. For the sake of insurance, they even brought two Nayars as guides. But who can imagine that a dead beast suddenly came out halfway. In order to protect women and children, soldiers They were entangled with it, but who would have thought that the strength of the other side was so horrible, such as chopping vegetables and killing chickens, the armed forces were resolved, and even two Naja people were severely divided, and it was extremely painful before death.

Men are real warriors. Otherwise, they will not protect the three women in the team, but after the heroic stay, the death beast is too cruel. I saw my former partner was slowly tortured to death. This has made each other ’s The spirit is approaching breakdown.

Even so, the monster still didn't let him go ~ ~ Followed behind him, like a true shadowless death, killing each other's vitality.

The man has collapsed, the blood is constantly flowing, and his complexion has become pale, as if he was recovering from a serious illness or entering a serious illness.

The mental torture is far greater than the physical pain. When a person is pierced by a sharp blade, the pain is not as imagined. More often, the wound is more like a continuous electric shock, and the current you feel In fact, blood slowly flows from the wound.

The man instinctively begged the monster not to kill himself, but more often, what he thought was how to die quickly. The more painful he found he was, the more the monster did not rush to kill himself. It seemed Obsessed with this game.

Instead of dying in torture, the man found himself a more decent way of dying. When the blood kept flowing, his body would become colder. In addition, the consciousness would become empty until it was completely Return to darkness.



But no one wants to experience the feeling of seeking hope in despair.

The man died, and he was still mourning one second before, and the next second, his eyes were a little distracted, and the fear on his face seemed to be hidden at this time, which caused the attention of the beast of death, and the other man's claws waved down, the man The waist was cut in two. It tried to continue to listen to the other person's screams, but the man was dead and would never send any screams again. This undoubtedly made the monster extremely angry. It began to dismember the other person like crazy, in less than ten seconds. , The man became a corpse.

The death beast did not rush back to the ground. If there is no mistake, there are still several fish leaking from the net. As a monster that smells and strengthens, it can easily find the escaped prey. This time, it Secretly swear that the other party will sing the "sorrow" that they expect!

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