The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 831: Weird channel

"Our future is under the sea?" Chen Feng wrote these words on white paper with a pen.

"What does this mean?" Chen Feng was lost in thought. He didn't believe that Pang Mu was aimless. Every character at his level had great meaning.

However, human beings are human beings and cannot live under the sea like fish.

But why would Pang Mu say such a sentence?

It was already late at night, but Chen Feng had no intention of sleeping. He stepped out of the door, raised his wings, and flew towards the coast.

"Woohoo ..."

The legendary giant whale was hit badly by the bad demon before. It takes some process to recover the peak. Therefore, during this time, they were all healed on the coast. When the recovery was complete, they took Chen Feng to order.

"Woohoo ..."

The giant whale saw Chen Feng for the first time, the original powerful marine overlord, but at this time it seemed to be a bit of Veno, and his body even sank a little, showing respect.

Chen Feng glanced down at the other person, and then flew down. He reached out and stuck his right hand to the other person's forehead. At this moment, a sound passed into the mind of the giant whale.

"Tell me the secrets of the sea, about everything you know."

The body of the legendary giant whale was trembling, and it found that Chen Feng was communicating with himself. Before the death of the pang Mu, the whale of the wailing giant whale also cried because it could no longer communicate with people.

As a legendary master, originally a human, the giant whale is no stranger to human language, but because its race has changed, humans cannot hear what it is saying. The giant whale once thought that Pang Mu was the last person in the world to be able to Humans communicating with themselves.

The most terrible thing in this world is not death. Compared with death, loneliness is more like torture by Ling Chi. It will only end your life when you are tortured and desperate.

"Can you talk to me?"

"Can you hear what I'm talking about?"

At this time, Chen Feng's mind echoed a middle-aged man's voice. It was not difficult to hear the tone, and the other party seemed particularly happy! There was even some excitement.

Chen Feng nodded.

It was because of this response that Chen Feng really felt what a real word was. In the next period of time, Chen Feng was surrounded by countless questions.

The family, the giant whale himself, the incompatibility of living in the sea, and the control of the body, Chen Feng originally thought that the other party was only to the point. However, when this exchange lasted for ten minutes, and before any end, Chen Feng pointed at the other party. Then he said, "Listen, Wang Fan!"

Wang Fan, this is the human name before this giant whale.

"What I want to ask is if Pang Mu has told you before that the news about the sea floor is very important. I suggest you put those boring questions first."

Speaking of this, Chen Feng's tone became a bit cold, giving a feeling of falling and falling in autumn.

The body of the giant whale began to tighten.


All it thinks about is to communicate with Chen Feng, but never thought about the purpose of the other party to communicate with itself. The giant whale will not forget everything that happened during the war. It is clear that the person standing in front of it Young people have such terrible strength.

The killer whale managed to save its own life, but it was unwilling, because a little negligence caused the other party to hate itself, and ordered it to be executed.

The giant whale in front of him was obviously a flexable and stretchable guy, and immediately lowered his head humbly: "Everything I know? I don't know exactly what Your Excellency said."

Chen Feng was expressionless.

Even if you have a demon horn, you can communicate with the world's creatures by that sharp horn, but you can communicate, because the IQ is not obvious, but it is difficult to torture something valuable from a bug or a bird.

But different now.

The killer whale has the shape of a marine creature, but has the human thinking ability. To communicate with each other, Chen Feng does not have much pressure.

"Our future is under the sea."

Chen Feng reminded, and then said, "I think you should have heard this sentence. You are the right hand next to Pang Mu. You naturally know what the other party is thinking every day. I want you to tell me everything you know."

The giant whale was lost in thought, and seemed to be remembering something. After a while, the giant whale began to swing up and down, seeming to make a human nod.

Any idea what?

Chen Feng had some expectations in this regard.

Immediately, the dull voice of the giant whale appeared in Chen Feng's mind: "Nothing wrong, Lord ... Pang Mu did say that our future is under the sea."

The giant whale used to talk about it, and almost named Pang Mu as the master, but soon it came over and changed to Pang Mu's real name.

"right now."

"Tell me everything you know, remember, I want you to say everything you know!"

Chen Feng's tone was unhurried, and even his voice became more cordial.

The giant whale fell into contemplation. It seemed to be organizing its own language. After a while, it said, "Pang Mu did speak before ~ ​​ ~ Our future is under the sea. This will happen, after all, people are people and can't get together with marine life. "

"Several times before, Pang Mu didn't take me there, but he was thrown into the ocean floor by himself. He also ordered me not to go to the ocean floor, offenders, kill without pardon!"

Chen Feng did not expect that Pang Mu was so decisive to his subordinates. He stayed happy when he was not. If he was not happy at all, he would suddenly kill and not give the other party a slight chance.

[Be an anti-theft device and return to normal after three minutes]

"right now."

"Tell me everything you know, remember, I want you to say everything you know!"

Chen Feng's tone was unhurried, and even his voice became more cordial.

The giant whale fell into contemplation. It seemed to be organizing its own language. After a while, it said, "Pang Mu did say before. Our future is under the sea. At first I didn't think this would happen. After all, people are people and can't get together with marine life. "

"Several times before, Pang Mu didn't take me there, but he was thrown into the ocean floor by himself. He also ordered me not to go to the ocean floor, offenders, kill without pardon!"

Chen Feng didn't expect that Pang Mu was so decisive to his subordinates. He stayed happy when he was not. If he wasn't happy at all, he would suddenly kill and not give the other party a chance ...

Chen Feng didn't expect that Pang Mu was so decisive to his subordinates. He stayed happy when he was not. If he wasn't happy at all, he would suddenly kill and not give the other party a chance ...

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