The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 827: Complete transformation [detailed]

Holding his teeth tightly, Chen Feng felt that some kind of qualitative change had taken place in the body. The hot temperature was radiating from the body. Through the flesh and bones, the bones directly caused Chen Feng's body to start scalding to expose the underlying red blood .

A series of small cracks spread from the flesh and blood, and finally covered with Chen Feng's arms and body, like a broken porcelain doll, looking very scary.

Looking at Chen Feng's cracked skin, there was an uncontrollable worry on the bad demon's face. It was not clear what happened to Chen Feng, but he instinctively thought that the master was suffering some great pain at this time, and he wanted to pass Help, but want Chen Feng's previous order, can only hurry to spin in place.

"Silly man, do you say the master will be fine?"

"What if the master is in trouble?"

"The bad demon can no longer accompany the owner."

At this time, the evil devil pouted his mouth, and his face was full of loss and sadness. Regardless of whether the other party killed someone like hemp, he could rely on Chen Feng.

At this time, the corner of the burned flame ca n’t stop jumping. This phenomenon of skin cracking is that at this time, Chen Feng's body has been permeated by the hot breath, which is beyond the body's original. Power, once out of control, will face extremely dire consequences.

The most terrible thing is that they signed a master-slave contract with each other. Once Chen Feng has any changes, the evil demon and himself must be buried for each other!

But at this time, it was only himself who could help Chen Feng. Although the Burning Demon had a heart, it was useless.

The sudden pain caused Chen Feng's soul to shake violently a few times. On the forehead, the cold sweat fell like a dripping water and fell down quickly, wet his clothes.

With regard to the energy contained in that elixir, Chen Feng could have accurately learned its horror. This swallowing has not been completed, but his body has almost been destroyed into a mess, but it is not without The good thing is that after the energy destroys your body, then there is a powerful life element to repair it.

After such a series of destruction and repair, Chen Feng's physical strength turned out to be much stronger than before.

At this step, Chen Feng, who had almost all the cards in his hand, had to clen his teeth. Efforts are driving energy and not letting the other side be overwhelming.


Above the chest, a small blood seam suddenly cracked and opened, and the blood flowed out, making Chen Feng particularly weak, and he seemed to pass out soon.

But the more so, the sharper Chen Feng's eyes became. From the moment he swallowed the elixir, he thought of this situation. In the last days, he can't do everything as expected. A small negligence or choice may make the People died.

Chen Feng is not a god. He cannot avoid all disasters. Even though he seems to be fully prepared every time he chooses, he already has death in his heart.

Attacking the half plane, facing the insect world, and killing the evil **** avatar, this is just a matter of nightmare. It is a nightmare-level difficulty, even if Chen Feng has some perspective of God, but in the case of obtaining high gains, he also needs to face some Fatal danger.

Chen Feng naturally knew that the previous elixir was not ordinary, but with his personality, he still made this decision because he wanted to become stronger!

Disasters and dangers will not give you the opportunity to wait. Chen Feng must try his best to improve his strength before the irresistible disaster comes.

Caution is Chen Feng's character, but he also has a different side from himself.

Maybe it is this unsuccessful momentum that he can truly reach the point where he is now!

Pang Mu is indeed the pride of heaven. I do n’t know how powerful the energy of smelting in the body is. If you change to a golden-level strongman to swallow the elixir, it must be completely cracked at this time, and the dead ca n’t die anymore!

In this case, it may be better to divide the elixir into several servings, but Chen Feng is afraid to gamble. Who knows, there is no time limit for the energy on the elixir. If it is left for a long time, the energy in it will start to dissipate. Regrets have no effect.

Over time, after the body didn't know how many times it had been destroyed and repaired several times, Chen Feng's almost numb head, which was almost sorely painful, suddenly faintly warmed and let him reply. A lot of calm.

Those uncontrollable fevers were like prodigal sons who lost their way, instead of bumping around the wall, but chose to stay in place. In addition, those fevers also became less violent and docile. , Quietly lying in Chen Feng's body.

"Did you succeed ..."

On the one hand, both hands of Fenmo were clenched into fists, which can make a demon lord so morbid. In this world, perhaps only Chen Feng can do it!

The evil devil's small face also became pale. Just now, it was almost worried about death. If it was not Chen Feng's breath, it might have rushed straight up. No order or punishment was as important as the owner's well-being.

Fortunately, wait for everything and have a good result ~ ~ Compared with the violent state before Chen Feng, at this time, he became extremely calm.


Chen Feng exhaled slowly, even if there was a distance from the surface of the sea, the seawater within a few meters still started to boil. It is conceivable that just how much pain Chen Feng had suffered, it was just such a small amount of residual temperature that caused the surrounding The environment has changed, and if the flames of the heyday came out, perhaps the 100-meter-wide sea surface would boil.

As the energy was fully absorbed, a dazzling heat of heat emerged from the top of Chen Feng's head, and finally wrapped it in, and the boiling red flame above blocked all eyes.

A terrible momentum haunted Chen Feng. The evil spirit opened his eyes in surprise. At the same time, the incinerator was slightly surprised at this time. Some strange and familiar qualitative change occurred in Chen Feng. He swallowed the elixir and succeeded. After absorption, Chen Feng's strength now has entered a half-step epic.

"Master ... goes a step further!"

On the sea surface, the round flame mask released a rich red awn, and this red awn was reflected in the sea, and the blue sea surface changed its color accordingly.

Within that mask, Chen Feng closed his eyes and raised his soul. At this moment, he seemed to have entered a state of unconsciousness, and about half an hour later, Chen Feng opened his eyes and the light curtain dispersed at the same time. The powerful momentum immediately rushed into the air from him.

Chen Feng shook his fist in the handshake. He has never been better than he is now. Yes, he has completed the transformation and finally reached the half-step epic he dreamed of!

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