The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 844: False world

The shrine of the shrine is covered by the endless sword, but this shrine is not sitting still. When the surrounding illusionary monsters are torn apart, its chest **** hard, and then the body begins to expand infinitely!

In just a few seconds, the figure has risen several times!

Just then, a strong sense of danger invaded Chen Feng's thoughts.


He widened his eyes violently, and in the dark eyes, an extremely intense flame, sulfur, the abyss of lava was emitted.


"It's all an illusion!"

"Do you only have this inaccessible means? If so, let me die!"



The long sword struck down in the air, hitting the monster in the middle of the body, just like a long sword was cut on the hide, but it did not tear for a while!

However, Chen Feng did not show his face, nor gave up the attack, but drank angrily, the whole body's light bloomed again, and the brightness was more than twice as powerful as before!

This is Chen Feng, which completely burns the energy and turns it into the attacking power required by the endless sword!

In the explosion of the cricket, the endless sword pierced deeply into the monster's shadow, making a sound as if water drops fell into the hot oil pan and exploded!

In the next second, the long sword stabbed and pierced the indestructible monster!

"Stupid insult, you disturbed my sleep, as a gift, you will stay here forever!"

At this moment, a vicissitudes of voice suddenly sounded in the sky. In front of me, a huge arm protruded straight down and wrapped Chen Feng in it.

And when this was caught, the surrounding environment changed all at once, and the large space was completely separated from the surrounding area, forming a unique small world.

The barriers on all sides are all black mist and despair.

For a moment, Chen Feng felt as if he had fallen into a sealed grave.

The cold breath seemed to extinguish all the flames on his body!

And just in this sealed environment, a dim body suddenly appeared in front of him. He stood there quietly, and something squirmed from time to time, as if there was something to be poured out of the other person.

Looking at the changing environment, the cold temperature around, and the unspeakable phantom not far away.

Chen Feng's eyes were motionless, a humming noise was heard in the nasal cavity, and a long howl spit.

As he spoke, every word flew out, and the flame on his body raged for a minute, emitting light, and the barriers around him were constantly shaking.

"" Qianqi donkey is poor! "

"You just do that ?!"

Chen Feng's roaring voice was revealed from his mouth, and he obviously encountered a series of containment, but somehow, the more so, the more relaxed the expression on Chen Feng's face!

People are always afraid of the unknown!

Some time ago, Chen Feng was still worried about any terrible means of the oracle, whether it would be suddenly resurrected, but after repeated temptations, he was surprised to find that the other party did not use physical power at all, but relied on the soul to attack, creating illusions in the void, trying Destroy yourself in the soul!

But the gods couldn't imagine that Chen Feng's soul had already been refined in the process of promotion. Therefore, this degree of coercion will not only make Chen Feng scared. On the contrary, after knowing that the other party is just a paper tiger, Chen Feng beheaded the other party Suddenly increased confidence!

"What's around here, but it's just a fantasy created by the spirit. I'll break here now, a degrader? You deserve it too!"

When Chen Feng thought, a long flame burst into the void, and then the flame turned into a fire dragon.

It's not over yet. Just on the paw of this fire dragon, a fist-sized "fireball" appeared, like a little sun, emitting infinite light and fieryness.

This is the spiritual world. If the spiritual power is strong, you can naturally create what you want in your heart.

It must be said that the deity soul still has some means, the other party has no physical body, only the most primitive soul power, hand-to-hand combat is almost impossible, so it can only start with the soul and spirit.

Now changing to any legendary master, I must have lost myself, and completely fell into the spiritual world of the gods, just like that door, lost self in this world, slowly tortured myself, and then died miserably!

However, Chen Feng has a altar to stand side by side, Shen Mian Shen Shen can not use much power at all, so Chen Feng can completely fight with each other fair!


When the fire dragon appeared, a fierce flame and heat wave swept across the void, as if completely crazy, and hit the black crystal wall around it!

The dragon hit on the crystal wall, with pieces of dragon scales, flesh, and even ruby-like bones, all the horns were smashed.


With a wailing sound, this is the fire dragon howling, where is it like soul transmutation ~ ~ It is a real dragon at all, even the blood is so real, Chen Feng immediately smelled a pungent Bloody!

——False world!

God is good at creation, and there are often rumors that with a wave of his hand, he can create a beautiful world. People live happily in that world without any worries or sorrows.

But who knows, most of the time, this is just an illusion created by the oracle. The other party uses unparalleled power to create a false world and allow believers to live in it. The so-called goodness is just an illusion!

This is the oracle method!

Chen Feng originally wanted to create power, but who could have imagined that there was a real supernatural dragon created by the disparity between Yin and Wu!


Chen Feng did not stop, the dragon was still hitting the surrounding wall.

The restless dragon's head hit the crystal wall, and it resounded like a thunderous thunder. Afterwards, there were constant red dragon blood and dragon scales falling from the sky, as if there was a layer of blood rain.

After such an uninterrupted impact, the crystal wall was slowly broken, and numerous cracks appeared.

At the same time, the surrounding black mist also slowly dissipated. It seems that once the crystal wall is completely broken, the so-called false world here will completely disappear.

"Dramer, how dare you!"

"What am I afraid to do? Not only will I ruin this place, but I will really destroy your soul!"

Chen Feng didn't keep his hand. When he spoke loudly, he immediately waved his hand again, and the endless sword appeared again. He held the "endless sword" and slashed again, banging on the crystal wall with the fire dragon colliding again.


With a crisp sound, everything around slowly disappeared, and the world returned to its original appearance.

The blue sky, the barren land, and ... a pierced soul of a shrine impaled by a sword!

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