The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 818: Live dead

An invisible power seemed to be covered by Pang Mu's head, making the other party completely lose all consciousness.

???? At the same time, Chen Feng flew by. When it appeared again, the endless sword had already reached the opposite door. Chen Feng's speed now looks like a cannonball, great power and weapons. The power has reached a certain extreme!


Perhaps the force was too horrible, and the entire space was collapsed as if a thin piece of ice was crushed and cracks appeared.

No one can stop the endless sword!

Even when Mara was attacked by the endless sword, she was also penetrated by a sword. Not only was she conspired to defeat the north, but she was also deprived of divinity, making Chen Feng's power even further!


Chen Feng's five fingers clenched again, violent words, breathless like thunder, immensely magnificent, shocked the sea for a while!

Not far away, the bad demon fell in the air, like a shooting star deep in the sky, and suddenly hit the giant whale. The blood splattered for a while, and the scarlet plasma stained the whole sea area.

The Son of Darkness also appeared at this time, and there were still countless worms on his body. After appearing from the bottom of the sea, those worms emerged from his body and rushed towards the tsunami ahead.

The Son of Darkness seems to be a worm world. In a short period of time, more than a million worms emerged from the body. An amazing scene appeared. Those worms formed a real worm wall in the air.

The worm wall was twisted and swayed, making the scalp numb at first glance, and the entire mind seemed to be polluted. Some ordinary people in the sea gods saw all this and immediately yelled, as if crazy.

All the negative emotions erupted at this moment, and those soldiers who had originally stopped fighting took up their weapons again, but this time, in addition to the monsters, their targets were beside them.

The dark side of these people's hearts has been enlarged and inflated, and they have no hope for the future, trying to use blood to get themselves out of trouble.

In this way, the tsunami of terror has been blocked by this countless worms, which has to be surprising. Sure enough, none of the legendary powerhouses is a simple character!

However, Chen Feng's attention at this time did not focus on these two things. For him, killing Pang Mu and then sacrificing it was the top priority!

A long sword is coming straight!

?? Bang!

???? A shocking loud noise, a series of explosions, mushroom clouds rising, which also mixed with Chen Feng's sonic roar.

?? Earthquake explosion, intense brilliance, rolling air waves, and hot thoughts swept, Chen Feng's demon blood and endless sword are fully urged at this moment, and they are ready for a hit!

But at this critical moment, Pang Mu's clothes suddenly reflected billions of stars!

In Chen Feng's feelings, the clothes on Pang Mu's body looked like a resurrection, and an illusive shadow ran across Chen Feng!

This momentum, breath, is like a god!

This is a breath of familiarity!


Chen Feng had previously seen that Pang Mu's clothes were not ordinary, but at that time, there was no close contact. And now, when the endless sword is about to pierce Pang Mu's body, the clothes suddenly burst out of strength and start to protect the Lord!

It's like Pang Mu's body. At this moment, a deity emerges!

This deity has vague features, and can only see the other person holding a trident with a handle, and there are countless air waves rolling under him. That feeling is just like the whole sea!

The deity stepped on the sea, just like the so-called ocean is the slave of the other side. In front of the other side, the so-called tsunami and hurricane are not dare to show up!

Even Chen Feng's face was full of surprises at this time, just like ordinary people seeing hanged ghosts, a crazy idea was running in my mind!

"Does it mean that the ordinary person in front of him has also encountered a deity clone?"

This is not impossible, because of the energy, the human world has become a fragrant, whether good or evil, has put his eyes on this land.

During a period of exploration, Chen Feng discovered the traces of Nai Luo, Sun God, and Mara. However, human territory is endless. It is impossible that only Chen Feng has encountered the so-called evil god!

In other lands, some people must have encountered the so-called evil gods.

It seems that Pang Mu also encountered a deity. Unlike Mara, who has the ability to hunt and hunt, that deity can control the sea!

It's just that the deity's luck is not particularly good. He met Pang Mu and was ... swallowed by the other party? !!

When thinking of this, Chen Feng's pupils shrank into a thin line.

There is nothing wrong. In a moment, Chen Feng clearly felt that a shadow of gods appeared in front of Pang Mu. What does this mean? Pang Mu not only deprived the equipment of the so-called deities, but also devoured them completely. The high-privilege clone was erased by Pang Mu, and then merged into his body.

This also explains why the other party can control the seawater so easily!

It ’s like Chen Feng, his post is a summoner, and later he has the ability to transform into a demon, and Pang Mu is the same. The other party ’s ability at the beginning may be to extract the soul ~ ~, because of some chance coincidence , The other side swallowed a deity with the characteristics of [Ocean], and this has become what it is today!

Is there anything more crazy than this?

An ordinary person actually swallowed the deities, and the so-called evil **** conspiracy was immediately destroyed by destruction!

Chen Feng originally vowed that he swallowed all the way, deprived the insect emperor, deprived Shankui, and deceived the beast **** general. All the way to the killing.

But in this dark age, in addition to his anti-Heaven, there is also a real son of destiny. The other party is also the winner of this hunting game, because the other party has devoured a real deity!


Chen Feng can clearly feel that during the outbreak of Pang Mu, the original god's ghost image disappeared a lot.

All the blows that he went all out hit the shrine, just like the impact of a volcanic eruption, which caused a strong blow to the shrine!

Now, the power of the oracle is disintegrated, and the power of Pang Mu has doubled.

Chen Feng's body was trembling. What the **** was that he and the gods fought against each other, but Pang Mu became the final winner!

The other person relied on himself to resolve the restraints in the body and dissolve the danger of the oracle. Otherwise, he merged the oracle power at a very fast speed, but in this short time, he entered a half-step epic.

"This is the Son of Destiny?" Chen Feng suddenly thought, Pang Muming's defeat had been set, but he suddenly reversed between life and death. Not only did he escape, but even his strength entered a new realm!

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